Jihye's POV

A Phone Game





The next morning, she woke up, with the reality of her being dumped slapped straight into her face.

Bracing herself for the tough day ahead, she washed up and put on her favorite outfit.


Strolling along the bustling morning streets, Jihye couldn’t help but feel extremely lonely.

There was no one she knew here at all besides him.

She grew up in America with her family, so she knew no one in Seoul.

The abrupt break up just casted a shade of grey over everything today.


Taking pictures of the beautiful city, Jihye thought about how she would try to avoid coming to this place for a very, very long time.

When she was tired, she rested at a dessert shop that sold delicious ice cream.

Fortunate for her, she knew how to speak some Korean.


She took selcas wherever she went, to record everything she did for the day.

Since she was here, might as well make full use of the time and be a tourist.

Whenever she took a selca, she would send it to the number.

She just wanted to be ‘close’ to him for one last day, despite blocking his number.

Being in the city that he was in, breathing the same air as him, like they were on a ‘date’.

She just needed him to know, but didn’t need any reply.


Eating her ice cream, she took a selca.

- Seoul’s ice cream tastes really good! But it still tastes as lonely as America’s. -


Resting at the central park admiring the environment, she took a selca.

- Look, pigeons! Also, I might be getting sunburnt  T.T   But I’m thankful for the sun for brightening up my day. -


She took several more selcas, documenting the places that her feet took her.

When the sun finally set, her feet were tired and battered.

Resting at a quiet restaurant, she thought about her relationship with her now ex-boyfriend.

They shared good times, but the last time they really had good times together was at least a year ago.

They had been on rather rocky grounds the past year.

He couldn’t talk to her when in military service, and she couldn’t fly to meet him due to school.

Perhaps their feelings have already faded long ago.


Come to think of it, she actually felt more liberated.

The short tour today had told her that life had many more things to offer her, and she should live for the future, not in the past.

But just for the sake of old times, she told herself that today would be the first and last day she would mourn over this heartless guy.

Who made her fly all the way from America just to dump her with a note.


Digging into her order of spicy rice cakes, she took a selca.

- So hot that I’m crying! Today is the last day that I will cry. -


As she took a bus back to the motel, she took a selca.

- I’m going back to America. I hope you will live well. I am able to put it down after seeing how beautiful life can be. -


As she walked back to the motel after alighting, her phone rang.

It was a number from a public phone booth.




"Are you dressed in a red knit and black jeans?"




Was someone stalking me?

How did that person know what I was wearing, or know my number?

I knew no one here!


"Who are you?"


I replied too late.

The line had already been cut off while I was deep in thought.

I increased my pace of walking just in case, but I was stopped by someone who hugged me tight from behind.





You-know-who will appear in the next chapter ^^

Just a silly dream haha

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sya_dragon #1
Chapter 3: wow... it's a nice story. I love it... ;)
Chapter 3: Oh my gosh! o w o

It's not going to end just like this right right righttttttt.
I'm jelly of your dream now unnie.
asalia18 #3
i really like this !! please write more !!!!!
Chapter 2: Thanks for the update!!
Chapter 2: Woah. o.o
*turns on stalker radar*
Is this a stalker-Ji I sense?!!
Chapter 1: Unnieeeeeeee!!!
You're backkkkk!!!! :D
I've missed youuuuu!!

The ex is so merciless. ._.
Update, update sooooooon!!!!!!

Ps: you really like the name Jihye, don't you? :p
helenaYGLUVER #7
Chapter 1: curious..hehe

thanks for the story
DuahSiraj #8
Cant wait!
OMO finally a new story of you.~♥