Of Reuniting & Sleeping Arrangements

How Passion Brought Us Together
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CHAPTER FIFTY: Of Reuniting & Sleeping Arrangements

{ Perhaps he just wanted to play. } * Click for BGM!

a/n: This is a double update, so people, don't miss out on chapter 49! For those who already read all of chapter 49, I just split it up into two parts. Found it a bit too long this time, haha.



Hyejung thought she almost lost her sense of hearing, and she didn't know if it was becase of being stuck between two overly riotous boys or having foreign music raised to the volume of ultimate power. She assumed it was latter, since the driver got high over the song a bit too much. Okay, way too much.

She immediately started inwardly thanking the Heavens for sparing her when they pulled up to Busan Paik Hospital's drop-off. When they came to a finally stop, she carelessly climbed over Kai's lap and pushed the car door open with rash force, ignoring the light groans eleased from his throat. Then in not-so-graceful (well, she wasn't graceful to begin with) manner, Hyejung stumbled out with her right foot still stuck in the car between Kai's long legs. With one brisk pull, she freely staggered forward and thankfully prevented herself from face-planting into the pavement of the sidewalk. 

"Freaking stupid," Hyejung slapped her jeans a bit, collecting herself from the minor stumble with a huff at her fringe. Spinning on her heels, she stormed up to the taxi's trunk and popped it open, snatching her suitcase while Luhan and Kai slipped out of their seats and thanked the driver.

With Hyejung already trudging up the stairs, the two boys scurried to the back of the car and snatched their respective luggage. When they slammed the trunk shut and the taxi started driving away, it seemed like a fast-walk race for the infamous duo to see who will get to Hyejung first.

Unfortunately for Kai, it was harder to carry his luggage up the stairs since his was one with wheels that pull on the floor. He scowled sorely at Luhan, who successfully met up with Hyejung at her side with only his single bag-like luggage in hand. 

"Here, Hyejung," Luhan grasped the handle of Hyejung's luggage, unintentionally brushing their hands together. "I'll pull it for you." 

Hyejung looked up at him, stunned by the sudden thoughtfulness. "W-Well, er, thanks Lu. But you don't-"

"Ah, no buts, Hyejung, because in all honesty, I insist," Luhan smiled, walking up and into the hospital without another word.

Aghast, Hyejung stood there with opening and closing. "But, I- wah!" she barely staggered dangerously back when she felt her back-pack slipping off of her shoulders.

Kai chuckled, pushing Hyejung back to her feet with the steady use of his finger. "I'll be taking this," he sighed in a playful tone, draping the worn back-pack over his broad shoulder. But Hyejung wasn't going to let him off so easily.

With the use of a strap dangling from one side of the back-pack, Hyejung pulled it making Kai whirl around. "Yah, what did I just tell you?"

Kai blinked. "Was it something important? Perhaps your undying love for me?"

"Oh geez," Hyejung groaned, burying her face into the palm of her right hand. "You're hopeless, you know that?"

"Only for you." Kai shrugged nonchalantly, smirking.

Hyejung bit the inside of her cheek. "Just - just don't do anything stupid in front my aunt, okay? Or literally, I'll follow with my freaking words with the whole stuffing you in a mini fridge thing." She gave Kai once last warning look before trekking up the stairs with a tiring huff. Kai smiled from behind and trailed after her heels shortly.

As the pair walked down the lobby, Luhan thanked the woman at the front desk and spun around. "Your Aunt Jae is on the 1oth floor, room 248."

Hyejung sighed, a wave of relief washing over her. "Finally. Let's go."

The trio made their way down the halls with patients of different ages all around, either walking, in a wheelchair, or in a white stretcher being led to their room or perhaps the operation room. It all seemed rather daunting to Hyejung as she felt a chill run down her neck, but she felt warmth when a familiar tender hand clasped her own.

Once they were all in the elevator, Hyejung knowingly looked up and caught Kai's eyes. His gaze never left her as he squeezed her hand in assurance, telling her he would be with her through it all. Hyejung didn't know how she knew that, but she did. And she believed it.


The elevator doors opened and the three of them filed out. They walked in silence, and both boys quickly took a notice to the prominent anxiety on Hyejung's face. It all made her nervous as she bit down on her lip, because deep down, she knew she may never know what to expect.

A nurse came out of a room two doors down. She looked a bit surprised, but bowed to the trio nevertheless, and they returned the gesture. "Are you three here to visit Miss Jae?"

"Yes," Kai spoke up. "Yes, we are here to visit her." The two other teenagers nodded wordlessly.

"Alright then. But it can't be very long; Miss Jae needs her rest," the nurse informed.

Hyejung nodded, taking a small step forward. "We won't waste our time."

"I'll take my leave then." The nurse stepped to the side and allowed the trio to saunter into Aunt Jae's hospital room, sliding the door closed. The room was dimly yet comfortably lit, and the walls glowed in a relaxing orange color due to the power of the side-table lamp. Beside the light source sat a cup of water and a ring of various keys. What was the real main attraction, I guess you can say, was Aunt Jae, who calmly rested on the white linen bed with a simple breathing mechanism placed over to aid her lung work. 

It all felt bittersweet to Hyejung. She was both happy and pleased to be reunited with her dear aunt, but the fact that Aunt Jae's health condition was suffering just made things a bit harder. 

Wetting her chap lips, she hesitantly approached the bedside in baby steps. Through her thick lashes, she stared down at her aunt's aging face in dismay while the boys stood where they were wordlessly.

Hyejung subconsciously raised her right hand, feeing I the impulse to touch the woman she cared for so much, and for so long. With her hooded orbs fixated on Aunt Jae's unmoving arm, she placed her hand on it in an unfazed emotion. She slowly bowed her head down low, and after a lingering moment, she lightly squeezed the flesh. 

At that very second, Aunt Jae unexpectedly jolted from her 'sleep'. "Wha- what in the burning blazes of hell-?!"

"Agh, what the freaking heck-!" Hyejung yelled in horror, jumping back with a crazily thumping heart. The abrupt thrash almost made her shriek, but of course, Seo Hyejung doesn't and wouldn't do such a girly thing. 

"Oh my God, Hyejung, what in the world did you do to her?!" Kai accused, rushing to Hyejung's right side.

"I-I didn't even do anything!" Hyejung seemed to be still in shock, and she waveringly staggered to the left where Luhan stood. He deftly clasped onto her arms and kept her from tumbling down.

"Are you sure you, Hyejung?" he looked at her big eyes, bringing her back to steady posture.

She nodded firmly. "Yeah, I'm sure. She just woke up like nothing and freaking- Aunt Jae, you're mask!" The mechanism had fallen off of the woman's face.

Before Hyejung could even reach for it, Aunt Jae suddenly slapped her hand away. The boys stepped back in surprise. "Don't touch it, child! Knowing you, you're gonna," the woman coughed wheezily. "Y-You're gonna break it, yeah, that's what!"

Hyejung laughed incredulously, folding her arms. "Seriously, Aunt Jae? You still treat me like an irresponsible twelve-year-old."

"Well you may not be that age no more, but irresponsible you may be. You should have told me you were visiting so that I don't have to suffer with this excitement," the woman muttered, rubbing her eyes to brighten her vision. She lifted her chin and found herself chuckling vivaciously at the sight of her beloved niece. "Ah, you come here and give your old aunt a hug." Aunt Jae opened her arms in welcome, and Hyejung rolled her eyes jokingly before enveloping herself in the embrace. She missed this.

"I'm finally here, Aunt Jae," Hyejung murmured, pulling away with a small grin molded on her lips. Kai and Luhan grew the same mirthful expression as they watched the reuniting of the two. "I missed you."

"Aw, I missed you too, sweetheart," Aunt Jae crooned, holding Hyejung's hand as she examined her. "And why, look at you! You look...the exact same way I left you. Dear lord." The woman's smile altered slightly. 

Hyejung bit the inside of her cheek and scowled, ignoring the light snickering from the boys. "Aunt Jae."

"Now, now Hyejung. I see there's a few exceptions! You're wearing a couple of new attire pieces, you finally trimmed those darn bangs," Aunt Jae listed, noticing every detail without much difficulty. "And now you have two handsome looking men by your sides!" she chortled, letting a few raucous hacks slip.

Hyejung mentally groaned, wanting to hide in a hole. It didn't come right away, but she knew it was definitely coming.





"Seo Hyejung," Aunt Jae stated the tomboy's full name in a disturbingly serious tone. "Why do have two handsome looking men by your sides?"

Knowing her aunt assumptions, Hyejung had to quickly defend herself. "Aunt Jae, please, it's not what you think-"

Aunt Jae palmed her face dramatically. "Oh for the love- I knew this was going to happen. All the girls who go to Seoul become flamboyant and throw themselves to any guy they see! And look at you!" she flailed her arm tiredly, gesturing to the two wide-eyed boys. She coughed hoarsely before continuing, "Y-You didn't get yourself one, but two! Now, what would your mother and father think if they saw you like this? Huh?"

Hyejung breathed sharply through her clenched teeth. "Well, I'm sure they wouldn't care because in reality it really isn't what you think it is Aunt Jae-"

"But my, my, I didn't know you had such exceptional taste in men, Hyejung!" Aunt Jae exclaimed cheerily, clearing from a moment of squawking. "Ohoho, you surely are taking after your dear ol' auntie just like she was in hi

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#HPBUT ~ oh, there's also a new trailer up. :)


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Aven_J #1
Chapter 54: UPDATE SOON AUTHOR NIM!! ^0^
I really want to know..is she gonna tell kai's parent the truth so that he still can join the dance competition or she still like keep quite...
Hehehehe love you
Hehee your story is soo Jjang!! ^-^
sunhee99 #2
Author-nim..i miss this story..pls update if u can..but if u do not wish to do so..its fine :)
JoannaLim #3
Chapter 54: when ur gonna update :3 update soon eh? Hwaiting authorim :3
zahidahbk #4
Chapter 54: Please update author-nim!! :)
KaliTheCrazyFangirl #5
Update please!
Please Please PLEASE!!!
when are you going to update? hehe!
this is such a good fanfic, and i think all of your subscribers are waiting for one of your updates. ^__^ waiting for you!~
hilaryyyyy #9
Chapter 54: i ve been waiting for this chapter for ages i thought you gave up on this story . but i'mglad you didn't ^-^
sunhee99 #10