Part One

To the Chapel

I left the house and got into the car. As the door closed I started to think back on how I got here. The first time we meet was an everyday thing for him, and the most exciting day of my life.


It was a birthday present from my friends for my twenty-first birthday, tickets to a meet and greet concert for my favorite band Big Bang. I was going to meet my ultimate bias. Choi Seung Hyun aka T.O.P. When we got there we sat in our seats and waited for everything to start. Soon the boys came out. I was so excited. When we got to the front of the line we talked a little with each member. I was super excited to talk to T.O.P. his deep voice washing over me. I had them sign my Favorite album of theirs Number 1. I was walking on clouds the whole time. The concert was amazing. Especially since I was in the front row. I sang along with all of the songs. It wasn’t until I got home that night that I realized someone had put a phone number on one of the pages with a note next to it saying “text me”. I was curious so I texted the number saying, “Hi I found this number with a note saying text me. I was at your concert tonight.”

I didn’t expect to get a reply back, but I got one a minute later saying, “Hi give me an hour and you will have my undivided attention. I promise.” I sent back an ok and waited, getting ready for bed and having a glass of wine. A little over an hour later I got a text, “Sorry about the wait we had to finish a few things and then we came home. So tell me about yourself.” That’s how it all started. We texted back and forth and it took me forever to figure out who it was because he refused to tell me; he wanted me to figure it out on my own. When I did I flipped out. It was Choi SeungHyun. I put him in my phone as IRIS because I loved him in that show.

End Flashback

We talked and texted for months after that. We learned a lot about each other. That is how our relationship started, a friendship through text. Little did I know it would become so much more. We talked about everything.

Halfway to the chapel I reminisced our first date. One day I got a text asking me something I only dreamed about.


“Hey so I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me.” was the text I woke up to after about five months of texting back and forth. I screamed and had a fan-girl moment. After calming down again I sent back “Sure, what were you thinking?” It took a few minutes before I got, “Meet me at the mall in the food court in an hour. I will find you.”  So I quickly got ready and made my way to the mall and the food court. I had been sitting there for a few minutes when someone sat across from me. I looked up ready to tell however it is that I’m busy and to leave me alone until I realized it was a guy in a beanie with sunglasses on and a jacket with a scarf. He pulled down his glasses just enough for me to see who it was. It was SeungHyun. My mouth dropped but I quickly recovered. “What you didn’t think I would come?” he asked with a small smirk. I just shook my head in a negative. “Why would I pass on a date with a beautiful smart girl like you?”

“Maybe because I’m a little miss nobody, and you are an idol.” I said quietly.

 Somehow he still heard me. He grabbed my hands and started to rub his thumbs on the back of my hand. “You are not a little miss nobody to me. To me you’re the bright spot at the end of the day. You are the smile on my face as I go to sleep.” I sat there stunned; it was a good thing I wasn’t standing because I may have made a spectacle of myself by falling to the floor when my knees gave out.

“Why did you give me your number?” It was something that I had been wondering but I didn’t want to ask over text. I wanted to read his face and posture when he answered.

“You were real and beautiful. I wasn’t sure if you would respond but I had to take the chance, so I wrote my number when everyone was distracted. Why did you text me?”

“I’m a risk taker. I figured why not? If anything else I could have some good memories for my birthday.” I shrugged. “Texting someone from my favorite band. Who wouldn’t want to?” I asked with a smile.

We went back and forth asking questions that we hadn’t wanted to ask over text. We sat there for about an hour and half talking. Soon people started to look at us, particularly him. So as to avoid fans and cameras, we got up. As we were leaving the food court he grabbed my hand and linked our fingers together in a lover’s knot. I blushed but kept our fingers locked. We walked around and window shopped as we continued to talk. We were there for so long we lost track of time that after awhile his friends got worried and called him to make sure he was ok.  When he got off the phone he asked if I would go somewhere with him. I agreed and we left the mall.

We got in my car and he gave me directions to a botanical garden. It was a warm night so we didn’t grab our jackets and walked towards the entrance. When we got to the gate he said something in English to the guard and we were waved in. He took off his disguise and placed it on the ground by the gate and grabbed my hand again. “This is a place I came often to think and relax. I can be myself here.” He started to pull me down a pathway. We stopped at a bench and he sat down I was about to follow suit when he pulled me onto his lap. “I’ve wanted to do this all day.” He then just held me close with his head on my shoulder and his eyes closed. After getting over my shock, I slowly wrapped my arms around him and leaned my head on top of his and closed my eyes and let myself relax. The smell of flowers in bloom filled my head and the sounds of the city were somehow washed away and the sound of crickets chirping filled the night.

We just enjoyed the moment. I opened my eyes when I felt his fingertips lightly brushing my cheek. He was looking at me intently. Next thing I know he picked up a strand of my hair and smelled it. “I don’t want to rush this but I was dying to find out what you smelled like so that I can dream of you.” he breathed.

I blushed and buried my face in his shoulder. “What do I smell like then?” I asked in a loud enough voice for him to hear me but not enough to disturb the night.

“You smell like the sweetest rose and honey.” He said as he held me closer. We sat like that asking little questions here and there. Mostly we just enjoyed the night.

After about an hour and a half he said that he had to get back to the dorm and asked me drop him off. “Will your managers mind? I mean do they really want a fan to know where you guys live.”

“Just let me deal with them, ok?” I just nodded. We made our way to the entrance and picked up his stuff. We left and made our way to where he lived. When we got there he was back in his disguise and I noticed that there were a few windows that had the blinds cracked. We were being watched. I chuckled to myself. He noticed too and pulled me from the car. He then gave me a tight hug. “I had fun today. Would you be opposed to doing this again sometime?” he whispered in my ear.

“N-no I wouldn’t mind at all.” I choked out as I hugged him back.

When he pulled away he had a big smile on him face. “I’m glad. By the way text me your address.” I nodded and got back in my car and waited until he entered the building. I then drove home in a haze. I got home and texted him my address as he asked unsure of why he needed it, and thanking him for a wonderful day. I got a text back saying that he enjoyed the day too and he couldn’t wait to do it again when his schedule was free.

The next morning I found out why he needed my address when my doorbell rang and I opened the door to a beautiful bouquet of white flowers. Next to it was a box when I opened it there was a bag that I had really liked yesterday that I was going to go back and get for myself. There was a note inside the box that said, “I saw this caught your eye. Enjoy. SeungHyun.”

End Flashback

We went on six dates before he kissed me. As we pulled into the street for the chapel I relived the kiss.


We had gone bowling of all things and I had just gotten a strike. He picked me up and spun me around. I laughed and held on. I had gotten used to his hugs, he really was a hug person it was so cute. He put me back down and looked at me. “May I kiss you?” he asked as he leaned closer. I nodded my head. He slowly leaned down and brushed his lips over mine once, twice, three times. Then he cradled my face with one hand as the other arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer to his body. He applied more pressure for a few seconds then pulled away and rested his forehead against mine. It was a chaste kiss but the passion could be tasted just behind the control.

End Flashback






Ok so here is part one. I'm breaking this up so it's not so daunting to read. It won't be more than three parts. Enjoy. Please comment and subscribe.


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Chapter 3: oh... this was such a sweet story to read, and the end written so well and devastating.......
lemonbright #2
Chapter 3: It was beautiful. But the end was tragic. I don't blame you, but don't blame me for going off to find something with a somewhat more pleasant ending.