His time left

His last song.
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Around noon the couple woke up together, walking hand in hand downstairs, she laughed as he told her one of his funny jokes. "There you guys are! I thought you guys would never wake up" Mrs Jung smiled looking up at the beautiful pair in front of her.

She released his arms as she made her way over to his mother "eomeoni do you need help cleaning up the table?" "Thanks for asking dear but why don't you and Yunho go out and have some fun. Go out and do whatever youngsters do these days when they go on dates" ~~~~~~ turned around to look at Yunho "can we?" He nodded his head "If that's what you want"

She walked hand in hand with him down the streets of Seoul, pointing out every little thing she found interesting while he watch her enjoy herself. Little did they know a group of fans started trailing behind them taking pictures of the famous idol with his girlfriend, but they both walked down the streets as if it was just only them.

"Oppa are you tired? Should we go sit down?" she asked concern after seeing him sway a little. He smiled "it's ok lets keep going" he walked on. "Are you sure?" he nodded his head as he wrapped his arms around her "I am ok" he reassured her. Although she wasn't fully convinced she still followed after him.

They walked a bit more until he came to a complete stop, she turned around to look at him concern "oppa?" he looked at her as he swayed a couple times before crashing to the ground with his eyes closed.

"oppa!" she caught his head in her lap "Oppa wake up! Don't scare me like this! Oppa!" she looked up at all the shocked fans "someone please call for help! someone please!" quickly a girl in the front pulled out her cell and started dialing. "oppa hold on, please..."

Within minutes an ambulance showed up and had him transferred to the hospital. She sat outside of the wards; her hands clasped together as she pleaded to the gods that he would come out safely. "Unnie!" a worried voice called out to her. Looking up she saw Jihye and his parents behind her running up to her

"How is my brother?" She stood up to face the family in front of her with teary eyes "Abeoji, Oeomeoni, Jihye I am really sorry this happened. It was all my fault.... If only I didn't suggest to go out, then he would still be fine. I am really sorry" she bowed unable to face any of them. "Oh dear, it's not your fault" Mrs Jung went over to help the younger one up "I am sure he's fine" she embrace her in her arms.

The doctor soon came out of the room reporting to everyone that it was just fatigue and that he can go home. Relieved, everyone walked into the room where he laid on a bed.

"How are you feeling honey?" Mrs. Jung asked sitting d

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Chapter 11: I didn't stop crying. I got emotional because of your story. You're a good writer, you know?

Very interesting and beautiful ending: Yunho is still living through his heart (beating in her chest) and through his son.
I couldn't be a better ending for this story.
And... thank you.
Chapter 10: Oh, my God! I am crying now.
So sad and beautiful in the same time...
Chapter 4: Romantic but sad. But they confessed and she promissed to stay by his side until the end. It's comforting for him. Love. Sad love...
Chapter 3: What does she think she's doing? Why is she rejecting him instead of being there for him? Right now, after they kissed? Hm!
Chapter 2: A crisis. Then the hospital.
At least kis members know now about him. They stopped be worried about his disappearence, but they will be even more worried because of what they are about to find out: his cancer!
Chapter 1: Oh, my! This is a very sad story. I am not fond of sad stories, but somehow this one just hooked me from the beginning, so I decided to cry along with it.
At least it's not about my bias.
Chapter 11: I couldnt stop crying as i read the last few chapters. So sad.
naznew #8
so sad..
weriiberii #9
Woah!! loss of words o.O amazing ending =D loved the story