All those yesterdays- I forget your name

Yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Xiumin walked into his study period, someone was at his table again? Why? He didn’t foresee this coming, why didn’t he know? Why didn’t he put this in his notes if he had sat here before?

He sat down slowly narrowing his eyes at the beautiful stranger


“Hey” The stranger smiled brightly his eyes lighting up with recognition

“Hey- are you new here?” Xiumin asked politely making conversation, he grimaced when he saw the strangers smile falter a little

“No, I transferred here last week”


“My names Chen by the way” Chen introduced himself to Xiumin for the fifth time that week

“Oh mines Xiumin it’s nice to meet you!”

“Yeah… You too?”

“So you take mandarin too?” Xiumin asked glancing at the text book Chen had just pulled out

“Yeah, my parents made me”

“Me too” Xiumin grinned widely “Wanna sit with me at lunch?”

“Sure” Chen gave a crooked smile


“Hey guys!” Xiumin jogged up to his friends table Chen trailing behind- they had most classes together

“Hey Min” Kyungsoo waved “Hey Chen!”

“You know him?” Xiumin asked

“Uh yeah he’s been sitting with us for ages”


“You should keep better notes honestly” Baekhyun chided while edging away from Chanyeol who was currently eating like a pig

“Hey! I don’t even know what’s happening!”

“” Kyungsoo said as he glanced over at Jongin who was striding over Luhan and Sehun in tow

“Honestly Kyungsoo he’s a jerk I don’t know why you bother” Baekhyun rolled his eyes

“Who’s a jerk?” Suho asked sitting down with his bowl of rice

“Apparently Jongin is, Baek get a better attitude” Kyungsoo scowled before waving at his crush

“Yeah Baek what’s with you?” Suho asked as he petted Lay’s hair

“It’s what he’s usually like” Xiumin shrugged “Right Chen?” The name felt so familiar on his tongue

“I guess” Chen smiled nervously

“Hey speaking of that- Baek…?”

“What do you want?”

“I need to talk to you it’s important”

“Oh okay then”

They walked over to the library Chanyeol pinning after Baekhyun and Chen trying to calm him down

“So?” Baekhyun asked checking his nails

“I can’t see Chen in the future, that’s why I can’t remember him at all”

“Yes I thought that was a bit weird actually, I read his thoughts about it”

“He thinks I’m a freak” Xiumin groaned

“No, surprisingly because I think you are and you’re my friend- but hey I’m a freak too, and then there are the biggest freaks out there Kris and Kyungsoo”

“Then what does he think?”

“You’re strange… But he likes you anyway”

“Oh well… I’ve had worse”

“Write him down this time you bloody idiot”

“Yeah, yeah I know I don’t know why I never do”

“You don’t spend enough time with him- go hang out with him after school”

“And do what?”

“Explore the city? Show him round? I don’t bloody know- you know romance is my absolute worst area of expertise”

“You managed to get Channie pining after you”

“Chanyeol is just crazy! I’m horrible to him but he’s just so nice to me- and even worse- I like it”

“Admit it- you’re obsessed”

“Only because I can’t read his mind!”

“Oh please”

“It’s true”

“Okay if I hang out with Chen… You have to invite Chanyeol to spend the night at your house”

“Are you crazy!?!”

“Maybe but it’s a deal- plus I already know how this story goes”

“You are a .”

“And so are you”


“Fine whatever- you will be, now I’m going to eat now I’m starved”




“Oh yeah… that’s Kai”

“You mean Jongin”

“Yeah… Poor Kyungsoo”

“I don’t know why he bothers”

“You’re not getting out of this bet you know”

“I know” Baekhyun sighed



They were in maths class and were pretty much given a free period- Although Xiumin found out he needed to have a maths tutor, they would be assigned tomorrow

“Hey Chen?”

“Yes?” Chen looked up from his phone gazing at Xiumin intently- Xiumin melted inside a little

“Do you want to- I don’t know, hang out after school or something?”

“Oh yeah sure- I’ll just text my mum”


“What are we doing?”

“I thought I’d show you round town a little, you won’t be home till like I don’t know nine?”

“Oh okay sure- sounds fun!”

Xiumin smiled before texting Baekhyun

Ha loser! He said yes! You have to ask Chanyeol now!

He got a reply soon after


Xiumin chuckled to himself before looking back at Chen

There was still half an hour of the period left

Oh great


“So 2a+2b is the most that this equation can be simplified?” Luhan asked frowning at his maths paper

“Yeah so that would be your answer” Sehun asked “Your maths is so easy!”

“Hey! Just because you and Chen are in accelerant” Luhan pouted “So what about 2a x 2b”

“Then it would be 4ab because you times the multiples and then add the letters because think about it a x b would just equal a b”

“Oh I get it” Luhan nodded smiling and pencilling in his answer he looked up to see Sehun staring at him


“Oh yeah hi what’s up?” Sehun stumbled after shaking his head

“Nothing? You were teaching me maths remember?”

“Oh yeah that easy algebra crap” Sehun grimaced “Want to take a break?”

“Sure? Where were you thinking?”

“That café down the road”

“Sounds good!” Luhan said gathering up his books

“Thank god” Sehun muttered under his breath shoving his pencil in his pocket


“So where are we going?” Chen stumbled after Xiumin- they were walking along the crowded streets and Chen got lost easily

“Just to this café, it’s a regular hangout joint for the guys”

“Oh! Okay!” Chen smiled- he was glad he got a chance to know the mysterious boy who always forgot him- maybe he’d remember him tomorrow

 Just maybe

They entered the café just as it had started to cloud over he was surprised at the waving coming from the far corner of the table

Hunhan Xiumin shuddered- Sehun, usually a sarcastic meanie turned into a sugary sweet person when he was around Luhan

Chen waved back enthusiastically while Xiumin shoved him forward to order

“Oh hello!” Chen waved at the waiter “Um… Can I get a cinnamon latte and one of those cupcakes”

“Which flavour would you like?”

“Surprise me”

“Alright, how about you?” The waiter looked at Xiumin

“Oh… I’ll get an Americano and marshmallow slice”

The waiter handed over their number and the two went to go sit next to Hunhan

“Marshmallow slice and Americano?” Chen asked “That’s an awfully weird mixture”

“Yeah… I know I’m a little weird like that”

Sehun looked over at us curiously and smirked “I heard the bet you made with Baekhyun- good job”

“What bet?” Luhan wondered

“Well- Xiumin wanted to hang out with Chen but was too scared to ask him”

Chen blushed as well as Xiumin

“So he made a proposition- Baekhyun had to invite Chanyeol over to stay the night”

Luhan burst out laughing “Oh dear- poor Baekhyun”

“Well I actually think he likes Chanyeol” Xiumin argued

“Yeah- Channie’s nice! Baeky is mean!” Luhan added

“Baek is just sarcastic is all” Sehun said

“Sometimes a little too sarcastic” Luhan pouted "He's so mean to Kyunggie"

“The lowest form of wit” Xiumin smiled

“Well sometimes it’s just naturally embedded in their personality” Sehun sighed


Chappy divided in two- ^^

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Chapter 4: Awww.... that BaekYeol... Maybe Chanyeol has an ability like them but its to like nullify other abilities or something... or maybe its like Baekhyun can't read his mind cause he has this sort of shield or he can read minds too! I can't wait for what will happen between Luhan and Xiumin, when they figure out Luhan has the key! Please update soon!
sueetful #2
Chapter 4: whoa this is really good!
I just read the whole 4 chaps
Everyone has their own lil secrets x)
hwaiting!! C:
Chapter 4: Lol, all the secrets are coming out now. Poor Baekhyun, if he could only see himself from someone else's eyes he would know how obvious it is that he loves Chanyeol. That couple needs my prayers more than XiuChen does!
Chapter 3: Its funny how Chen likes Xiumin anyways. And I wouldn't want to walk in on a hunhan date either. They would be so cheesy it would be scary. Can't wait for part 2!
Chapter 2: The mix is actually very interesting. and I am so happy you gave us some happy sulay and not the sad one again. 18 years is slowly killing me! Not that I am complaining. I like both the fics. :-)
lemonkpoplover #6
Really interesting... I like the description so update soon!