Casual outing~

Trick or Sweet


“Do you know to do this?” Sungmin talked in a really delicate and sweet way. Poor thing won’t ever get to have any fun, Caimin at all games, card games, video games, sports … But at least she got to him wrap his arms around her and guide her stereotypically when it was her turn. Her face was red from the cold that much is a fact but it was more likely red for a more, attractive male related reason. She was such a girl sometimes.

Your point of view

Remember when you said you at golf~yeah that was a lie. You’re amazing at it. You were just gleaming watching Donghae shift to watch you putt and miss terribly. Maybe he even though you’d let him get behind you and help you but that wasn’t going to happen. On the first hole the ball went right in, and you continued your perfect putting throughout the first half of the course. It’d gotten colder and there were not trees around so when the wind blew, ironically , it blew hard and there was nothing to block you from it. You hardly ever get cold….unless there is wind and there was …a lot of it.

                Your hands were freezing to the point where they were numb and your thigh was frozen stiff which caused you to miss the first shot the whole game. Everyone was a bit shocked actually they expected you to play a perfect game the whole time. There was a hot guy, with a golden smile to match his hair. He walked over to you and gave you his sweater insisting that you wouldn’t have to return it since he was going home. You hesitated but took it and smiled. “Thank you Yunho oppa.” You called after learning his name. You pulled it on, the sleeves hung over your hands and the length of it was a few inches longer than the shorts you were wearing. You were much warmer now the sweater smelled nice like cologne. You could tell Hae was bothered by another man giving you his jacket and you exchanged numbers but you didn’t care. He had no right to be upset.

                “You warmer now?” Caimin asked, always the concerned mother-like figure of the group. You just nodded in response. “But now I kind of want a vanilla ice cream cone, I think I’m gonna get one.” You said taking your face from your sleeve covered hands and began trying to get out of the picnic style table without kicking someone. “You’re crazy.” She commented. “Yeah yeah you want anything?” she and Sungmin shook their heads, you looked down at the other end of the table to ask Anjie and Kyuhyun while they took their break too but they were a bit …preoccupied…. And preoccupied in this case meant Kyuhyun accusing Anjie of cheating on the last hole and Anjie insisting she beat him fair and square.

“You’re just mad because I beat you after you were saying all those things about me being horrible at this game. I didn’t cheat how could I, it’s mini golf everyone else would have seen me cheat if I did. You’re just jealous.” Anjie didn’t let up on her gloating for anyone and Kyuhyun was no exception. You didn’t bother asking Donghae if he wanted anything, you looked up in his direction, he was sitting on top of the edge of the table but scoffed, got up and said he was going to the bathroom when you looked at him. His attempts to bother you were weak. You just shrugged it off and went to the concession kiosk to get your ice cream.  There were other kiosk but since it was late they were all closed except for the one that sold food. The man look at you odd wondering why a girl as “young” and “small” as you, even in a mini golf place would walk alone to get ice cream as dark as it was all around and as cold as it was. You just smiled and paid for your dairy treat. You the swirled vanilla soft serve. Since all the other booths were closed walking back to where your friends were was a really dark walk. You heard something behind you and checked quickly so if it was one of your friends you didn’t look panicked so easily. You didn’t hear anything else and kept eating your ice cream and walking just…a bit more quickly. Still whoever it was, was able to grab hold of your wrist and push you against the wall of one of the closed kiosk. It shocked you (duh) you dropped your ice cream cone, your heart was racing. You tried to wiggle your pinned wrist free but with no luck, you couldn’t even move it. That was a man’s grip and it was firm. “What are you doing?” that voice~of course. “Donghae, don’t scare people like that, let me go.” You were actually kind of angry at him. “What do you mean, you’re scaring me. Why are you being like this? Why are you wearing this random guy’s sweater to keep you warm?”

You just rolled your eyes in the dark. “Why does it matter you started it. Right now I’m seriously not in the mood for you so let me go. It doesn’t even matter you’re leaving tomorrow right?” You were angry to the point where you wanted to cry but you didn’t you just walked fast enough to get anyway from him.

Caimin’s point of view

Sungmin was lied his head on the table, bored, we were all waiting for ____ to come back. Parts of his face were covered by his blonde hair most except his round eyes that were just staring up at me while I listened to music. “You want to listen?” I asked holding my other white earbud in my hand. He reached up for it when Wonyi started talking. “Do Donghae and _____ know each other from somewhere?” That was like the first words she’d said all night. “No why? Don’t you think they’d talk to each other if they did. They can’t even look at each other.” Anjie commented. “Really? But…”

Sungmin sat up and turned to face Wonyi. “But what?”

“They both left this morning together and when I asked where they were going Hae pulled her outside and he kissed her in the car. So I was wondering if they were dating or something.” She finished.

“You’re crazy, she just broke up with her boyfriend.” Anjie blurted out. “I thought he was with her but he said he just went for a walk” Sungmin said sounding more skeptical. “She said she went to eat and she hadn’t seen him all morning, but she was being weird and I had a feeling she was hiding something.” I added.  Wonyi also pointed out how she went to get ice cream and the same time he had go use the bathroom or vice versa, it was all a bit too suspicious.

“What are you guys talking about….?” We all jumped and looked over at her. “Is it my turn?” We all just nodded, looking at her red wrist.  “Took you long enough.” Donghae said huskily appearing out of nowhere and from the opposite direction she did. For some reason it was really hot and everyone stopped talking. She went up to putt and then: “Miss!” Hae called out and when he did the ball curve all the way around the hole and practically came all the way back. “It’s funny we’re talking about missing, because I can think of one specific person I can’t wait to stop seeing.” She threw down golf club and stormed off. Donghae didn’t do anything he just scoffed and sat back on the table edge.

Your point of view

Boys are stupid, he’s stupid. How can he just act all nice, hold your hair and make you soup and buy you food when you’re alone but then just…ugh. You threw down the borrowed sweater and wandered to the car, but of course it was locked. You rubbed your arms in the dark parking lot. You even started to sneeze. “Please put this on.” You heard his voice again, you were so confused and upset and you just looked up at his glossy eyes and crumbled. Hae wrapped his grey hoodie around you and held you close to him.

Caimin’s point of view

“So what the hell, are we done playing or what?” I looked around and everyone was basically asleep or falling asleep. Including Sungmin who had his head on my shoulder. “Let’s just go home, it’s too cold out I don’t want you getting sick. Let’s just go back and I can keep us warm there.” Sungmin said softly.

Wonyi lived nearby and dropped her off home. Just only after that did we noticed neither Hae nor ____ were in the car.


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one more chapter....hope its good when I do write it :) thanks so much for reading! Saranghae


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Chapter 17: -sniffle- Q_____________Q
Chapter 13: Lol I finally caught up and goodness I love every second of this story ^0^
Chapter 7: O.O oh god
Chapter 6: Just hold me I can't. I really just can't.
Chapter 5: Please excuse me while I die.