late night thought

Reality of dating Mr GD

As Bom lay on her bed regurgitating the events of that evening, she was sure she  wasn’t satisfied with Jiyong obvious lack of explanation. He had not denied going out with that model. At the very least he could express his feelings for her, in a way other than kissing, which “may I add he is too good at, that little playboy!” she said rather too loudly. Hoping none her members had heard her she made a mental note to herself to be more quite.  She could still remember the tough of his firm and plum lips crashing against hers, “eek mental breakdown” she had to find a way to supress this, she couldn’t be weak now just because of the kiss! She was determined for once and for all she wanted to break his exterior , if he would not give her answers and he would not allow her to leave him she would try one last hopeless attempt at  making him jealous, he still hadn’t learnt his lesson and whilst the kiss had gone a long way to appease her ,it wasn’t enough.

Vibrate vibrate ~2 new messages ~  she picked up her phone to see who would be texting at 3 am. The first message was from Jiyong “baby I can’t stop thinking kissing you, that last kiss was just a teaser for the next time I see you ;)  sweet dreams x” attached with the message was picture of his lips.  Message number 2 way Jiyong again “I thought you would need a picture to help your imagination whilst your thinking about that kiss ;)”. Typical Ji how could she mad, he was darn cute. She about to send he a reply when she received another message “Bomshi I can’t stop planning for our date tomorrow evening, I’m so glad you agreed….kekeke  goodnight seung gi x” she felt that he was very sweet, so sweet that she was beginning to feel guilty on using him like this. She replied “thank you ^^” she didn’t want to give him even more false hope by saying something like she was looking forward to it which would be the normal and polite reply.


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perghsukadia #1
Chapter 9: so sweet ^_^
hanhyosang #2
Chapter 9: Sweet ending ! : ) .
hanhyosang #3
Chapter 5: Ooo, cute Seung Gi ! : ( .
hanhyosang #4
Chapter 4: . Poor Seung Gi ! : ( ... But the kiss ... aish .. :x .. .
hanhyosang #5
Chapter 1: OMO !! OMO !! Lee Seung Gi !! :)) .. I think that I ship more SeungGi^Bom , than GD^Bom . :X
idlearound #6
Chapter 9: A very romantic & lovely ending...! Love this sweetie story! ^_^
Aww, so sweet ~
Chapter 9: Aww, I loved how sweet this played out, despite the struggles of celebrity life and all. Jiyong's such a numb guy in the story though, still thinking back to Chapter 1 where Bom was reflecting on why he wasn't sorry for his scandals anymore.. Hmm.. On the other hand, Bom has it bad, but I guess it's because she still loves him dearly
LikeThis #9
Thank you all!! I will definitely write another Gbom fanfic,I already have a lot of ideas - too bad I have some school work to do so it won't be in awhile

Thanks again for all the support :)
Chapter 9: Ahhh...sweet ending.
I'm glad you end this without them cheating each other ^^,
Thanks for the FF and looking forward for your next ^.^