Jiyong's POV

A Phone Game





Who was that who just called me?

What the hell, it must be some prank call.

Why was she sobbing so bitterly?


Ugh, creepy caller.

Perhaps some sasaeng fans or something.

To think that I have just changed my number.

Have those people found my number again?


Tomorrow is my first off day in ages, I should probably sleep now and make full use of tomorrow.




Jiyong was shaken awake when his phone vibrated.

Squinting his sleepy eyes together, he saw that he had received a picture message.

It was a picture of a girl who looked like she just woke up, with a caption.


- Today will be a better day. -




Who was that?

It was as if she knew that I had been having a rough week from all the flying and performing.

I texted the number asking who it was, and went to wash up.

When I came back, I saw another picture message.

She was now all washed up too and dressed nicely.


- I’m going to be a tourist today, to find things that make life beautiful. -


It didn’t seem like a reply to my message earlier.

I pressed the button to call the number, but to no avail.

I couldn’t get through the number somehow.


As I got into the car to go to YG to probably hang around with my members, I got another picture message.

This time, she was already out of her room and on the bus.


- The bus driver told me that this goes a famous place with good jajangmyeon! I’m starving~ -


Was this person treating me as twitter now?

I had no idea, but my curiosity for this person was increasing with every picture she sent me.

It wasn’t everyday that something interesting happened to me, a restricted celebrity.




Jiyong drove to the central, as he was craving for the jajangmyeon now that someone mentioned it.

He had to wear his default celebrity cover-up outfit to avoid getting found out.

As soon as Jiyong finished his meal, he received another picture message.

She took a photo of the noodles, which was sold in the shop that he was in!


- This place is famous for their noodles, and I can’t agree more! -


Jiyong immediately got up and looked around for signs of her, but she was nowhere to be seen.

She must have sent that after she had left the place.

He tried calling the number again, but couldn’t get through no matter what.




Was it the reception?

I’ll try again later.

She seemed to be in such a chirpy mood that was infecting me as well.




Jiyong sat at the park, waiting for another clue to come in.

When his phone beeped, Jiyong felt his heart actually thumping from excitement.

He didn’t know why, but he was kind of enjoying this game.


- Seoul’s ice cream tastes really good! But it still tastes as lonely as America’s. -


He recalled that he received a call from a brokenhearted girl yesterday, and immediately linked it to this particularly picture’s caption.

Jiyong checked his phone records and was right.

She was the one who called yesterday, sobbing.


Jiyong searched the place for the ice cream place that she just went, with knowledge that he probably wouldn’t catch her in time.

Jiyong received another picture message just when he was about to give up.

She was squinting her eyes under the bright sunlight, but yet still smiling.


- Look, pigeons! Also, I might be getting sunburnt  T.T   But I’m thankful for the sun for brightening up my day. -




Ah, I just came from the park!

Like a fool chasing after something that I wasn’t even sure existed, I ran with all my might to the central park.

The spot where the fountain was and the supposed pigeons were now flying high up in the sky.

She must have walked through the place, dispersing the pigeons as she did so.

This person seemed like a positive person, who was strong and kind.

I felt unknowingly attracted to her.


As I rested on the very bench that she sat on earlier, I could almost feel the warmth that she had left behind moments before.

I waited for her next clue.




He decided to wait in his car that was in the basement of the central mall.

He should avoid the public eye as far as he could.

As if he was playing a game with a stranger, he waited for another clue to come in.

This time, it took a bit longer.

His phone beeped and he checked it in a flash.

She was pouting with the beautiful Seoul night view as her background.


- Are ferris wheels only for couples? It’s kind of lonely up here… -


Jiyong thought about which ferris wheel she was at, and proceeded to drive there.

He actually had the desire to accompany her on the ferris wheel, a feeling that confused him.

Anyhow, he was confident that he would be able to catch her in time this time, before she got down the ferris wheel.

5 minutes into the journey, his phone beeped again.

She was now in a restaurant.


- Spicy rice cakes! -


How could that be possible?

She was just on the ferris wheel moments ago, wasn’t it?

Then it dawned on him that the reception was poor in the basement, and that ferris wheel photo was most probably delayed.

He cursed under his breath and tried looking for clues in the picture for where she might be at right now.


While contemplating where to head, Jiyong received another picture message.

She was tearing, holding up a tissue against her emotionless face.


- So hot that I’m crying! Today is the last day that I will cry. -




Something about her expression that tells me how lonely she is.

I believe she wanted to move on, and was just letting her emotions go for the night.

She reminded me of me, yet she was different.

She had qualities I lacked.

Also, there's something about the tears that softened my heart for this stranger.




As Jiyong sat in his car seat, he looked through all the selcas that he had received from this anonymous stranger.

He tried looking for clues of where she might go next.

Since it was late, perhaps home?

He backtracked and finally came to a conclusion.


In the first picture, it looked like she was in a hotel of some sort.

In the third, the bus was clearly bus number 3.

It goes to the City Motel that was very nearby where Jiyong was.

He smiled, and decided to wait for her at the place.

He didn't know why he wanted so much to see this mysterious person.


Moments later, his phone beeped.

She was on the bus, looking out of the window melancholically.


- I’m going back to America. I hope you will live well. I am able to put it down after seeing how beautiful life can be. -




So she didn’t live here.

She must have come here without knowing anyone, to meet her boyfriend.

Perhaps he dumped her, leaving her to be all alone in this foreign place.

I felt really bad for her, somehow feeling a connection towards her after today.

Her positivity was something that I always lacked.

I was a very lonely person, but somehow though she seemed even lonelier than me, she could be so strong about it.


I saw someone resembling her alighting at the bus stop, and dialed her number.

I still couldn’t get through her phone.

Hurriedly, I went to the payphone and called her.

It actually worked.




"Are you dressed in a red knit and black jeans?"


She didn’t reply, and stood frozen on the ground with her back facing me.

I knew that it must be her.

I hung up and ran towards her.

I went up to her, and hugged her from the back.


"I’m here now, you’re not alone."





I hope you enjoyed this story!

Might be a little unbelievable/silly and cheesy at some parts since it was inspired by my dream after all.

Oopsie, and thank you! <3

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sya_dragon #1
Chapter 3: wow... it's a nice story. I love it... ;)
Chapter 3: Oh my gosh! o w o

It's not going to end just like this right right righttttttt.
I'm jelly of your dream now unnie.
asalia18 #3
i really like this !! please write more !!!!!
Chapter 2: Thanks for the update!!
Chapter 2: Woah. o.o
*turns on stalker radar*
Is this a stalker-Ji I sense?!!
Chapter 1: Unnieeeeeeee!!!
You're backkkkk!!!! :D
I've missed youuuuu!!

The ex is so merciless. ._.
Update, update sooooooon!!!!!!

Ps: you really like the name Jihye, don't you? :p
helenaYGLUVER #7
Chapter 1: curious..hehe

thanks for the story
DuahSiraj #8
Cant wait!
OMO finally a new story of you.~♥