Wedding Bells and Dark Shadows ~

Pale as Snow
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Anneyong, precious readers c:

Exams are next week and as a reward for my dedication on preparing myself, I’m writing a threeshot. I’ll update every day until it’s done. Which means part one tonight, part two tomorrow night, and part three on Sunday night. (insert cheering)

After this week of what is sure to be the longest week of my life, I will be updating my main story, The Importance of a Perfect Entrance. If you haven’t read it but you’re into fluff/angst/drama/feels, go read it. Or don’t. Whatever:3 To my readers of the story, um yeah, expect updates around this time next week~

So yeah, it’s an adaptation of the classical version of Snow White, but I’ve changed it into a different version. I’m a bit upset with myself, this story has been re-made so many times ._.

But whatever, Beauty & the Beast by Nikki1092 inspired me to do a remake. So yeah, I hope you all enjoy it ^-^


Ps. Gay marriage isn’t frowned upon in this story. It’s as normal as straight marriage. So yeah:3

Please show your love, otherwise I'll lose faith in the story :c Tell me what I did wrong, or what I could do better, or even better; tell me what you enjoyed. I love hearing feedback from everyone ~


Once upon a time, in the middle of a warm spring, when the flowers were beginning to bloom like stunning fireworks showing off their colourful petals, a beautiful queen sat in the middle of her royal meadow, sewing with her favourite material. As she looked out upon the breathtaking landscape, she pricked her finger on the needle, and three drops of blood fell on one of the pure white daisies which surrounded her. The red contrasted with the white of the flower so brilliantly, she couldn’t help but whisper to herself:

‘How I wish I could bear a child with skin of the purest white, lips red as blood, and hair black as the ebony trees that surround the castle.’


Nine months later, her wish was granted, for in this time she fell pregnant and gave birth to a lovely baby boy with pale white skin, lips red as blood, and hair as black as ebony. She named the baby Lee Taemin, but was soon nick named by the residents of the kingdom as Snow, because of his striking complexion. However not long after the birth of Taemin, the Queen fell ill and passed away. With the kingdom of Seoul needing a new Queen, the King reluctantly married again. This time to a woman named Hyoyeon. However, although the new Queen was as beautiful as the former, she had a heart as cold as ice that climbed up the castle walls in the winter. She was filled with pride and was cruel to all that she did not approve of. The thing that irritated Queen Hyoyeon the most was any rival to her beauty. She possessed a magical mirror, to which she would gaze into everyday and ask:

‘Mirror, mirror, on the wall; who is the fairest one of all?’

and it always replied:

‘Why you, my Queen, are the fairest of them all.’

After this routine, the Queen would always be content, as she knew that the mirror had not the ability to lie.


However, day by day, Taemin was growing more pretty, despite the fact he was a male. And as if the breath-taking beauty wasn’t enough to spite the Queen, the entire kingdom seemed to love him, for his kindness out-weighed his looks. By the time the boy turned 14, he had grown abnormally pretty for a male to be, and he was commonly mistaken for a princess, rather than the prince he was. One morning, Queen Hyoyeon approached the mirror to perform her daily routine.

‘Mirror, mirror, on the wall; who is the fairest one of all?’

to which the mirror replied:

‘You are fair my Queen, it’s true. But Taemin is fairer, far than you.’

After hearing this, the Queen flew into a fit of rage. She felt for the first time a sense of intense jealousy of the boy all seemed to adore so much. From that day onward, the Queen despised the boy and vowed to never allow him to rule the kingdom.




A 16 year old Taemin sat on the hard, stone steps that lead up to the entrance of the magnificent castle he called home. He stretched his arms out behind him, using them to support himself as he titled his head back to look up at the beautiful blue sky. Taemin enjoyed finding the beauty in small things that everyone seemed to take for granted. Like the sky, so blue, so open and beautiful. He inhaled and allowed the sweet scent of spring to fill him up. With this breath, he took in the musk of the trees, the song of the birds, the colour of the flowers, the chatter of the children that walked by, and the luxury that simply was the ability to live on this Earth. He exhaled and sat up straight again, brushing his long black fringe back so he could fully feel the breeze wash over his face.


Taemin turned around to look at the bell tower that could be seen from even outside the castle walls. On the tower was a large clock that was used by the entire kingdom.

‘Quarter past twelve.’ Taemin mumbled to himself, turning back to face the meadow that was outstretched in front of him.

‘He should be here soon.’

As if he heard the young boys words, a man came out of the shadows that were created by the ebony trees beside the steps.

‘Annyeong, my darling.’ The boy said with his deep, velvety voice as he approached Taemin.

The boy was startled for a second before he recognised who the other was. Choi Minho, the prince of the neighbouring kingdom stood before his very eyes. Although he was royal, he was dressed like a commoner, much like Taemin. He wore deep blue jeans that fitted him well and a grey t-shirt that emphasised his broad chest. To complete the look, a deep black coat was covering his arms, back and shoulders, and extended all the way to his knees. His dark curly hair fell in ringlets around his face, and some of it had been lazily put up into what Taemin had nick named a ‘Choi-Boy Ponytail’.

‘Ah, Annyeong~’ Taemin said sweetly as he stood up to meet with the boy.

‘I’m glad you agreed to meet me.’ Minho said as he extended an arm and cupped the youngers face in his hand. Taemin leaned into the hand and shivered as the butterflies he was so familiar with infiltrated his stomach.

‘Y-yes. Of course I would meet you. What did you want to talk to me about?’ the younger said softly, fighting the instinct to close his eyes and lose himself in the others scent.

‘Well, I’ve been wondering..’ Minho began as he retracted his hand and twiddled his thumbs. Taemin pouted as the contact was broken.

‘Yes?’ he asked, curious to know why Minho was acting nervous. Apart from his farther, Minho was one of the most brave and confident people he knew.

‘I was wondering.. if.. well. You see.. We’ve been meeting like this for a long time now. And I don’t know if you share the same feelings or not, but I feel very.. close.. to you.’<

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Shinee2020 #1
Chapter 3: So cute! :) Love the 2min twist to a classic fairy tale! :)
Chapter 3: hahah so damn cute :D i love it <3
Chapter 3: So cute!! ^^ I like how you included the two attempts of the Queen trying to kill Taemin, I remember watching something like that in an old cartoon of Snow White when I was a kid
Anyways thanks for writing this! ;D
Chapter 3: This was awesome! I loved it, author-ssi!
Chapter 3: Awww so sweet! Luved this story! Your a great writer autor-nim!Ppyong!
Chapter 3: I love this :3 "Froggy Appa!"
Chapter 3: Awwww this was so cute! My feels kekeke~
Chapter 3: awwww i love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.< taemin definitely makes a very beautiful snow white... =)