§ Locked In Time (Apply OPEN)


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In a planet called Exotha, a new ruler took over fifty years ago. It's not just a normal man, it was a Devil. Ever since he came into power, the planet has been dying. There are five kingdoms in Exotha, and each has their own royal family. This generation all the heirs are princesses, and they're all loved by the people, whether they show it or not. When they are finally ready to take over the throne, a Priestess shows up. She tells them that there is hope for their kingdom, that she had a way to make everything return to the way they were before the Demon took over.
To travel back in time.
In the past, the Princesses fight to destroy the Demon before he can get enough power to destroy their world. But what if something unexpected happens? Something not part of their plan? If the Princesses fall in love... will they still try to create a better future?
A future where their love doesn't exist?


"I called you all here to tell you something."


"That there is a way to way save your kingdom."


"To travel back in time."


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I applied as Jae Jin~ ^^ I hope you like her. c:
Chapter 1: Applied as Choi Sooyeon. ^_^
Hope you like her. :)
Chapter 1: Applied! As 'Seo Yereum'..Hope you received it and goodluck! ^^
Chapter 1: Ah I hope I won't have to make a blog post for application but if I do it's okay!