Sticks and Stones



"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me."
Repeating those words in her head Ara, so hopes them to be true.


I really shouldn't be writing because I started my Exams today but I couldn't sleep last night so I wrote this. It's about Taemin again! I can't help it, he's just so amazing. Hope you like it:)

Feel free to subscribe and comment, and I'll try to reply :)

Its going to be a two shot or a one shot depending on how much I write.

If you have time you can read my other two shots/three shots:

If Angels Could Cry (Tao)

Disposed (Chanyeol)

The Forgotten (Taemin)

And my ongoing fic:

With Love (Taemin)

PS I made the poster on my iPod so it kinda . Sorry


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Chapter 3: i love this :)
Chapter 3: I totally loved it, it's beautiful how because of bullying her he fell for her... also how he kept calling her ugly but deep inside he thought she was beautiful ♡
Chapter 3: but is still sad because of the part when she being abuse
Chapter 2: love it please update faster >.<