1 Week to go!!!!

MY VAMPIRE: Christmas Special (sequel)



I’ve finished the preparations for the party, just going to attach them all.  One week remains and I’ll send the invitations today. Not send but I’ll personally deliver it to them. I want to deliver it to them because I don’t have any presents for them yet. I dressed casually so I can walk around the streets with no problem to hide my real identity – I have to look like an ordinary human... though I am a pure-blood vampire now. It was winter and the most air kept me chilly even though I was already colder than ice. I wore a pale red scarf, shirt under my black and white long sleeves with a cute ribbon in front and a jacket to keep me cosy then simple denim and black leather boots to keep my feet away from the cold weather. I also had to wear a bonnet like crazy but I honestly think I look cute. Haha. No arguments allowed!

I’ll head to Elli’s mansion first – travelling using the train and good thing Jun and Tifa agreed for me to travel alone. Well, they argued and argued that someone should come with me but I want to do some things myself – they’re spoiling me too much now but I like how they show their affection every day.

*Ding Dong*

The Fieldgem’s doorbell sounded like a gong – it’s expected from an old noble heritage though so it’s normal. I heard incoming footsteps and the door opened and someone jumped to me! “AH!”

“Andy!” Elli squished my face and not to mention that we were on the floor now! “What brings you here?”

“I planned this Christmas party and just going to invite few close friends so I want to formally invite you Elli” I handed her the invitation and she opened it immediately.

“Oh certainly! I’d love to come celebrate with you” She smiled and I saw a tinny-tiny shed of blush on her cheeks.

“You want to celebrate it with my brother don’t you?” I .

“No. I do not” She was defensive.


“Well, maybe a little”

“Haha. Don’t worry Elli, you’re the only one in his eyes right now.”

“Is that true?”

“Who knows? Why don’t you ask him yourself?”

“That’s so sneaky Andy. You’re his sister, tell me!”

“You got to wait and know it. Well, I’m off. I got to find Dae to hand his invitation.”

“That’s so unfair. I’ll see you on Christmas then Andy. Take care!”

“You too. Be sure to bring my present ok?” I waved walking away.

“As if!” And she waved back at me giggling and closing the door. Now I got to wherever Dae is. Let’s see... Where could he be...?

Impossible n school, not in his old mansion... oh! The forest where he took me with the beautiful tree! He must be there. I checked my phone and his old text message was still here with the address. I took a cab and the driver brought me to the park connecting to the forest. I asked him to wait for me again and I’ll give him a huge tip and he agreed. Very easy.

I started walking and the place was still magical as I have first seen it but the trees have lost their leaves... I immediately saw this man’s figure sitting by the huge tree. I continued walking and sat beside him. “How are you Dae? Haven’t seen you in a long while now.”

“Hmm? I’ve just been goofing around and stuff. Nothing to do in particular.”

“Well, I think you know why I’m here right? You’ve seen this preview already?”

“Not really.”

I got the invitation and handed it to him. “I’ll be expecting you to come okay? It’s a simple party for close friends and I hope you’ll come.”

“I’ll think about it.”

“That’s mean. Is something bothering you? Why not tell me?”

He looked at me with a really serious expression on his face. “Do you really want to know?”

“If you’re willing to tell me though. I can’t force you into telling me something you don’t want to.” I smiled at him. He looked to the trees again. The wind slowly increased and it became chillier as the branches swayed. I clasp my hands because I don’t want to wear mittens and the fact that vampire’s are supposed to be good in this weather!!! I blew my hand. Then Dae suddenly grabbed both my hands and clasped it to him. His hands were warm – he’s bearing a human side so it’s natural for him. His hands were exhibiting a real hot sensation. But Dae is surely feeling my chilly hands.

“Stop it. My hands are going to freeze you.” I tried getting my hands back but he held on them tightly.

“Don’t worry about me.” He made a little smile to me.

“Will you tell me what’s bugging you? I really want to help you. I like the happy Dae.” I giggled.

The wind blew hard again as we sat beside each other.

“Fine then.” I had open ears to everything he will tell me. “There’s this girl who’s very nosy, very clumsy and very stupid in all perspective but she’s really close to my heart and she’s very strong and brave but...”

“But?” I think he’s referring to me but I hope not.

“Her heart belongs to someone else and they’re both happy together and that’s what I want her to be... always smiling and being taken care of.”

“Have you confessed to her?” If he says yes then it’s really me.

“Yeah. But I don’t think she fully understood my confession though.”

“How so?” What should I do now? It’s really me!!!

Dae looked more serious to me. “Because I told her a bit of my past that I’ll bring the girl that I like to this place and told her my feelings even though I know she’s going to dump me. I guess it’s really how it was meant to be.”

“I’m really sorry Dae.”

“Don’t be. You’re a really good girl and I don’t think guys wouldn’t fall for you immediately. You’re really clumsy to show your crying face to anybody you know.” He kissed my hands and let them go checking the invitation. I felt guilty in some ways. Why have I forgotten about that day that he told it to me! I am so stupid! “Dae...”

“Hmm???” Dae just looked at the invitation not taking a look at me.

“Dae... to me... you were like my best friend. You stayed with me during the dark hours when Jun wasn’t by my side. You protected me from the other vampires and you saved me even from your father. You have done so much more that my thanks isn’t enough. I want to do something for you but my heart... as you have said... belongs to Jun already and I love him. I love you too and it will always be the same. I love everyone. For all that I know, you showed me that I can live. So I still want us to remain good friends. Please?” I put my hands over his.

“What can I do. I love you this much so I’ll try and listen to your opinion for once.” He smiled at me but I know he still bears pain in his heart. Why can’t I give happiness to the person who saved me multiple times? I’m selfish, aren’t I?

“Well, I have to go now. I’ll see you on Christmas okay?” I stood up and removed some dirt on my pants.

“Yeah. I’ll try to go.”

“NO! Don’t try. I insist that you go.” I smiled and wave at him.”See you Dae” and he waved back but no answer anymore. I got in the cab and the journey started. I really don’t want to hurt Dae but I don’t want to lie to him. He knows I love Jun and Jun loves me too so basically, I can’t give him the happiness he gives me. But I still want him to be happy. Honestly. I love that guy as my best guy friend.

The cab stopped and I paid him. Now it’s time for me to go shopping for presents! I got to a jewellery shop and found this cute amethyst coloured pendant and I thought it would suit Tiffany so I bought it. I moved to the next shop and found a cute green and black-laced canvas that would definitely fit on Elli’s slender feet. We go the same size so I tried it and it fits perfectly so I bought that pair. Maybe you’re wondering about the money? Well, I earned it big time over the past months. I worked in a bookshop which paid really well and Noa didn’t stop me at all. I just earned money to have my personal income on the presents. I still got to look for presents for Jun, Noa, Dae, and bouquets of flowers for Lady Saneel, my parents, and the family of the little lost girl’s soul I met before. I want to give everyone something I know they deserve to have. This is my first Christmas after transforming into a full-blood vampire.

All that’s left for the party are the presents and the hopefully, next week will be a blast!

I am so excited!


--chap end—



Author notes:

I’ve been up pretty late to edit this chapter. Haha. Well, if you have noticed, some spellings are kind of misspelled but they’re not. My computer is programmed to English of the British because that’s what I am required to do for my school stuffs so... that’s it.. hahaha...

What do you think of this sequel of My Vampire? Comment it!

Last chapter is next and going!

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Chapter 3: Ahh so sweet! Thnks for the sequel!
Hi farahjk. Thanks for reading the story! ^^ I actually didn't thought of making the sequel but it just hit me that I wanted to have one. lol. ahah! Many thanks! ;)
farahjk #3
Chapter 3: Woahhh~ The most awesome-st story ever! just have to read your other story! Thank you for making a sequel for 'My vampire' Love it! <3