Two can play~

Trick or Sweet


“Are you serious?!?” You exclaimed, actually surprised at what you were hearing about your friends night with the boys and their shopping trip during the day. “Man you guys are lucky, all I did was get drunk, vomit, and wake up with a hangover.” You shrugged taking on another glass of wine. “___ stop it, we don’t want you getting drunk again we might do something else tonight. Maybe the oppas will come too and since we already picked ours you’re stuck with Hae.” Anjie explained. You weren’t planning on getting drunk you just wanted to fill up on confidence for the rest of the night.

                Stuck with Hae? You looked over directly at their table, Hae smirked at you as if he’d finally gotten you to look at him, but you turned and waved at Kyuhyun and Sungmin instead. You wore a huge smile while waving then turned back around. “What if I like Sungmin better?” You tease, catching a death stare from Caimin and a glare from Hae across the room. You looked back and Sungmin was blushing. “You know I’m kidding.” You said a bit lower. “Who says I’m even interested in Donghae, he clearly doesn’t have any interest in me.” You said slyly, kissing the rim of your empty wine glass. Body language, you knew how to speak it very well, your body was sending out signals that only Donghae could pick up. He was already losing at his own game. “He’s been staring at you this whole time, and we all saw you talk to him at the party. We thought he was with you this morning.” You just scoffed at the comment. The food came and you all ate, you specifically ate excruciatingly slow and prettily, being sure to keep your lipstick flawless.

                You were all ready to leave after feeling stuffed and exhausted. You got up and waved goodbye to the boys excluding Hae. You even added in a wink and blew a kiss. Fierce walk in those red heels. You remembered what Donghae had said about the dress and shoes and smiled knowing that pretending not to notice you at all was paining him more than it was you. You sat on the edge of Caimin’s bed. “So are the guys coming out tonight or what?” You weren’t by any means one playing. Your friends were just surprised that you wanted to go out and asked if the guys were coming on.  “Seriously, what’s gotten into you _____. You never want to go anywhere. You shrugged, smiling cutely. And so the plan was mini golf, you at golf they at golf it was a total date activity. You wanted to make sure your friends made it with these guys, it was there last night after all and they were perfect together so you wanted to make them as close as possible while pushing Hae as far away as possible. “Mini golf it is.” You smirked.

                It was cool out at night and you had the perfect plan. You went into your room to change into more comfortable clothing. …comfortable. A thin red tank top and short, suspended shorts and red and white converse shoes and a red bow. You wiped your sophisticated make up off and put on simple eyeliner. You stepped a foot out of the bathroom and saw someone facing the opposite direction. You lowered your eyelids and crawled across the bed to meet him. You grabbed his shoulders and leaned in to whisper in his ear. “Get out of my room Hae, you don’t know me remember. It’s really scary to show up in a stranger’s bed room.” You didn’t wait for him to leave or to look at you, you just got up and left the room to meet your friends downstairs. “Okay you look cute but you’re going to freeze your off. I know you like the cold but you’re practically in wearing those shorts.” Caimin ranted. Of course you ignored her. Wonyi decided to tag along as well and in the car she instantly noticed the weirdness. She was the only one who’d seen you alone with Hae and you were pretty sure she’d seen you two kiss.  But as long as she wasn’t saying anything, you could still have your fun.

Caimin’s point of view

                I don’t know how she was surviving in those shorts and that tank top it was freezing out. Luckily Anjie and I wore big hoodies. I couldn’t stop laughing at Anjie flapping her arms around and making the sleeves oversized sleeves shake Meanwhile….our best friend was being really suspicious but I ignored it she’d had a few glasses of wine so maybe she was just tipsy. …Wonyi was there, I didn’t really want her there but Sungmin insisted on bringing her. Normally when it comes to me and my best friends I want it to be just us three, Kyuhyun, Sungmin and Donghae got lucky since they’re hot. It’s supposed to be like a triple date and she was ruining it with her presence. I didn’t dislike her, she was cute and all in her casual clothes, I just didn’t’ want her there. It was even more awkward that Donghae and ____ didn’t seem to be hitting it off yet, maybe I misread the situation between them. Oh yeah and Wonyi is Donghae’s “least favorite” ex-girlfriend so if anyone wanted her to go the heck home as much as I did it was him.

How was I supposed to get my best friend with Hae when his ex-girlfriend or fling or whatever was sitting right between there with them at the awkward table. It was interesting though she didn’t seem adverse to him, the awkward energy was mostly coming from his side and I was curious. And ____ didn’t even seem to notice anything she was just smiling the whole time like the freezing winds weren’t blowing right through her thin red tank top. You couldn’t pull Kyuhyun away from Anjie’s side with a crow bar if you tried. Kyu kept his arm around her the whole time, from when we got out of the car, while we walked through the parking lot to the mini golf place entrance and all the way to our little table near the start of the put-put courses. It was cute, like really cute I was really happy for her and Kyu. I just wanted him to ask her out already even though it’d only been like less than two days I was already getting annoyed with him not asking her out.

Wonyi wasn’t even interested in golfing I really didn’t know why we brought her then. Hae just sat at the table looking at the sky in his light blue tank top. _____ sat at the same table but far away from him and just waited for Kyu and Sungmin to come back with the balls and stuff.

Your point of view

                Anjie and Kyuhyun oppa were practically already married. You couldn’t help smiling watching them walk back over to the rest of the group, her wrapped in his arm. He was smiling too and singing, his voice really was the voice of angels. If you could marry a voice you would marry his, anyone would, it was perfect. But then you looked at Sungmin and Caimin they were….awkward. Not a match made in heaven but definitely not better suited. Caimin always liked pretty and sweet men and Sungmin was definitely that. He had a manly side too, so he was perfect. Even though his obsession with pink was a bit strange Caimin didn’t mind she just wanted to put him in a pink apron and have him cook for her like a house wife….only as a boy.  You were legitimately happy, you’d heard that Wonyi and Hae had had a thing at some point, it didn’t bother you any. She wasn’t competition and he couldn’t look at her for two seconds but he could stare at you for hours. DIdn’t mean he liked you but still it was clearly the better of the two.

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one more chapter....hope its good when I do write it :) thanks so much for reading! Saranghae


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Chapter 17: -sniffle- Q_____________Q
Chapter 13: Lol I finally caught up and goodness I love every second of this story ^0^
Chapter 7: O.O oh god
Chapter 6: Just hold me I can't. I really just can't.
Chapter 5: Please excuse me while I die.