
is this LOVE?

Sungyeol was waiting for Myungsoo to interact with him again. He was waiting for them to hang out together again. He was waiting that one day, what Woohyun told him before will come true


"Hyunggggg~" Sungyeol whined
Woohyun looked at him, with his brow raised
"HYUNGGGGG~!" Sungyeol stomped his feet like a kid
Woohyun stared at him
"HYUNGGGGGGGGGGGG-AHHHHHH~!!!!!" Sungyeol whined as he stomp his feet and crossed his arms
Sungyeol pouted, stoping
Woohyun sighed, raising his hands in defeat, "Okay, okay~ What is it?"
"You told me that after Myungsoo realize that he really don't have any feelings for me we'll be back from being friends right?"
He nodded, "Hmm~ What about that?"
"Hyunggg~ It's been days and we hadn't talked even a single conversation! We weren't walking home together! Even if he have someone, we don't cancel our bestfriend bonding time every tuesday, thursday and friday! Hyungggg~ What's happening?!!!" Sungyeol crossed his arms, pouting
Woohyun sighed, "Just wait okay? It'll happen. You'll be back as friends~ Im really really really sure 'bout that! Just... Wait for now"
Sungyeol frowned, "But- hyung- I-" He looked at Woohyun
Woohyun stared at him, "I also don't know what's happening on him.. Yeol-goon.. Just.. Wait for now.. Ok?"
Sungyeol sighed, nodding, "Ok"


Its the only word Sungyeol got from Woohyun. Its the only advice Woohyun can give to him, 'wait'. A word that is easy but hard, ironic right? Well, its simple and easy because you'll just wait for that certain person. But its hard because everytime you wait for him, everytime you see that person with someone and not you, it makes you suffocate. Makes you hard to breathe, makes you hurt, makes you stare at them with jealousy in your eyes. Thinking of them being happy together and you waiting for him makes your eyes blur and didn't notice that those hot tears are falling down right in your eyes

Now, its been days since Sungyeol was waiting for Myungsoo's return. He was doing all he can just to wait for Myungsoo. He was patiently waiting for Myungsoo even if seeing Myungsoo go out with Sungjong, even if seeing Myungsoo do lovey-dovey things with Sungjong, even if always seeing Myungsoo with Sungjong hurts him, A LOT. Sungyeol was trying really hard not to act jealous infront of Myungsoo and Sungjong. He was trying hard not to cry infront of both of them. All he can do was go to him and Myungsoo's hang out place, his house. Sungyeol was always reminiscing every little thing they do inside his house

The time when they watched a horror movie and ending up both of them hugging each other. The time when they decided to bake some cookies and it ended up as a mess, a disaster. The time when they were washing the car and started to fool around and play with the bubbles and water and the whole house was wet and slippery. The time when they were just chatting around like some ahjummas but can still give them smiles and laughters on each other's faces. The time when they weren't even doing anything and was just randomly sitting around the house but it still made them happy and satisfied. They were happy when they have time to spend for each other. Even without doing anything, just knowing that they have each other, they were satisfied already

But now, what happened? Seems like everything they did in the past, every memory they have, every time they spend together, their laughters, smiles, their happiness of being together, all of those. All of those things were being left behind. All of those things, those memories, their past, seems like they forgot everything about it now

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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 12: Cute
khasabat #2
Chapter 12: Sweet Myungyeol!!
Chapter 12: ahhw~~ that was cute. Myungsoo is a creep sometimes staring at people like that, especially Sungyeol. hehehe~~

The story was nice though i feel bad for Jong (I have MyungJong feels too. ^^)

I love how the older four were stalking them. cute.
Milkboy_sehun #4
Chapter 12: Awwwwwww soooooo cute ^~^ and MyungYeol lived happily ever after :")
deliciousyou #5
Chapter 12: Already complete? I just subscribed it thou :( but a happy Myungyeol in the end!! Thank you so much :D
Chapter 12: they recorded myungyeol's kissing scene...and it brings back my memory to pepero games.the precious moment when their lips pressed each other.aww..myungyeol jjang¤,¤
deliciousyou #7
Chapter 10: Oh myungyeol! Happy myungyeol!! Cute cute cute~ :D
Chapter 10: because they finally confess to each other~~~ yipiiii~ <3
Chapter 6: "Sungyeol, man up" ahahahahhahaha~~ i dunno why bit i really find that funny.

yay! for myungjong. oh yeah~~ oh yeah~~
i hope myungsoo pulls his act together and do what's right.
Chapter 6: no you got if wrong mungie /(;-; )