chapter10: Minzy save the day!

cracking out of the shell

June: it has to b worked...the plan Minzy suggests...if not, i don't know waz shd i do next...i ll b doomed! notes CHECK! pencil case CHECK! ( i don't think i can focus on tutoring...i ll keep busy studying HIM secretly...but if i turn my BACK on can i see his HANDSOME face?!? )


Ding Dong Ding*

June: gasping breath* he's COMING! it's my GUEST! i ll get the DOOR!

half running & opens the door excitedly

June: H...Hi!

Ji Yong: ur house's easy to find! i ve no TROUBLE @ all! may i come in? (untieing shoelaces)

June: ( facing with back nervously ) of...OF COURSE! fol...follow...ME! Ka-THUMP* Ka-THUMP* (why my heart beating so hard & fast? can he hear that? it's like my heart is climbing up into throat! i can't even breath well! why m i like this...lessons even not started yet?!?)

Ji Yong: r u having a fever? ( suddenly come in front of June & put his HAND on June's forehead ) u seem so flushed!

June: (knees start to knock & bounce up & down) W..Wh...WHY? ( take a step backward)

Minzy: NO! she's FINE! she juz been scolded a bit for bringing a total STRANGER into our HOME! that's why she been acting strange! if u wanna STUDY together with my sis, that's FINE by me but on one condition...U TWO MUST TURN UR BACK TO EACH OTHER! by the way, i m her lil sister...MINZY!

Ji Yong: WAZ? ( the hell?) WHY? (make a grin)

Minzy: it's juz our FAMILY tradition! DEAL or not?

Ji Yong: deal! FINE by me. ( waz a NONSENSE ) nice to meet cha, kiddo!

Minzy: 1st i m SIXTEEN so not a little Kiddo anymore & 2nd i ll see u around! ( no wonder June wanna tutor him he's quite like PRINCE CHARMING but trying too hard to play ADULT role...taks taks*)

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babybomb11 #1
Chapter 13: Yo. it's TOP. :D
babybomb11 #2
Chapter 11: perfect timing. :)
babybomb11 #3
Chapter 10: smart minzy... yap. ^^
babybomb11 #4
Chapter 8: what a good luck!!!
babybomb11 #5
Chapter 6: is CL & BOM enermy? why r they fighting for? Just curicious.
babybomb11 #6
Chapter 5: LOVE??? That sound is good. ;)
babybomb11 #7
Chapter 4: BOM, Is she really that much hot? :P
babybomb11 #8
Chapter 1: ha ha… ji yong is nose bleeding from the very start? :3 Wow...
babybomb11 #9
i know who is who. that is a good start. i am looking froward. Keep moving.