This is War ~

Pale as Snow
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Minho pushed the double doors and they swung open to reveal a luxurious room. Its walls were cream, and the floor was made entirely out of smooth white marble. A marvellous chandelier hung from the ceiling, and the crystals shone with the moonlight coming from the open window which was connected to a balcony. In the middle of the room, lay an enormous bed, made of finely polished wood, and decorated with cream quilts and various gold trimmed pillows. It was truly a room fit for a Prince.

‘Welcome to your new home, my love.’ Minho said, snaking a hand around the youngers waist.

‘It’s beautiful.’ Taemin whispered, leaning into the other. Minho led the young boy to the edge of the bed, where they both sat side by side. Taemin sighed as he felt the comfort and warmth of the bed. He missed the luxury of a comfortable bed during his time with the Matoki.

‘You look tired.’ Minho said with a small laugh as he turned to face the younger, who’s eyes were half lidded. Although the boy was 16, Minho still considered him to be quite cute.

‘No, I’m just.. relaxed.’ He replied softly, resting his head on Minho’s strong shoulder.

‘Good, good. I’m glad.’ Minho said, smiling as he placed a hand on the boys small waist.


The two sat there for a while, merely enjoying each others company. Minho thought about how lucky he was. What if he decided to turn a different direction while out in the forest? He would have never have found Taemin. Or what if the blonde boy who’s head resembled ramen didn’t allow him to take Taemin away with him? He would have been helpless. Or even worse, what if Epona hadn’t have stumbled, and forced whatever it was in Taemins throat, out of him? Would Onew have been able to revive him? It was all so confusing.

Minho felt the breathing of Taemin even out, and his weight increasing slightly.

‘Taemin?’ he asked, turning his head slightly to look at the boy. It was surely a beautiful sight. Eyes softly closed, lips slightly parted, and just general beauty radiating from the boy. Minho shifted, gently placing a hand on the youngers back and letting him down slowly to lay on the bed. While he was taking care of the young Prince, the questions in his mind answered themselves, all with the same result.


Minho laid down next to Taemin, pulling a blanket over both of them. He leaned over and kissed the boys forehead.

‘I’m so lucky to have found you. I’ll never let you go again.’ He whispered, closing his eyes and only thinking about the bright future he and his love were sure to have with each other. 




Taemin slowly opened his eyes, squinting to see as the light coming in from outside shone straight at him. He rolled over with a moan and hit his head on something hard. The boy looked up to find a very shirtless Minho looking right at him, smiling.

‘Good morning, sunshine.’ Minho said warmly, looking straight into Taemins eyes.

‘Ah, morning.’ The younger replied, still half asleep.

‘Taemin-ah, do you even know where you are?’

‘Yes, I’m in the Mato-‘

Taemin slowly looked around the room, then looked straight at Minho. The older boys mouth formed a charming, toothy smile.

‘Minho!’ Taemin yelled, pouncing on the Prince, captivating him in a tight hug.

‘I missed you so much. I was so scared and lonely. You found me. I thought I would be lost forever. I love you so much.’ Taemin rambled into Minho’s neck for what seemed to be forever. When the younger began to repeat himself, Minho took his chin in his hands and tilted it up. Before Taemin could react, Minho’s lips were on his in a short, but sweet kiss.

‘I love you.’

‘I love you too.’


Suddenly, the door burst open, and a man with brown hair, wearing an equally brown robe entered the room.

‘Jinki!’ Minho yelled, pulling the covers up.

‘Will I ever get a moment of privacy!?’

‘I’m sorry, Minho, but I come with a warning.’ The man named Jinki replied with a short bow.

‘The kingdom of Seoul has announced they will be attacking Incheon! One of our men, Shindong, made his way over to the kingdom and informed Queen Hyoyeon of Prince Taemins whereabouts.’

‘What!? No. Taemin, explain the situation to her, tell her you were kidnapped by the Matoki! She can’t take you away from me!’ Minho yelled, turning to face Taemin, who was looking down.

‘She’s not coming to take me away.’ Taemin mumbled, only just loud enough for Minho to hear.


‘She’s coming to kill me. The Matoki didn’t kidnap me, they protected me. Hyoyeon, she doesn’t want me to have the throne! She’s coming to kill me, Minho!’ Taemin cried out, sobbing into the Princes chest.

‘Prince Minho, what are you going to do

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Shinee2020 #1
Chapter 3: So cute! :) Love the 2min twist to a classic fairy tale! :)
Chapter 3: hahah so damn cute :D i love it <3
Chapter 3: So cute!! ^^ I like how you included the two attempts of the Queen trying to kill Taemin, I remember watching something like that in an old cartoon of Snow White when I was a kid
Anyways thanks for writing this! ;D
Chapter 3: This was awesome! I loved it, author-ssi!
Chapter 3: Awww so sweet! Luved this story! Your a great writer autor-nim!Ppyong!
Chapter 3: I love this :3 "Froggy Appa!"
Chapter 3: Awwww this was so cute! My feels kekeke~
Chapter 3: awwww i love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.< taemin definitely makes a very beautiful snow white... =)