Saying the news



“I know, she must’ve been treated like a slave” Daphne pondered


“Asdfghjkl” Rose said


“WHAT?” the 3 said in unison 


“Canyoupleasegivememyspoonandfork” Rose said once more


“What?” Daphne said in disbelief


“Can you talk slower?” Novy asked politely. She really didn’t like people talking while slurring their words; it makes her have this bad impression of your parents not teaching you how to speak well


“Can you please give me my spoon and fork?” she said words by words


“Oh~” the 3 said in unison


“You should talk slower okay?” Novy as she tried to suppressed her annoyed look




“Can you go with me to the canteen before going to the library?” Lianza asked as she knew where her friends would be hanging out at lunch


“Okay~” the 2 agreed


-after Lianza brought food-


“Why do you eat recess at lunch?” Novy asked tilting her head


“Because we ate lunch at recess” Lianza said in a-matter-of-fact tone


‘But as you said, we ate, and you’re still eating now” Novy said her thoughts unknowingly


“Whatever” Lianza rolled her eyes


“You know when I saw this black man sitting beside me in the bus, then a white woman sat in front of us, and all I was thinking is “What if both of them had , what would their offspring come out?” and realization hit me /enter thunder here/ their offspring would look like cookies and cream” Lianza explained it like it was the most genius thing she had made while her friend’s looked at her in horror


“Stop being so racist Yan that is bad” Novy said as she was thinking about the heroes who risked their lives to find equality in their country


“Seriously, would their p3nis be black like them? That would look like a burnt hotdog or something right?” Lianza said like it was the most common topic in a conversation




I sighed when I entered the library. I really, really, really hate the stairs. I despise the stairs and would do anything that would burn them down to ashes, but apparently, our school is “saving up” for the new buildings.


I immediately went to our usual seat, first column from the left. There wasn’t many students’ that time and we started to talk, the not-so-usual conversations


“So yesterday my bro gave me this link on fb and I clicked it and guess what I saw?” she asked as if we wanted to hear it


“There was 2 dude ing in the library?” I guessed sarcastically


“No, they were doing it in the swimming pool I their school and the best part was, the teacher saw them and was like “What are you boys doing?” and started to take-off his close and did ” Lianza explained


“Tell me again why I started hanging out with you?” I asked in disbelief and turned to Daphne who was clutching her ears


“When did you start watching that stuff anyway? Aren’t those stuff illegal?” I asked her


“It all started when I was on 6th grade when my bro gave me this link on fb, so yeah that’s when it all happened” she explained


“I’m going to fetch some water okay? Be right back at you es” Lianza bid goodbye to us


“Hi~ Daphne can I borrow a pencil?” Karl asked


“No, you may now go” Daphne said completely ignoring the poor dude


“Here you go” I awkwardly gave it to him, which he returned with a smile.


Awwwww, how cute


“See? I am a better friend than you” I said to Daphne


“But I’m not friendly to Karl and neither is Lianza. She even calls him and that mush have a rational reason why” Daphne said

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omigosh!!! love this story!! <3 <3
Chapter 4: THAT Made me laugh again XD
Chapter 1: I want HunHan D: xDDD