
Secrets are best untold [ SEQUEL TO 'what can only be a dream']

"Yuri.. Its nice to see you again" Kevin said. I was absolutely frozen in my steps. I couldnt believe who was standing in front of me... I expected Hoon to show up at least. But  here was Kevin, as always, right where he should be.

But something was different. He didnt smile at me as always. Instead he looked hurt, and rejected. I knew it was because of me. And the knowledge of that nearly broke my heart. It broke my heart knowing I was the one that broke the innocent, gentle, caring Kevin I always knew and loved. Out off all people.. It was me. One of the closest to him.

He looked down and sighed. "May I come in?" He asked.

"O-Of course.." I stuttered, and stepped aside. I closed the door. "How did you get here?" I asked. He smiled weakly. "Hoon made a distraction so people thought he was following you to New York. But all along, I was the one coming." He explained.

"But.. why did you need distraction?" I asked. He looked away. "So people wouldnt get the wrong idea" He said.

I couldnt hold it back anymore. My eyes were teary and my lips were quivering. My hands were clenched into fost and my knees were shaking. My whole body felt cold, ice cold. I just wanted one thing warm in my life. One person who truely loved me.

His eyes widened when he saw the state I was in. "Yuri.. Whats... Whats wrong?" He asked.

"I.." I began but then fell to my knees, and took my hands to my face. "I'm so sorry!" I said, then started crying. He rushed beside me. I felt supportive hand on my shoulder.

"Yuri, You dont have to be sorry. None of this is your fault... Its all mine. If I had to kept myself and never confessed to you, you wouldnt have been so cunfuse. Eli never treated you right. You would have went to Kiseop, and--" he said, but I pulled him into a hug. I could tell he was shocked because it took for a long moment before uneasy hands went on my back.

"No.. Its all my fault. I ran away, feld to new York. Without even realising that one was right for me always there, all along." I said. We pulled away from each other and I looked up at him. "You.."

He was really surprised. "What?? Yuri.. me? Are you sure?" He asked. I bit my lip since that wasnt the reaction I was expecting. He's so fragile and gentle. And he likes taking things slow. But he's the sweetest guy ever. He's perfect..

"Eli did horrible things. We got into fights, he cheated on me, he did everything I can never forgive him for. I cant go down that road again. When I thought I loved him again it was nothing more than being swayed by him. And Kiseop.... He ignored me for years. I cant say honestly say we had something special. Our love never would have lasted. it went to fast in too short of a time" I said, and looking at him, he was genuinely paying attention to my words.

I smiled. "I needed someone who was always there for me, from day one. but someone I could look at not just as close but maybe something more. Someone who always cared for me and looked out for me. Someone who never took things fast and would stay in my life. A love that really would last for a long time, for forever. But when I considered all of those thing only one person that came to my mind. Kevin.. I've never been more sure in my life"

Finally, I say that smile. That amazing smile that could turn my whole day that was upside-down and make it right-side up.  That beautiful smile that sends my heart into a frenzy and wamrth every part of me. That smile.. just that smile... is all I need...

I waited for a reply. Bu I what I got was him pulling me in to a warm, tight hug. But with that alone I was more than satisfied . I put my arms around him and rested my head on his shoulder. I had never felt more of a perfect fit ever in my life. 

"Ahh,, isnt that just adorable? But really. This is something out of a storybook or something" AJ interrupted. We pulled away and smiled. I stood up and he stood up after me. Then we took eac other's hand. He turned to me. "How would you like to walk out on the street of New York streets, HyoEun?" He asked.

I held his hands tighter. "I would love it more than anything. And stop calling me HyoEun. AJ is the only one can call me that"

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Taec_Lover #1
Chapter 10: I love it! xD
Even though I'm shocked that she with Kevin in the end, it was great.
Good job author-nim! :)
Chapter 6: OMG OMG!Things took another turn.I wonder if Jaeseop will fall in love again of Yuri and who will ago after her?
And btw thanks for today's updates <3
Taec_Lover #3
Chapter 4: What's going on?
Update soon since I can't wait for knowing what happen next xD
Btw, triple update? Cool :3
Chapter 2: Who call her???

SO exciting !!

Please do update unnie!