Maybe, This is Farewell.

I Even Lost A Friend



Ft Island - Even Lost A Friend




"Youngjae-ah, how are you?" I whispered softly to you as your figure came in to view. I took note of the smallest details that I missed, and frowned at the drastic changes in appearance you had. *I'm so sorry, I know it's my fault.* I noticed the chubby cheeks you used to have when we were dating, but now all I could see were sharp cheekbones.


I smiled sadly as I remembered all the good memories you made for the both of us and the bad ones I made. I saw you lock your bike down. "Youngj-" I stopped halfway, knowing that you'll never respond. 


*What if I stayed? What if I never gave up? What if I didn't turn away that day?*


A thousand questions ran through my head as I dropped my head low, regrets slowly filling in. My train of thoughts were stopped when I noticed you had a girl with you, whom I recognized was an art major."


I forced a smile when I saw you look at her, the same way you did a year ago. "She's really beautiful, Youngjae-ah. She's really kind and you both have the same interests."


The tears fell when I remembered that you changed your major just to spend time with me even though you hated it. *Why didn't I even sacrifice something for you back then?*


I looked at your happy face as you hugged her and I felt myself smiling too. 


"Thank you, Seohyun-ah. For helping me a while ago." I heard you say, your eyes turning into small crescents. I looked at Seohyun who was blushing and  she kissed you and the cheek. I felt a little jealousy in me, but I waved it away.



I noticed how late it was and carefully set down a box full of the things you gave me . You seemed to hear the small noise I made and checked around. I bitterly swallowed my tears and stopped myself from hugging you and kissing you right there. * I must really miss you, Youngjae-ah*



I wiggled out of my hiding spot, and set the box down near your bike, reading the letter one last time before finally leaving.



"Youngjae-ah, Komawo. I was really lucky to have met you and to receive your sincere love, but I guess I was too blind back then to realize what true love was. I'm sorry for giving up too easily and I'm not expecting you to ever forgive me, but I wanted to tell you that I was too foolish back then, I didn't know what I really had and that was you. I wanted to tell these words, but I never found the courage to. I love you, Yoo Youngjae."


We're better off as strangers, but there's always one thing that I'd never forget, that I lost friend.


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Chapter 1: This is saaaaaaaaad. It made me cry.