Beautiful Stranger (taostal)

You Belong With Me

Beautiful stranger, people say that you’re dangerous

It's been 2 years since number seven, or his new name for this town, Tao Huang, last moved from their previous location. The longest they ever stayed in a place was around 4 years, but then his cepan, Victoria met another cepan and that was dangerous for all of them so they had to leave at once. Both gardes taking the opposite directions.

Glory Springs. This is Tao's "home" for now. A small town which took them days before they could reach. It was peaceful and quiet. He liked it, it felt calm and serene. Not saying it was safe because surely the mogadorians are all busy looking for him.

"Remember, first sign of trouble we scram" Victoria firmly told Tao as he stepped off the porch looking around their new home the first time they came. Tao only nodded looking bored, he never really had friends nor made any friends his whole life here on earth. It would only make things difficult if goodbye came. "Oh.. And you're going to school while were here" She added making Tao look her way in a very shocked face.

It's not that he didn't like it, but the last time he went to a public school trying to mingle, he ended up being in a fight causing a few minor accidents. Tao sighed and left bringing his wallet and that special phone his cepan gave him. It had a tracking device and it would buzz, warning him whenever a mog is near. The harder it buzzes, the nearer the enemy is.


Eversince they moved here, Tao never made any friends. And because of his eyes and because everyone know's he's a great fighter, taking down 3 of the best athletes in school during his first few months, everyone grew scared of him. It was better that way he always thought. But ofcourse they would have needed to leave at once if only Victoria didn't have any important things to do here.

Blending in wasn't exactly the problem since he's been to many different countries and cultures, it was his temper that usually got him into trouble. Most people avoided him, to them he was dangerous.

"Hi I'm Krystal Jung and I'm from Greenland Hills. Nice meeting you" Tao wasn't exactly paying attention to the new student. Though he was used to the place he still always had his gaurd up. His iMog, or as he calls it, wasn't beeping so it was nothing just another ordinary day for the not so ordinary him.

"Miss Jung you can take your seat next to... uhmm... M-Mr. Tao Huang right there" The teacher hesitantly told the new student. Krystal nodded and went to the empty seat. She was confused why the students were giving her such gazes, as if she was walking to her deathbed and she didn't like it. She wondered if this guy was either trouble or the school's bully. No matter, she knew he was dangerous and she'd have to avoid him in anyway even if she found him alluring and in a way, beautiful.

You came from a different image, a different world

Was it the way he looked at her that made Krystal's heart beat faster than the ordinary? Or was it his silence and the mystery surrounding him that attracted the young girl to her seatmate? It's been a few weeks since she's moved and the only time they'd have a decent conversation was when she got paired up with him in some of their lessons, the rest of the time he just sits there. His face not giving away any emotion.

She liked him but she never understood why. Yes, he is handsome in a way she couldn't explain. There was too much mystery in him, too many things she wanted to know.

"Problem?" Tao asked snapping her away from her thoughts as she realized she had been starring at him rather too obviously. The girl looked away hiding her face inbetween her arms, embarrased that she had been caught. Tao only smirked at her, he found her actions cute. No one has ever dared look at him like that, no one has actually ever dared to look at him at all. This made Tao smile a bit and glance at her. He chuckled to himself as she tried to avoid him the whole day.


"In a few more months we'll be leaving since I have found almost everything we need" Tao only nodded lifelessy. A part of him felt nuetral and used to this, and yet a very small part of him wanted to stay and get to know that Jung girl. He shook his head, he knew it was impossible, and if he had any feelings developing towards her, he needs to stop now. While it's still early.

Everyday he found it harder and harder to push away what he felt, specially now that she's been avoiding him. He didn't like it. He knew she'd been stealing glances, trying to look at him in secret. He liked it. He could just never admit it.

"Come on, it's just a small party. Come with us pretty. We promise that you'll love it." He heard voices down the halls as he was walking out of the school building. Normally he wouldn't even care if those we're bullies trying to harrass a fellow student. Through the months, he's always been cold and never cared about others. He didn't want any attachment at all. But this voice who pleaded back made him stop on his tracks and walk back to where the voices were coming from


Tao wiped the tears that kept falling from Krystal's eyes. They were both sitting outside Tao's house on the front porch steps, he was trying to comfort her because of the earlier event. Krystal kept silent during their whole way to his house. She didn't want to go home yet so he had no choice but to bring her to his home. Or did he? Either way, he didn't want to leave her alone after that almost incident that happened.

Tao had that rare soft look on his face as he continued to wipe away the water in her eyes. Krystal looked up at him stunned that he was much more handsome this close and minus that blank expression of his.

"Seven. I have new forged papers. Mind checking? You know for corrections or additions or anything" Victoria started blabbing unaware of Krystal's presence. Tao's eyes widened and his mind started panicking, he didn't know what to do. Krystal looked bewildered. He knew he needed to act fast but his mind didn't let him think of anything, it was only then he noticed that his cepan stopped talking. Tao gazed up and sighed in defeat when he saw Victoria looking at Krystal, mouth open and definitely shocked. In an instant, he found himself dragging the two woman inside the house.


Krystal's arms were crossed. She wasn't buying anything they were saying. They were either spys, assassins, terrorist or most likely anything or anyone who could kill, but she had a stronger feeling that they were way more extra ordinary from what she was thinking. "Even if we tell you, you'd never believe us" Tao told her. If they could kill, and if they want her dead.. She'd been long gone and not here in their house discussing what they are.

"Try me" were her words as she held onto his gaze.

Tao glanced at his cepan who nodded her head signaling him to tell the truth.


As Tao finished his story. Krystal was already on the verge of tears again. "Oh my god. You're the people they're after..." Her voice slowly trailed off. "I can't believe it... You should go." She gazed up at both the garde and the cepan. "I'm not working for them.. It's just that.. My father... they took him. That;s why I moved far from that place..."


Tao glanced back at her one last time. His chest was feeling so heavy, he hated how this felt. They barely know each other and yet he's struggling to say goodbye. He promised her they come back if everything was over or if they had time, and if permitted, they'd take her with them to look for her father. But right now, inorder to keep his promise, he needed to be safe. He needed to leave.



A/N: Insipired from Pittacus Lore's I am number four series.
ya'll should read it. it's good ;u;

This is kind of totally random and irrelevant lol but I ship Albus Severus Potter and BellaxEdward's daughter lol
TBH I dislike twilight.. wait no.. I hate twilight .__.
but they're like.. perfect for each other LOOOL
Okay don't mind this part XD



FU SMent. You make me feel that you freaking don't love f(x) .. what da hell? D:<


About the one-shot. it's a bit too fast don't you think?
so I might like make a sequel or something. yeah... I think that would be better.. do you agree? .___.

and I have a KrisxKrystal chaptered fic which I jsut recently made.. ._.
i know I have a lot other fics to finish D:

Sad, Beautiful, Tragic


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Chapter 13: Waaaah chanlli is <33
I'm such a huge chanlli shipper haha. I hope you'll be able to make a sullixEXO fanfic(s) xD
I never knew there is is m rated chapter in this story ._.
Chapter 1: kristal here .. you indeed a good author .. fighting !!
Chapter 19: Oh maybe krystalxexo? Krystal is so shippable!
Chapter 14: More Taostal please(: maybe a separate fanfic for them?
Chapter 19: is it possible if you write a sesul one? o u o
Chapter 12: taostal are really cute, cute as kaistal.
I ship both pairs