missing you

is this LOVE?


Sungyeol woke up as he heard his alarm clock ring.
He groaned, "Another day to see how that damn Kim Myungsoo ignore me again and be all lovey-dovey with that Lee Sungjong"

Sungyeol got ready for school. He opened the gate and saw Woohyun and Sunggyu sitting down. They both stood up and..
"GOOD MORNING YEOL-GOON!!!!" They yelled
Sungyeol just nodded and locked the gate. He then started to walk away, leaving his noisy hyungs
"Yah~ Wait up" They followed him
"Yeol-goon~ What up with up today?" Sunggyu asked
Sungyeol continued to walk, not facing his hyung, "Nothing hyung. Nothing to worry about"
Woohyun chuckled, "Oh~ Chincha~?!"
Sungyeol glared at Woohyun
"So~ Is itl about Myungsoo?" Sunggyu raised his brow
Sungyeol didn't said anything
"HELL YEAH HYUNG~ YOU ARE SO SO SO RIGHT" Woohyun grinned as he give his Sungghyu hyung a two thumbs up
Sungyeol shot them both a glare
They didn't stop though, Sungyeol rolled his eyes
"Yah know~ He won't stop doing those things" Sunggyu smiled
Sungyeol looked at him, "What do you mean hyung?"
Woohyun smiled, "Well~ Myungsoo wouldn't stop if he didn't see someone make him to"
Sungyeol tilted his head in confusion, "What?! URR~ Im confused. Explain it to me hyungs please~" He pouted
They both looked at each other and smiled
"Well~ If you won't show to Myungsoo that you miss him, im sure he'll continue to ignore you" Woohyun crossed his arms
Sunggyu nodded, "He was thinking that you don't miss him that's why he was acting like that. See! He even wants to make you jealous by him going out with that skinny dude"
Sungyeol looked at them, "Do you think so?"
They both nodded
Sungyeol sighed
"C'mon now~ We might be late for our first class" Sunggyu tapped Sungyeol's shoulder, he nodded
The three of them walked together to school. When they reached their building, Sunggyu bid goodbye sinve he's a year older to them. Woohyun and Sungyeol entered their room and sat down on their chair, getting ready for the class to start

Their English teacher wanted them to exchange seats since he said that the seatmate knew each other already and was always talking with each other, not listening to his discussion, the whole class groaned. Ms. Yoon moved Myungsoo's seat and he was now seating behind Sungyeol and Woohyun was infront of her class since she always notice that he was just sleeping, Woohyun pouted and mouthed 'Goodbye Yeol-goon' to Sungyeol and waved his hand at him. Sungyeol rolled his eyes at his hyung's childish act. By the way, Ms. Yoon is their homeroom teacher so that seating arrangement is permanent already

It was their P.E class and their teacher is absent. Sungyeol don't have any other thing to do so he just stared outside. He was just observing the clouds as they pass by, the birds who could so freely, as the wind push the leaves of that tree just then
"Please.. Sungyeol.. Please... Just let me.."
Sungyeol heard someone mumbled, he looked around and saw this little Myungsoo sleeping, he raised a brow
"Sungyeol.. I- I miss you" Myungsoo turned and faced the other side, the window

Sungyeol's heart beat faster, his hands are sweating. He don't know what should he do. But just then, the teacher entered the room. He just decided to wake Myungsoo up.
He was shaking him, "Yah~ Kim Myungsoo Mr. Choi is here already. Wake up"
Myungsoo yawned and rubbed his eyes
Sungyeol just stared at him
They eyes met and they stared at each other for a while, then, they quickly looked away from each other

*He missed me? But he was going out with Sungjong! And what was he about to say to me earlier? Please just let me what?!* Sungyeol took a glance at Myungsoo, he sighed, *I can never understand this guy. And i can't understand myself either! I can't understand this feeling when he said he missed me. I can't understand this feeling i got when our skin touched again after weeks of ignoring each other. I can't understand how i wish we stare at each other longer. I missed it. I- I missed him.. Too*

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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 12: Cute
khasabat #2
Chapter 12: Sweet Myungyeol!!
Chapter 12: ahhw~~ that was cute. Myungsoo is a creep sometimes staring at people like that, especially Sungyeol. hehehe~~

The story was nice though i feel bad for Jong (I have MyungJong feels too. ^^)

I love how the older four were stalking them. cute.
Milkboy_sehun #4
Chapter 12: Awwwwwww soooooo cute ^~^ and MyungYeol lived happily ever after :")
deliciousyou #5
Chapter 12: Already complete? I just subscribed it thou :( but a happy Myungyeol in the end!! Thank you so much :D
Chapter 12: they recorded myungyeol's kissing scene...and it brings back my memory to pepero games.the precious moment when their lips pressed each other.aww..myungyeol jjang¤,¤
deliciousyou #7
Chapter 10: Oh myungyeol! Happy myungyeol!! Cute cute cute~ :D
Chapter 10: because they finally confess to each other~~~ yipiiii~ <3
Chapter 6: "Sungyeol, man up" ahahahahhahaha~~ i dunno why bit i really find that funny.

yay! for myungjong. oh yeah~~ oh yeah~~
i hope myungsoo pulls his act together and do what's right.
Chapter 6: no you got if wrong mungie /(;-; )