T h r e e

100 tales of horror

Kiseop POV. 

 To others, 1pm in the afternoon is just another moment in time that is easily forgotten , another 1pm in their lives. That used to me. However , 1PM is the time where an unknown caller would call me , everyday , rain or shine, without fail. 


"Yeah, I just came in." I talked into the phone, wedged between my right ear and shoulder , holding a box as I walked in through the door of my new apartment. 

 "Thanks !"  I replied happily , " I'll be going off now." 

 Putting the box down , I looked around,  " Now to get started on unpacking." 

 *The previous owner had taste. Most of the furniture are still here .* 


 The shrill ring of the telephone broke my train of thought, running out from the master bedroom heading towards the telephone in the living room. 

 "Hello?" I spoke into the phone when i picked it up.

 The caller was quiet , I could hear heavy breathing on the other end , then that person hung up. I shrugged and continued with my packing. 

  I originally dismissed it as a wrong call. That person wanted to call the previous owner , and upon hearing a diferent voice, the caller hung up . As the days passed, the calls kept coming. All from the same person ... ... As the days passed, the caller started talking , but the caller only said three words, " GIVE IT BACK. "


I immediately tensed up , and looked over to the phone, 'UNKNOWN' was written the phone. I gulped and picked it up. 

 "Hello?" I gulped , my voice came out as a mere whisper. 

 I could hear the heavy breathing on the other end, "Give it back!" The caller said. 

  " Give what back? I don't know what you're talking about!" 

However , the caller just kept repeating the words until i hung up.

~flashback end~ 

Today , I sat on the sofa , glancing up at the clock again, waiting for 1PM, waiting for the caller to call . I wanted to end this , once and for all . The members told me that if I didn't pick up , the calls would stop. 


The person was calling again. I imemdiately shut my eyes , pressing my hands to my ears , trying to block out the sound, but the ringing just won't stop. Then, silence, the entire house was silent. It was creepy , the was the house was so quiet ,not even the dripping of the tap could be heard. I haven't had the time to fix it yet . I sighed in relief, It was all over . I felt like a huge boulder had been lifted off my shoulders . However ... 


I turned at the noise, It was coming from the door . Someone was banging on the door so hard that i was scared that it would break . Then the furious turning of the door knob. Someone or something was trying to enter. Was it beacause I didn't answer the calls ? At that moment , something clicked in my head. All of this , the caller just wants me to return something right? Something that the caller left behind. It must be in the apartment then. I immediately sprinted from my postion , looking around the house for something that didn't belong to me. 

Rummaging through drawers , I pulled everything out from their original positions. Now all of my clothes were on the floor , my table was over turned, everything was a mess. But i couldn't find anything that didn't belong to me . I ran from room to room . Nothing. The banging and the turning of the doorknob won't stop. It's getting louder and more frantic if anything. I ran to the kitchen , I looked over to the sink , and pushed my fingers through the small hole at the bottom. My fingers found a small object , I immediately pulled it out . It was a ring. A wedding ring. 

It looked so exquisite , I saw the words ' A x J ' delicately craved on the ring. Is this the thing the caller was looking for ? How do i give to the caller ? 


The banging won't stop. I looked out the window . I gently placed it outside the window on the small ledge outside the window, then closed the window and quickly drew the curtains. Closing my eyes and backing away from the window, I didn't want to see anything that I'm not supposed to see. 

After a while , It was quiet again . Curiosity kills the cat, yet my curiousity got the better of me. I cautiously peeked out from the small gap between the curtains , the ring was gone. It wasn't on the ledge anymore. I instantly felt relieved. The caller won't bother me anymore right? The caller got back that they wanted right? I walked back to the sofa and just laid down there, glad that the whole thing was finally over. 

The next day , I started writing some lyrics for one of the songs in my group's album. I stifled a yawn and headed to the kitchen , wanting to grab a bite. 


I froze , and glanced at the clock hanging on the wall. 



A.N. 3rd story of 100 tales~ 

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baozifrozen #1
Chapter 7: Why did I laugh a bit while reading the ending?
Chapter 5: eerrr this story..
You're a genius of thinking of this idea! ^^
BabyInspiritExotics #4
Chapter 17: This is one is real.
Chapter 17: Actually your last story is real but the girl aborted her baby~
Chapter 2: this really freaks me out :o
Chapter 17: Author-nim! Please update soon! ^^
Chapter 3: I don't even know why I'm reading this in the middle of the night. It creeps me out..
Chapter 17: this story sounds familiar. is it from the Bong Chong Dong ghost?
Chapter 17: I knew this webtoon. And that webtoon was kinda svary me out