Quarto Episodio

Till the End


Myungsoo scanned the documents that Hoya had presented to him early in the morning.

“Thanks, you can go out,” Myungsoo dismissed Hoya.

Myungsoo was reading the documents with great interest when he found something that caught his eye.

“No…this cannot be!” Myungsoo immediately his laptop and started typing swiftly aross the keyboard.

“Why? Can this really be…” Myungsoo laid back in his chair in exasperation.

‘Why was fate playing such tricks on them?’ Myungsoo thought as he took one last look at the profile on his computer.

A knock was heard on the door and Myungsoo immediately pressed the screen to his laptop flat down onto the keyboard.

“Come in,” Regaining his composure, Myungsoo said calmly.

The door opened to reveal the man that Myungsoo had been expecting since yesterday.

“You called, Young master?” The bodyguard had asked politely.

“Where were you since yesterday, Sunggyu? I didn’t see you the whole of yesterday,” Myungsoo started complaining.

“My apologies, young master. I was tending to injuries and did a little checking of the attacker’s background yesterday,” Sunggyu replied.

“And so, what did you find out?” Myungsoo asked.

“Apparently, he was paid, but we failed to locate the mastermind because of the limited interaction,” Sunggyu reported.

Myungsoo sighed. ‘A dead end again huh?’ He thought.

“Well, let’s forget about that. Anyway, I have a new order for you,” Myungsoo watched the bodyguard seriously.

Sunggyu looked surprised. It was rare that Myungsoo gives him orders. Sunggyu’s only duty was to safeguard Myungsoo at all times. Orders like getting documents or spying were usually done by Hoya.

“I’ll be having a guest today in the afternoon. Make sure you attend to him until I get back from the meeting today,” Myungsoo instructed.

“I’ll not be accompanying you today?” Sunggyu asked.

“Hoya will be by my side. So just make sure you treat my guest well,” Myungsoo confirmed, before grabbing his coat and preparing to set off.

“Well then, young master. Please be safe on your way,” Sunggyu bowed a little as he watched Myungsoo lower the car window.

‘He’s not angry, is he?’ Sunggyu thought as he watched the black limousine drive off.

Sunggyu sank onto the sofa of the large living room. The grand mansion was only left with him and a few guards guarding the place. He had nothing to do before the said guest arrives.

Sunggyu couldn’t help but recall yesterday events and the person whom he’d been missing.

‘Will I ever see you again, Woohyun?’ Sunggyu thought.


“Sunggyu Sir, he’s here,” Somebody reported to Sunggyu who was still lying on the sofa, unmoving.

Sunggyu got up to his feet. “Get the kitchen to prepare some snacks,” Sunggyu instructed before leaving for the entrance of the gate.

‘Which guest is so important that my presence is required?’ Sunggyu couldn’t’ help but try to guess the identity of the mysterious guest.

Sunggyu walked on the path that led straight to the gate. He could see a figure standing impatiently, his hands in his pocket. Sunggyu could only see the striking black hair and tall stature from his point.

As he approached the guest slowly, something caught his eye and his eyes widened in surprise. Sunggyu sprinted towards that familiar figure.

“Woohyun!” Sunggyu’s hands banged against the gate that separated the two.

“Sunggyu-ssi?” Woohyun could not believe his eyes.

“What are you doing here?” Sunggyu asked, unable to hide his tone of excitement.

“I was invited! By Kim Myungsoo,” Woohyun showed him a letter that was sent to his place just yesterday.

“So you’re the important guest?!” Sunggyu asked with disbelief.

Woohyun frowned. “Is that something so hard to believe?” Woohyun pouted.

Sunggyu sniggered at the younger’s reaction. “No no… that’s not what I mean. I’m just really really happy to see you again,” Sunggyu explained.

Woohyun smiled a little at that.

“Anyway, come on in,” Sunggyu immediately remembered his duty and he showed the guest in politely, unable to hide the smile on his face.


‘It’s about time he reached huh?’ Myungsoo looked at his watch and thought.

The meeting was boring him and he couldn’t help but miss home. Watching several elders exchanging vulgar language and cursing wasn’t the most interesting thing to do. He yawned.

Hoya stared in disbelief at the teenager, then warily at the elders who were all glaring at him disapprovingly.

The moment he let out a yawn, the elders had all became dead silent and spun to look at the head of the family.

“Respected Elders, won’t you let me offer a solution?” Myungsoo smiled and offered.

The ending ended quickly after that to Myungsoo’s relief. He didn’t want to sit there for even a moment longer than necessary.

“Young master, this is not the way to the car,” Hoya said respectfully.

“I have someone I want to meet before that,” Myungsoo replied.

Yes, he needed to have a word with the man he had never seen for 2 years. The last time he’d seen him was when Myungsoo was inheriting the clan from him. He needed to tell him something.

“Master, Young master Myungsoo has come,” Myungsoo heard his arrival being announced to the sleeping man.

“You may go in now,” Myungsoo heard his arrival being approved and the sliding doors opened for him.

“My dear Myungsoo… What brings you here today?” The awakened man took the young boy’s face into his hands and asked, warmly.

“I’ve found him. The son of your two best friends,” Myungsoo replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

He watched the man in bed jerked upright and stared at the young teen in shock. Upon seeing that the young teen was unmoving, the man calmed down.

“What are you planning to do with him?” The man finally asked.

“Nothing. Just helping him out,” Myungsoo answered.

“Is keeping him by your side really safe?” The man continued questioning.

“So that’s why you didn’t insist on protecting the child,” Myungsoo smirked. “You were scared.”

The man’s eyes widened. “You’re starting to talk like your grandfather, Myungsoo,” The man smiled slightly. “The both of you all are all leaders, unlike me. I can only blindly follow and hope that I don’t hurt anyone,” The man confessed, pride evident in his eyes as he watched Myungsoo.

“I wouldn’t interfere with any of your plans. You can decide however you like,” The man finally said.

Myungsoo grinned.

“But! I won’t allow you to hurt that child,” The man had firmly emphasized.

“Yes, father. Of course,” Myungsoo responded.
His task was now completed.

With a final bow, Myungsoo took his leave. He could finally leave this dreaded house and return home.


“Wow! This place is frigging huge!” Woohyun looked like an excited kid jumping up and down. “There’s even an indoor swimming pool!” Woohyun exclaimed as he walked on the sides of the pool.

Sunggyu smiled. “It’s a little too huge. Won’t you agree?”

“You blessed people won’t ever understand,” Woohyun commented.

“Woohyun, how’s your hand?” Sunggyu asked, after watching the bandage on the excited kid’s hand.

“It’s fine. Don’t worry about it,” Woohyun shrugged the wound off. “Anyway, do you have any idea as to why I was called, Sunggyu-ssi?” Woohyun asked the bodyguard.

Sunggyu shook his head. His master’s actions are always a puzzle to him. “And stop it, with the honorifics,” Sunggyu said.

Woohyun raised an eyebrow at Sunggyu. “But…”

“No buts! Sunggyu. Nothing more,” Sunggyu demanded.

“If you say so… Sung…,” Woohyun suddenly slipped and found himself in mid-air, about to fall into the swimming pool.

“Woohyun!” Sunggyu reached out to grab the younger on his waist and with a turn, he made sure the two were a safe distance from the pool and that the younger was in no danger of falling.

“Gyu…” Woohyun continued when he realized that the other’s face was extremely close to his. Their bodies were touching and their lips just a gap apart.

“I missed you…” Sunggyu used his other hand to cup Woohyun’s blushing face. And he was about to lower his lips to close the gap between them. Suddenly, a clearing of the throat was heard.

The two immediately pulled apart from one another at the sudden intrusion.

Sunggyu was the first to recognize the intruder.

“Hoya!” Sunggyu chided.

“Luckily Myungsoo called me in first to test the waters. If not, he’ll be seeing such a traumatizing scene,” Hoya commented.

Woohyun immediately blushed further at that.

“Young master has returned?” Sunggyu ignored Hoya’s sarcastic comment.
‘He’s just jealous,’ Sunggyu thought in his head.

“He wants both you and Woohyun in his meeting room, now!” Hoya repeated his instructions.

“I get it… Come Woohyun, let me bring you to Myungsoo,” Sunggyu regained his bodyguard pose and bent slightly, leading the way with just his hands.
Woohyun followed obediently.

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Chapter 7: It would be nice of you if you update this story..
Chapter 5: i love woogyu moment here...
i hope namu will accept the offer from myung.. it would be cool when both woogyu are bodyguard >///<
Chapter 5: New reader here. This is interesting. I'm looking forward to more :D
shedding-dream #4
Chapter 4: woohyun is the child of Myungsoo's father bestfriend?
i sense some of jealousy here xD
Chapter 4: this is interesting. subscribed~
i can't wait for more woogyu moments :3 they're just too cute.
it's a relief that myung did not see a sweet woogyu scene. LOL.
anyway, will be anticipating for more. hwaiting! ^^
shedding-dream #6
Chapter 2: waaaaaaaa.....
sobs. you dedicated this for me ;A;
lemme hug you and showering you with kisses :* :* :*

gyagyagyaaaa~ i can't help but fangirling over Sunggyu was Myungsoo's bodyguard <3 <3
Myunggyu just kljhaljdaslk <3 <3 *sorry, i'm myunggyu stan*

huahahha... woohyun's dream to become a bodyguard. you are 1000 years early to beat Sunggyu xD

update soon okay? fighting~