lee sungjong

is this LOVE?

Two days after, Sungyeol woke up and got ready for school. He was smiling all the time, expecting a grinning Myungsoo infront of his door again since he wasn't there yesterday. He thought that he woke up late and he wasn't at his house already. But when he opened the door
"............" No one was there
He opened the gate, expecting Myungsoo was just sitting down beside the gate just like the other day. But
"............" Still, no one was there
Sungyeol frowned and just walked alone to school

At school, Sungyeol casually entered their room and sat on his seat, staring outide the window. Woohyun entered the room too and sat beside him. Woohyun has this big smile glued on his face but Sungyeol was too busy looking outside to notice him
"Yah, yah~ Yeol-goon" Woohyun poked him
Sungyeol lazily looked at him, "What is it now hyung?"
Woohyun grinned, "I'm such a genius~ Our plan worked~" He sang
"What do you mean hyung?" Sungyeol raised a brow
Woohyun looked outside and pointed, "Look! Look!" He made Sungyeol look outside
Sungyeol lazily looked outside, "Where?! What is it hyung?" He groaned
"Its the guy called Lee Sungjong and your Kim Myungsoo walking together" Woohyun smiled
"BWOH?!!" Sungyeol looked outside and really saw Myungsoo walking beside a skinny dude
Woohyun chuckled, "See~ I told ya~ That plan will work. His feeling for you isn't really real. Not a bit" He giggled
Sungyeol just stared at the two lovebirds walking beside each other
"And later, you and Myungsoo will be back as being best friends again~" Woohyun sang
Sungyeol didn't mind what Woohyun said. He frowned. Sungyeol didn't know why but- This happening, it pained him

During breaktime, Sungyeol saw Myungsoo and Eunji. Eunji was looking at him but Myungsoo didn't mind her. He just casually walked and passed her, without any greetings, as if he didn't know her. Sungyeol stared at him blankly. *What if he will do that also to me? What if Woohyun hyung's plan worked and he don't really have feelings for me? But will he do that to me too? Will we really go back to being friends?* Sungyeol thought as a tear fell from his eyes. Sungyeol shrugged it off and wiped his tears away. Sungyeol went off to find Hoya and Dongwoo to have lunch with them since he don't have other close friends here

Its their physics class already and Sungyeol knew Myungsoo woulnd't care about it since he's a genius. He NEVER listen to that boring teacher and his boring subject, he'll pass that anyway. And evertine during their physics time, Sungyeol always caught Myungsoo staring at him. But that was days ago because now, when Sungyeol looked around, Myungsoo was busy texting, Sungyeol sighed. He just didn't mind him and looked to the teacher as if he was really listening to him. But Sungyeol just can't help but think and think and think about Myungsoo. He don't know why seeing him with other pained him. He don't know why but seeing Myungsoo being all lovey dovey with that Sungjong hurts him so much. Sungyeol blankly stared outside, not listening to the lesson. And thinking what is this feeling

Time passed so fast and class come to an end. Its dismissal time now. During this time, eventhough Myungsoo have someone, he will have time to walk home with him. But he's really strange, he didn't even look at Sungyeol and walked out of the room not minding everyone else. Sungyeol arranged his things and followed him. He saw Myungsoo standing infront of a classroom with a pokerface on. The bell rang and students went outside. There he saw Sungjong happily skipped outside with a big smile on his face
"Myungsoo~ You came here earlier" Sungjong grinned
Myungsoo smiled, "Hmm" But it quickly fade away
"You're really quiet" Sungjong pouted
"That's true"
Sungjong sighed, dissapointed

Then, they walked outside beside each other. Sungyeol just stared at them. Feeling like someone stabbed his chest, making him hard to breathe. He really don't know why.. Why it hurts so much

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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 12: Cute
khasabat #2
Chapter 12: Sweet Myungyeol!!
Chapter 12: ahhw~~ that was cute. Myungsoo is a creep sometimes staring at people like that, especially Sungyeol. hehehe~~

The story was nice though i feel bad for Jong (I have MyungJong feels too. ^^)

I love how the older four were stalking them. cute.
Milkboy_sehun #4
Chapter 12: Awwwwwww soooooo cute ^~^ and MyungYeol lived happily ever after :")
deliciousyou #5
Chapter 12: Already complete? I just subscribed it thou :( but a happy Myungyeol in the end!! Thank you so much :D
Chapter 12: they recorded myungyeol's kissing scene...and it brings back my memory to pepero games.the precious moment when their lips pressed each other.aww..myungyeol jjang¤,¤
deliciousyou #7
Chapter 10: Oh myungyeol! Happy myungyeol!! Cute cute cute~ :D
Chapter 10: because they finally confess to each other~~~ yipiiii~ <3
Chapter 6: "Sungyeol, man up" ahahahahhahaha~~ i dunno why bit i really find that funny.

yay! for myungjong. oh yeah~~ oh yeah~~
i hope myungsoo pulls his act together and do what's right.
Chapter 6: no you got if wrong mungie /(;-; )