Chapter 3 – Yes, People Do Change But, Why Must It Be You?

Is It Possible To Love Two Instead Of One?
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Jiyeon jumps back in surprised, hugging her dog tighter with her arms.

The stranger steps forward towards her trying to touch her teary face again. She quickly steps back in alarm, says a quick “excuse-me” before turning her back towards the stranger, trying to get home fast.

Afraid that Jiyeon will be gone in front of his eyes again, the stranger takes two big steps forward and uses his arms to hug Jiyeon from behind. Too shocked to do anything, Jiyeon stays rooted to the ground and stands like a statue with Jaesoo in her arms, letting the stranger back-hugs her.

“Yeon-ah, Jiyeon… I’ve finally found you… It’s me. I’m back.” He whispers beside her ear, still having her in his arms.

“Woooof~” Jaesoo barks at the stranger, as if trying to protect his owner from harm. This brought Jiyeon back to her senses and struggles herself to get out of his tight grips. She turns around, looks into the stranger’s face while having deep thoughts. *Yeon-ah? Only one person calls me yeon-ah… Don’t tell me he’s back! They’re back!* She tries her luck to voice out his name through her lips, “Jae-oppa?”

Jaejoong immediately pulls Jiyeon back into his arms while her hair. “Yes, yeon-ah. It’s me. I’m back now.” After hearing his own confirmation, Jiyeon can’t control her eyes again and breakdown once more, finally crying her hearts out, even his own eyes gets a little teary. “Jae-oppa… Huk… You’re back… finally... Huk… I’ve waited… so long…”

After the heartbreaking reunion of the two, they sat down side by side at the same bench Jaejoong sat before. Although Jiyeon has lots of question to ask him about the past ten years, she couldn’t help herself but to ask about him first, her small tiny crush from the past. With Jaesoo sitting on her lap, she uses her hand to smooth out Jaesoo’s fur while she opens to ask, “Jae-oppa, how are you? How’s Myungie-oppa now?”

Feeling slightly heartbroken, he remained silent for a few seconds before speaking, “Well, we’re all fine now and we’re back for good. Isn’t it great?” The end of his lips curls up slightly. He knew it. Since the beginning, when they were still young, Jiyeon had liked Myungsoo more instead of him. He could see how she acted shyly around Myungsoo whereas she could laugh all her might with him.

Jiyeon nods her head in understanding and continues to ask him questions about his life in America. He promised next time to bring her along for a vacation there since she sounds so excited just by hearing his life stories in the ama

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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 18: So good!!! I really anticipate on who she's going to marry first^^

Great story authornim :D :D
I was looking at Myungsoo's photos and until I saw him sleeping
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww,so cute...that puppy.
Kekekeke(not him)
Nah,the Myungsoo is also cute
Chapter 12: I hope it will be jaejoong oppa..
Chapter 17: Sequel ? Yes !!! Please
Thanks all for the comments and following this story along. <3
sungran #6
Chapter 16: Oh I thought Jiyeon will choose Myungsoo. But its okay, good ending
stacyberd #7
Chapter 16: Haha i love the idea,
so funny and atleast no one hurts this time.
thanks for this and i hope u can make another fics
Myungyen till the end.
Chapter 16: Well at least neither of the guys is heartbroken XD
Rinsunbae #9
Chapter 15: MyungYeon pleaseeeee!!!!
Chapter 15: jaeyeon jaeyeon jaeyeon all the way !! i seriously feel like jaejoong is a very understanding boyfriend.. n he had done many things for her .. and he really really really deserve her .. n jiyeon had fall for him too .. i dont want to see jaeyeon break up TT