Part 2

To the Chapel

We dated for two and half years, and I become a common figure at the dorm. I became friends with the rest of Big Bang. It was my birthday again when he proposed. As I walked towards the chapel I immersed my mind in the memory.


It was mid afternoon when there was a knock on my front door. When I opened it I was greeted by a smiling JiYong and DaeSung. “I am charged with bringing you with me and I have to blindfold you. Turn around please.” JiYong said in a loud voice.

“Shhhhh or people will figure out that you are here.” I said as I laughed. He just signaled for me to turn around. “Let me get my stuff first.” I quickly slipped into some shoes and grabbed my purse. I then came back to the door and closed and locked it. I then gave JiYong my back so he could blindfold me. They then guided me to a car and helped me in. The car took off. We were driving for a good amount of time when we pulled in somewhere. I was then directed to unbuckle and wait. When DaeSung came around to my side of the car he helped me out and led me into a building.

“Your one o’clock is here. Take care of her.” He said.

“Don’t you dare leave me.” I said as I felt cool hands start to lead me away.

They laughed, “We aren’t going anywhere. We have to make sure they do a good job.”

For what felt like forever I was subject to a makeover. I wasn’t allowed to open my eyes when they removed the blindfold. They did a facial, make-up, hair, a mani-pedi, the works. It was insane. Next I was put on a pedestal and they took off my clothes, after they assured me there were only women around and I was behind a curtain. I was then dressed up in a dress that was tea length (I could feel the hem) strapless dress and then they put me in some heels. Thankfully they weren’t too high and I could still walk. They opened the curtain and JiYong and DaeSung saw me. I heard a long whistle. “Damn, girl. You look amazing if you weren’t so taken I would claim you.”

I laughed nervously. “Can I please open my eyes? I’m dying to see.”

“Yes you can look.”

I open my eyes and gasped. It barely looked like me anymore. I was in a silver satin dress with black lace over lay. On my feet were matching heels. My make-up was natural and soft looking, and my eyes popped. My hair was up in a beautiful coif with a few tendrils framing my face. I was speechless. When I was finally able to take my eyes away from my reflection I looked at JiYong. “Why?”

“The pampering is DaeSung’s gift to you. The dress and heels are my birthday gift to you. SeungHyun already told us what he has planned for you so we all are helping out. Now it is SeungRi’s turn, and here he is now.”

I looked over and saw the youngest holding a box. “Come over and open my gifts for you.” he said after he had composed himself. I chuckled and made my way over to him. He held the box as I unwrapped and opened the lid. Inside there were two velvet boxes. I looked up at him and he nodded his head for me to open them. I reached in and picked up the one on the left with trembling fingers. I slowly opened it and there was a silver tiara band with black and white diamonds inset. I looked up and gaped at him. DaeSung pulled it from my fingers and carefully put in my hair. “Open the other one too.” Seung-Ri urged me. I slowly picked up the second box and opened it. Inside were matching necklace, earrings and bracelet.

I felt tears threaten to fall. I started to blink rapidly to try and keep them from spilling over and ruining my make-up that took so long and looked beautiful. “You guys are going to make me cry. Come here.” I pulled each of them in to a hug. After I hugged the three of them I put on my other gift. It didn’t escape my notice that YoungBae was missing but I wasn’t going to bring it up.

“Ok, let’s get out of here and head over to YoungBae’s gift.” DaeSung said. We all walked out and got in the band’s van. We went to their dorm and went up. Inside stood YoungBae with a box and a smile.

“Happy Birthday, Girl.” he said enthusiastically.

I smiled, “Thank you.” I went to give me a hug but was hindered by him handing the box instead. I looked at him and rolled my eyes and then took the box. I took off the wrapping paper and pulled off the lid. When I looked in all I saw was black, it took me a few seconds to realize it was fabric. I reached in and pulled out a fine wool jacket.

“You will need that tonight. There is also something else in the box.” I looked in the box and found a small black stain clutch purse already filled with Kleenex and my favorite lip gloss. JiYong reached around me and put my IDs in as well.

“Thank you so much. I love it.” I said as I finally pulled YoungBae into a hug. He pulled away blushing. He still hasn’t gotten used to my hugs and blushes every time, it’s so cute. “Ok I am really curious as to what SeungHyun has planned that warrants all of this. I love the gifts but it makes a girl curious.” I said as I tried on the coat.

“Well turn around and we can start the night and your curiosity can start to be satisfied.” I heard from a deep voice behind me. I turned around and SeungHyun was dress up in black suit with a silver satin tie and a black jacket. I have seen him in suits before but it took my breath away every time. I was vaguely aware of someone putting the clutch in my hand and urging me forward. I walked towards my boyfriend and he held out his arm to me. I then noticed that we had similar coats on. His was the men’s version of mine. He led me outside and there was a limo waiting for us.   

We got in and we were off. We talked about everything that happened. He apparently didn’t know all the gifts that the boys got me so I told him about it all. When we got to the restaurant he helped me out and we walked in. We were the only guests there. There was a table for two with candlelight in the middle of the room. The rest of the tables were gone and there was a four string quartet sitting off to the side. The lights were dim. I looked at SeungHyun and saw a smile on his face. “I love you.” He kissed me and took my coat handing both of our coats to the host who was standing by waiting for them. Then turned around and got his first real look at me. “You are beautiful.”

I blushed and mumbled a thank you. He grabbed my chin and gently lifted my face to his and he lightly kissed me. Then he led me to the table. We had wine with our amazing meal while the quartet played in the background. After dessert of a huge slice of chocolate cake, he stood and came over to me and held out his hand. I slipped my hand into his and he pulled me up. We walked to the middle of the floor and he slipped me into his arms. We danced together, nice and slow. “This is the best birthday ever. Thank you so much.”

“Even better than three years ago when you went to a Big Bang concert and got a phone number?” he asked jokingly.

I laughed, “That’s a close second since it brought me to this birthday with you.”

“Well the night is not over yet. I have something else planned. Do you want to see what it is?”

I nodded and we made our way to the door. Once we had our coats back on we left the restaurant, I looked up and there was a horse drawn carriage waiting for us. I gasped and he chuckled. Then he slipped his hand into mine linking our fingers together and pulled me toward the carriage. After we were seated and bundled up with the blanket on our laps, the horse pulled us forward as snowflakes started to fall slowly. I cuddled up and he held me close. Kissing in a horse drawn carriage at night with snow gently falling was something I had always wanted to do. That night my wish was granted. We stopped after a little while and I looked up, we were at a park with twinkling strings of lights everywhere. We made our way to the lights. There was a section that was really well illuminated.

 SeungHyun then turned and faced me. Slowly he got down on one knee, pulled out a box and said, “Ever since that day I gave you my phone number, I have been happier. You really are beautiful, smart, my bright spot when I have a bad day, my smile as I go to sleep at night. I love you more than anything. Will you do me the great honor of marring me?” He opened the box, nestled in the velvet was an emerald cut sapphire with princess cut diamonds on either side set in a white gold band.

I looked at the man I love and leaned down and kissed him. I pulled him to his feet while kissing him. When we finally broke the kiss to breathe I whisper-yelled, “Yes, yes I’ll marry you.” He pulled the ring out of the box and slipped it on the ring finger of my left hand above the couple ring that he had given me after we had been dating six months.

We slowly left the park and made our way across the street to a hotel. He already had a room reserved so we made our way up the suite. When we got inside there was another box and bottle of champagne. We opened the champagne and toasted our engagement. He then handed me the box. “This is my birthday present for you.”

“You already gave the best birthday ever.”

He laughed, “Ok so it’s for both us. Open it”

I set down my glass and opened the present. It was skimpy black lingerie. I put it on after he helped me get out of the dress. Let’s just say it didn't stay on too long.

End Flashback



So here is part two. Part three will be up later. Right now I need to get to bed. lol. Love y'all.


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Chapter 3: oh... this was such a sweet story to read, and the end written so well and devastating.......
lemonbright #2
Chapter 3: It was beautiful. But the end was tragic. I don't blame you, but don't blame me for going off to find something with a somewhat more pleasant ending.