The One


Kai was on his way to his new university. Halfway there he saw a certain someone running down the streets with a bag of books and papers slung on his shoulder. Kai remembers he was the guy who saved him from hunger. Until now he has been wanting to search for the boy who helped him back in those days.




Main Characters

Kim Jong In tumblr_ly1q4ldMdB1rn5rvdo2_500.gif

Kim Jong In or known as Kai. The mysterious guy who has been dreaming of a certain someone.

Do Kyungsoo tumblr_may37aCQ2y1rg8wqro1_500.gif

Smart- Kyungsoo. He doesn't remember Kai. Though sometimes Kai remembers him of someone


Yo! It's my first time writing here. I'm still unsure about the description & title 'cause I at writing descriptions and titles. Critics are greaaaaat but please be nice. It would be even greater if you comment I don't bite really~(do I ask too much? OTL) Anyway, correct me if there are any grammars that is not correct :>

19/12: school is over! yay! happy holiday guys>=D


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kikinana #1
are you going to continue this story?
Chapter 11: What is Kai gonna do with the poster?
So confused.
Chapter 10: o(≧∇≦o)(o≧∇≦)o Sneaky Kai~!
Chapter 3: yeahhhh kaisooo , more kaisoo soon love >.<
Chapter 3: I really like your story :)) But dont you mean Germany :oo ? Because you aleays wrote German and this is the Language .__.
haha I'm from germany ^o^ and one question why Grrmany :D ?
this is going to be exciting :D