The Beginning

A Phone Game






"Why did you leave me without a word? Who do you think you are?




Why aren’t you replying me?"

"Im sorry, I think you’ve got the wrong number."

"I flew back all the way for you, how could you do this?"

"Sorry, you've got the wrong number."




Jihye, an American-born Korean got an email from her long-distance boyfriend who was in Korea.

She was finally coming to visit him during his summer break in army.

They arranged to meet at the café where they first met each other.

3 days later the email was sent, when she would arrive in Seoul.


Jihye arrived early, waiting for her boyfriend at the quiet cafe.

She was excited about meeting him in the flesh after around a year of not meeting each other due to her overseas studies and when he had to go back to Korea to serve his military service, now that she had graduated.

When she arrived first and ordered a drink, her drink arrived with a note

- We’re over. Don’t bother looking for me. -


She wasn’t sure that it was from him, so she asked the waiter about the note and who had gave him the task.

The waiter refused to comment on anything, saying that it was confidential.

Thus, she continued waiting, since she had no means of contacting him besides email for now.

They had been contacting via Skype, not phone.

Besides, she didn’t have time to get a phone card since she rushed there as soon as she touched down.

But hours passed without as much as a sight of him.

The waiter could stand it no longer, and finally caved in, telling her the secret behind the note.


"He called the shop to pass the note to a girl with your description and name. I’m sorry. Please do go home. He’s not coming."


Jihye couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

She had so much faith and anticipation for this meeting with him.

How could it be?

She grabbed her luggage and started walking towards a random direction, looking for her phone in the dark.

When she arrived at the convenience store, she got a prepaid phone card to call him.


When she dialed the number haphazardly from a long time ago in her memory, someone picked up.

Convinced that the male on the line was really her boyfriend, she got worked up.

That was how the conversation between the person on the other end of the phone and her transpired.




How could he hang up on me?

And even ignore my subsequent calls.

I know we haven’t talked on the phone for sometime, but did he really think he could fool me by acting like I got the wrong number?



The truth started to sink in for Jihye, that he had in fact so heartlessly dumped her with merely a note.

Jihye decided to give herself 1 day before she would fly back to America and start on ‘Operation Move On’.


She keyed in his number to block it, as she was afraid she might cave in if he ever calls again.


She went around looking for a motel to rest her feet for the night.

After a long, tearful night, she finally fell asleep.





Just a short intro on how everything started :)


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sya_dragon #1
Chapter 3: wow... it's a nice story. I love it... ;)
Chapter 3: Oh my gosh! o w o

It's not going to end just like this right right righttttttt.
I'm jelly of your dream now unnie.
asalia18 #3
i really like this !! please write more !!!!!
Chapter 2: Thanks for the update!!
Chapter 2: Woah. o.o
*turns on stalker radar*
Is this a stalker-Ji I sense?!!
Chapter 1: Unnieeeeeeee!!!
You're backkkkk!!!! :D
I've missed youuuuu!!

The ex is so merciless. ._.
Update, update sooooooon!!!!!!

Ps: you really like the name Jihye, don't you? :p
helenaYGLUVER #7
Chapter 1: curious..hehe

thanks for the story
DuahSiraj #8
Cant wait!
OMO finally a new story of you.~♥