I Remember

I Remember


You stared ahead, beyond the raindrops and the fog on the windshield of your car, the sound of the rain on the car roof echoed your own heartbeat.

“Fine, go! Just leave, see if I care!”

Fresh tears sprung up at the corner of your eyes as you remembered the last words your heard from your boyfriend’s lips when you left your apartment. This wasn’t your first argument, nor would it be the last, but it was definitely the biggest you’d had thus far.

You gripped the steering wheel and wished you could get this firm a grip on your life as well.


Deahyun scrubbed his face with his hands; he had messed up, big time. He cried out in frustration, having tried to reach you whatever way he could- even calling up Himchan and his sister despite the late hour. It was raining hard and he had no idea if you were safe- it was driving him crazy, especially since everything was his fault.

Presently, he remembered the look you had on her face before turning to leave- shock and disappointment, eyes red and ready to be filled with tears, lips already trembling.

He banged his fist on the table before him, reaching for his phone, he dialed your number for the thousandth time, hoping futilely that you’d finally pick up.


You glanced at the lit screen of your phone, its little familiar buzz comforting and annoying you at the same time.

The buzzing stopped and you leaned back into your car seat, remembering the many times this little vehicle had served you as so much more than a means of transportation. The little flashes of times in this car with him made you smile- the times you had just talked, shared lunch, watched a movie and… the times you’d just made out, fed up and tired of talking, just needing the skin contact. Even after all this time, they still thrilled you and made you infinitely happy- his kisses and all the other times you spend together.

Your fingers subconsciously skimmed your lips and you wondered, with a heavy heart, if he still felt the same way.


Daehyun snapped his phone shut and closed his eyes, hoping to shut out the little snippets of your latest fight that was replaying in his head. Surprisingly, it worked though the effect of it was less than desirable because he started to remember all those other fights you’d had before instead.

He leaned his head back against the sofa with his eyes still closed and thought about the many times his stubbornness and pride had come between the both of you. He knew it hadn’t always been just his fault- you weren’t exactly a saint either, but you had always been more patient and kinder and fairer than he ever was. It also didn’t help that you were a few years older than him and though he knew age is just a number, there were times where he felt like an utter child next to you. So much so that he’d act exactly like that child out of envy and stupid pride.

He loosened his grip on his phone and considered, not for the first time, if you’d be better off without him.

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jongty #1
Chapter 2: Awww...that was sad daehyun be optimistic
SurmiiK #2
Chapter 2: awwww x) that was just too nice
4everINSPIRIT #3
Chapter 2: Wahhhh..... Love it!!! Update soon!!
Chapter 2: Totally cute and feeling!