The first time meeting

My New Fantastic Life (under construction)


Lucky for Jane, it was just a nightmare. She must have gotten it because of her worrying. Everything would be just fine. Jane fastens her seatbelt and gets ready for the landing. When the plane lands safely everyone applauds (not that it’s necessary, it’s the pilots job to let the flight go safely).

Because the rest of Janes family and grandmother Parks grandson are placed in the front of the plane and Jane and grandmother Park at the back, Jane texted her dad that she would meet them again at the place where you can get your luggage, the reclaim belt. Jane helps grandmother Park with getting out of the plane.

While Jane and grandmother Park walk out of the plane, they continue their conversation.

Grandmother Park (gran P.):”you should really come and visit sometime. You stay in Korea a whole month right?? I will let you eat some traditional Korean dishes.”

Jane:”wow, that sounds great!! Thank you, I will. But,.. euhm.. It’s a bit embarrassing to say, but I can’t handle spicy food…”

Gran P.:”oh dear. That is indeed a little problem.. but if we start with slightly spicy and build it up, you’ll get used to it. That’s what I did to my grandson and now he eats food that makes you spew fire.”

Someone:”I’m sorry, but I can’t remember flames coming out of my mouth.”

Gran P.:”ah, Dongminah, there you are. I want you to meet someone.”

Jane introduces herself while walking towards the reclaim belt. She agreed on coming to grandmother’s house someday and the grandmother gave Jane her address. What is it with people, who she has only talked to once, inviting her to their house? Maybe it’s something Korean??

But, although it’s a bit strange, she’ll surely go. Jane definitely wants to see Yoojin again. And she's a bit curious about the Korean dishes Grandmother Park promised her. Dongmin is also really nice. He told her they were visiting some relatives for a week and now they’re back in Korea again.

After Jane said goodbye to grandmother Park and Dongmin, she searches for her family and walks over to them.

Mom:”there you are. How did the flight go?? Who was the person sitting beside you?? Did you sleep??”

Jane:”haha, so many questions. I was on the same plane as you, remember?? But alright. The flight went just fine. The person besides me was Mrs. Park, or grandmother Park as I may call her and I did sleep but,.. well I’d rather not talk about it.”

Janesr mother smiled and Jane helped grabbing the luggage of the reclaim belt. But her siblings want to help too and they are a bit slow, because it’s too heavy for them, so one suitcase escapes. Jane follows the suitcase but because there are a lot of people waiting for their luggage she can’t grab it.

When she has finally reached a spot where there are no people blocking her sight she grab the suitcase. But at the same time someone else grabs a suitcase, which is placed on the left of Janes suitcase, and she bumps into the other person.

Jane:”I’m so, so sorry. I didn’t see you because I was focusing on my suitcase which I was chasing. Did I hurt you??”

Other person:”nah, I’m okay. But I think we have to wait for our suitcases to return here. Are you alright??”

Jane:”yeah, I’m fine. But you are quite strong!! You didn’t fall over when I crashed into yo-y-you!!” *O_O*

Jane didn’t look at the person she crashed into before because she were apologizing, but now that she did she was in for a shock.

Other person:”what?? Why do you look like you suddenly realized you were talking to a ghost??”

Jane:”because you are Seungri!! Or at least you look like him.”

Seungri:”no, I am Seungri. But.. how did you know?? You don’t sound like you’re from Korea, you speak English.”

Jane:”I can also speak Korean. *continues in Korean* And of course I know you. I love Big Bang!!  *thinks*  But I also love Super Junior a lot.”

Seungri:”wow, you’ve got some guts to say that in my face.”

Jane:”well, I’m an honest person. If someone asks me something then I’ll try to answer as honest as possible without hurting someone else.”

Seungri:”alright, then I’ll ask you something: who do you like better, Big Bang or Super Junior??”

Jane:”eh… [how can I say to him that Super Junior is my all-time favorite boygroup without hurting him?? Oh, wait, right on time!!] Look, our suitcases are back!! *grabs suitcase* well, nice meeting you, bye.”

Seungri:”wait, you didn’t answer..- At least tell me your name!!”

Jane:”it won’t hurt you if you don’t know, so I’m not going to tell you *evil smirk* bye~”

Jane left Seungri hanging and walks over to her family.

Jane:[omg, why did I behave like that?? He’ll probably think I’m a weird girl who can’t observe her surroundings. -_- Oh well, it’s not like I'll be seing him again.]

Dad:”ah, great, you’re back. That took you quite a while. Did someth-“

Jane:”please don’t ask. I want to forget what just happened ASAP.”

Dad:”..alright.. well, let’s go then.”

Jane and her family walk towards the meeting hall. When she walks through the doors she closes her eyes and prays.

Jane:[please let them be nice, please, please, please.]

Then Jane opens her eyes. And the first thing she sees is this huge banner with her family’s name, welcome in Korea and a lot of cute doodles on it. In other words: the complete opposite of her nightmare.

When Jane finally manages to get her eyes off the banner (it was really bright) she sees the four persons who are holding the banner. To her great relieve, the girl who she thinks is her twin sister only resembles Jane a little bit. They all walk over to the people under the banner and great/introduce each other.

It started all happy with smiles but then Jane sees her Korean mother starting to cry. Because of that Jane also starts to cry which made her Korean sister cry and Janes mother also joined in.

Lil bro:”women are so emotional.”

Dad: *hits little brother slightly* Let them. It is quite emotional.”

Korean dad:”no, he’s right. They shouldn’t be crying, it’s a happy moment. Well, let’s go to our house, shall we.”

Shinwan:”here, let me help you.”

Jane has been pushing the cart with the entire luggage on it. Shinwan came towards her and took over her place behind the cart. Ok, so now she knows her brother is a gentleman, or at least nice..

Shinhae:”he’s usually not like that. Mom told him to take over the luggage before we came here.”

Shinwan:”that’s not true!! I can be nice when I want to. *winks at you*

Shinhae:”right. Anyway, what I wanted to say to you: wow, you’re really pretty!! I was so happy when Shinwan told me we resemble each other a little. Luckily we don’t look exactly like each other. How freaky/creepy would that be??”

Jane:”aww, thank you *blush* and yes, it would be weird if we looked exactly like each other.” *still blushing*

Shinhae:”ow, was I too straight forward?? Sorry, I like to speak my feelings honestly or else everything crops up inside me and then later, when I lay in my bed, I regret not having said something. Omo, am I talking too much?? I have a tendency to do so. If you want me to shut up just say so.”

Shinwan:” yes, you must say it to her, or else she’ll continue to babble on until it makes you go insane. *gets playfully hit by Shinhae* auch, hehe.”

They both seem really interesting. If they’re really like this then this month is going to be the best.


YES chapter 4 is here, hehe.




I hope you guys like it so far. 

I know some of you do (the commenters)

Thank you for commenting bytheway.




But I don't know it from the silent readers.

Not that I mind you being a silent reader.




It's just that I don't know if you actually like the story..




Well, that was it again. 

Hehe, I beginning to think that the autors note(s) thingys I put after the story are taking up more space than the actual story XD




Well, bye~



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BigBang_VIP #1
Chapter 12: Ooh keep updating :) I like this story.
Chapter 2: I like your plot; it's very sweet :3 love the gifs too xD <33
good story~ x3
Hello! New reader, and I have to say, I love your story! Can't wait to see what happens next~ xD

P.S I love all the gifs LOL
itta_b #4
Chapter 4: Aww lol @ the encounter with Seungri, and I love those thingys you put at the end, they so cute!!! :D Well, I'm off to the next chapter now. :D
the123roosa #5
Chapter 12: Hmm, I might as well make a new 'story' with this.. A new gif(set) in every chapter XD
Chapter 9: lol ... shinhae really mean it xD always help big bang then her sister xD lmao
BigBang_VIP #7
Chapter 9: Ahhh I knew it!! :)
BigBang_VIP #8
Chapter 8: Is it a k-pop idol at the door? xD Love the update! I hope she takes it! :)
Chapter 7: Author-nim hope you could update soon! And I wish you goodluck with your exams! Fighting!
Love your story BTW o(^^o)(o^^)o ~ <3