
Sticks and Stones


Ara was suspended immediately once the teachers heard what happened. Key tried to stand up for her telling them what Taemin had done but the provoke her but they just replied simply 'Violence is never the answer'.
She clearly didn't want a suspension, it just meant having to spend more time at home with her abusive parents, something that she had escaped from by going to school. Not only that, she had to tell them the reason for her staying home. They weren't going to be happy, not that they ever were. She walked home slowly after school prolonging the inevitable beating.
Ara smiled as she played with her bandage on her wrist she had gotten after punching Taemin. Sure it hurt but she was proud of herself, she had stood up to him. Something she hated herself for not doing earlier.
Her smile faltered as she reached her house. She has no key so she must knock meaning there is no way to avoid her parents today. Releasing a sigh she brought her good not broken hand to the door lightly tapped it.
No response. She knocked again this time louder, again no response. Realizing that they are not home she sat down on the porch steps, slightly relieved that she doesn't have to face them.
"Aish, that !" Taemin screamed as he examined his black eye in the mirror. He had been humiliated and he didn't like it one bit. Of course he had deserved it but that didn't mean he wasn't angry.
Pacing the room he finally made up his mind, he was going to confront her. Make her life a living hell. Grabbing his jacket he ran out of his house.
It was dark and Taemin had no idea where exactly she lived but calling around he had heard it was in this area. He had to call a lot of people, she didn't have much friends to Taemin's frustration.
Finally he spotted a familiar looking girl. His anger faded as he saw her. She was sleeping on a front porch, her wrist was bandaged and hair had fallen across her face.
She looked really beautiful under the moonlight. Taemin shook the thought away. No she is ugly and a .
Again Taemin softened as she shivered in the cold night air and let out a small whimper. Why is she sleeping outside, Taemin wondered. He was at a loss for what to do. He had come here to confront her but that was out of the question now. She again shivered and Taemin looked around trying to find something to help. He found nothing and let out a sigh as he finally took off his jacket placing it softly across her shoulders.
A cold wind blew once more and Taemin shivered as he walked home, cursing the girl for making him soft.
"Why the hell am I being nice!" He shouted in the air as he realised he had been kind to the girl who he had promised to ruin.
Ara woke up by a kick to the back which caused her to land in the bushes. She looked up from the bushes to be greeted by her father's stern face.
"Why are you sleeping outside!" She didn't want to point out the fact they hadn't been home, instead she remained silent. "Do you want the neighbors to think we don't treat you well!"
She quickly shook her head, not wanting to anger her father. He wasn't pleasant when he was angry, even worse than he is now.
"That's what I thought, get inside!" He scolded as he walked into the house.
She stood up from the bushes and brushed the dirt off her uniform. She paused as she noticed the jacket on the ground where she had been sleeping. Whose jacket was that? It was too small to be her father's or mother's and it wasn't hers. Maybe some kind stranger had given it to her. Smiling at the thought of human kindness, she hugged the jacket to her chest and walked into the house.
"Umma" she smiled at her mother who was in the kitchen making yet another meal just for her and Ara's father.
"What! Get to school Ara! I don't want to have you to deal with today." The venom was evident in her tone and Ara could tell that her mother was hungover.
"Umma I got suspended" she quietly whispered.
"What!" The voice didn't belong to her  mother, instead her father walked up to her and pulled her hair back. "You , we pay so much for your education and how do you repay us. You get bloody suspended." Ara didn't answer not even to correct her father on the fact she goes to public school meaning they don't pay.
The silence only made him madder as he let of her hair and pushed her. Her face hit the kitchen counter and blood dripped from a gash on her face. "Whatever" he yelled turning to her mother "you deal with this!" He walked out leaving the young girl with her mother who was no better. Her mother laid down her knife on the table and paced over to her, grabbing her broken wrist. She yelped at the pain but her mother slapped her to keep quiet. Without a single word her mother pulled her along. Her nails dug into Ara's skin drawing out blood. Pushing her into the small cupboard under the stairs her mother locked the door.
"Stay in there until your suspension is over you ungrateful brat!"
Ara tried to make herself comfortable in the limited space. Unlike her attic bedroom this space had enough space to stand but not enough to lie down. She sat down in a corner bringing her knees to her face as she sighed. Staring at her broken wrist, blood now stained the white bandage.Remembering what had gotten her here in the first place she smiled.
"Still proud." She whispered to herself, not regretting her actions that had gotten her suspended.
Taemin was worried when she hasn't come to school. Maybe she had gotten sick from sleeping outside he wondered. Maybe she had transferred schools, he hoped otherwise.
He was relieved to find out she was just temporarily suspended and should be returning to school soon.
His eyes lit up as she walked into the classroom, days later. Unknowingly his heart bet faster as he stared at the young girl. He noticed the jacket she wore over her uniform and smiled knowing it was his.
Taemin was yet to realise it but he was slowly falling for Ara, the girl he had bullied everyday for six years.
I think I can only write in my sleep deprived state. Sorry. It is going to be a three shot. Please wait for the next part. :) comment and subscribe.
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Chapter 3: i love this :)
Chapter 3: I totally loved it, it's beautiful how because of bullying her he fell for her... also how he kept calling her ugly but deep inside he thought she was beautiful ♡
Chapter 3: but is still sad because of the part when she being abuse
Chapter 2: love it please update faster >.<