Chapter 12

Highschool YG

Quick sum up:

- Dara and Seungri got the food

- Everyone ate

- The boys and girls (minus MBLAQ) are walking back to school


The group were walking back up to the school, all in pairs. 

CL next to GD, TOP next to BOM, Daesung next to Minzy and Seungri next to Dara.

"Hey," Seungri started the conversation between her and Dara, "Do all of your friends have girlfriends?"

"Yeah, their girlfriends are you friends. See up the front there? GD and CL? Most fashionable couple in the school. Everyone looks up to them. Some even idolise them." 

"Okay, what about TOP and BOM?"

"Well they're that 'weird' couple, if you know what I mean" Dara continued. "They do and say weird and crazy things to each other, but I guess that's what makes them so alike."

"Yeah, they look cute. And Daesung and Minzy?"

"I'm not sure why they're together, if anything Daesung should be with me if we're going by age. And I don't mean to be rude about your friend, but she.... overdoes it a bit with the makeup. Maybe that's what Minzy likes?"

"Sounds about right." Seungri said, then sighed. "What about you?"

"Well...." Dara began, but fades out a bit. He finally came back to his senses and continued. "I don't have a girlfriend, because all your friends are taken. Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No," Seungri replied "but I wish I did."


The two stayed silent for a while, occasionally turning their heads to look at each other to hope that the other wouldn't notice.


Dara stopped for a minute, catching Seungri's attention.

"Wait for the others to go ahead a bit."

"Um.. okay?" 

The others were about 40 metres ahead now, and Dara turned to Seungri.

"You''re really... cute.." Dara stuttered to Seungri, who was going a warm red colour.

"Thank you...Dara....I" Seungi returned, which made Dara go red in response.

The two stared at each other for a while. Each second felt like an hour and to them it was like the world stopped just for them. They were obviously unaware of the crowd watching a little further up the road (their friends), because Dara cupped Seungri's face in his hands and gently kissed her. It came as a bit of a surprise to Seungri at first, but as Dara went to pull away, Seungri moved into the kiss, so that he would stay just a bit longer. The two finally separated, and looked up so that their eyes were level.

"I know we just met, but I think I love you." Seungri squeaked. 

"I don't think I love you, I know I love you." Dara whisphered into her ear. He came back to level his eyes with hers and kissed her once again. This time, Seungri followed along more with the kiss, even letting Dara's tongue slip into . The kiss turned into continous kisses, which turned into pretty much making out. The watching crowd were getting a bit distured now, and the bell was about to go for class.


Dara and Seungri looked up at their olders (and one younger) and both went a deep red.

They quickly ran up to the group and kept their heads low. 

"Why can't you be cute like that~?" GD scolded CL.

"You never kiss me like that." scoffed TOP to BOM.

"They're so cute Minzy, I wish we were that cute" Daesung sang-spoke to Minzy.


The two at the back remained completely silent until they reached the school.


The others had all gone to class, and now it was just Seungri and Dara standing in the corridor.

"You're a great kisser, bet you have heaps of experience" Dara joked to Seungri.

"Actually, that was my first kiss" Seungri replied awkwardly. "And my second, third, fourth, firth-"

"Don't make me kiss you again just so you'll be quiet~" teased Dara. Although Seungri would've enjoyed that.

"Here's my number. Text me later, alright?" Dara added and gave Seungri a quick peck on the lips before rushing off to class.

"O..okay" Seungri squeaked, but it was unheard by her new boyfriend. She folded the piece of paper, squeezed it in her hands and started to jump up and down.

"I've got a boyfriend~ I've got a boyfriend~" she sangs as she wondered through the halls to her next class. She finally got to her next class and opened the door.

"LEE SEUNGRI, YOU ARE LATE!" her teacher yelled, but she was in a daze. Drifting to her seat she sat down and and put the paper in her pocket. She couldn't wait to get home and text him. It had been the best first day at school that anyone could ever ask for.



Howdy y'all~

Admin Peanut here, I'm going to finish this fic off. Admin Butter is real busy reviewing fics in our new reviewshop and such, so I'm writing the last chapter. Sorry if it's real different to what you're used to reading !

Love you guys

Admin Peanut ^^~

(also if you have a fic you would like one of us to review, you can find our review shop here:)



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kazorashi #1
I just saw the little image in the forward, skipped the forward (which I will read) but I just couldn't help to tell you that I laughed so hard. TOP's face on Tinky Winky... OMGGGGGG, LOLOLOL.
Chapter 11: I'm really enjoying this ^^ it's a different concept and I really like it keep up the good work author-nim =^_^=
Hi, had you read the review? If you had, please credit me in your story, thanks.