~The second memory where Skye breaks her arm~


Hangeng and Skye walked through their local park and both ran to the swings as quick as they can sop that no one else can get on it. Skye got on the blue one and started swinging.

You are such a child, Skye. Hangeng told her.

I know! Skye sang, swinging higher and higher. Hangeng watched her warily as he only swung side to side as carefully as he can, the bottom of his shoes scraping on the hard gravel.

Skye, please be careful! Hangeng shouted.

I am! Loosen up brother! Skye shouted back at him, her hair flying wildly on her face. Im going to let go!!

No! Skye dont you dare!! Hangeng screeched, getting up from his swing and stood just near Skye so that she can see his stern expression.

Im going to let go and jump!! Skye . Hangeng tried to grab hold of he swing to stop it but Skye was too fast and swung higher and higher. Hangeng became panicky and wary that he stretched out his arms and held onto the swing, making Skye stopped.

Hey, what do you think youre doing?! Skye snapped.

I dont want you breaking your arm again! Hangeng said, Dont you ever listen to me?!

Oh~ You care about me!! Skye crooned, pinching her brothers cheeks, You dont want me to hurt myself do you?? Hangeng pushed her hands away and put his hands deep in his coat pockets and strode off.

Where are you going?? Skye called after him.

Im going back home to Uncles! he yelled.

Dont leave me, Geng wait!! Skye ran after him as quick as she can and flanked his side rapidly. Hangeng clearly remembers another incident that happened back then. Hangeng doesnt really favour that moment and memory but it made him promise to himself that he will never let Skye get hurt again.

Gege, can you push me? Skye asked her brother who was trying to catch a dragonfly. GEGE!!

Im coming!! Hangeng snapped and started pushing his little sister softly so that it is barely even swinging properly.

Gege, higher!! Skye pouted, kicker her legs harshly. I want to touch the clouds!!

You cant touch that clouds silly! Hangeng scoffed and pushed a little harder. Skye bounced on her seat and giggled for him to swing harder than he was doing. Hangeng sighed and pushed lazily while Skye just enjoyed herself, making him miss the dragonfly that just passed him. Without him looking to what he was doing, Skye let go off the swing and she fell off to the ground, making this crisp crack when she landed.

Skye!! Hangeng yelled. His mum is going to kill him. He ran to her and picked her up. Skye started wailing.

Gege, my arm!! she screamed. Hangeng touched it gently and saw that it was in a peculiar angel. It shouldnt be like that, he thought. Gege, I broke my arm!! Does that mean Im going to get an injection?? Please tell them to not give me one! I dont like needles! Hangeng laughed softly and picked his little 5 year old sister up.

They just need to x-ray your arm, move it back to their right place and bandage it up. No needles. Hangeng reassured her.

Promise? she sniffed.

I promise. Hangeng smiled and supported her home to get her to the doctors are quick as possible.

Hangeng remembers their mum going crazy and mental but she didnt blame in on them. She was just so worried sick about Skye and thanked god that nothing else happened to both him and Skye in the park. Hangeng shivered at the thought of Skyes arm which broke in 2 different places on her right arm. And now, she had evidence that it did happen by the metal plate on her elbow which had been put there to keep it fixed. Skye was single mindedly touched her metal plated elbow and shivered at the thought as well. It taught her not to let go and also trusted Hangeng with his promise. She always asked Hangeng after the incident if she is going to get the metal plate out but Hangeng made no promises to that one as he was unsure of it. Hangeng and Skye walked home again in silence, passing the skid mark and back into their old house. Their cousin Mei Ling was sitting buy the porch steps. She wasnt their proper cousin. Shes their uncles 3rd wifes daughter. Mei looked up from the book she was reading and flashed Hangeng a cute, flirty smile.

Geng, long time no see! she waggled her fingers at him. Skye pretended to gag. Mei had a thing for Hangeng even back before they left to go back to Korea. Hangeng waved back at Mei and smiled shyly. Urr How can that Mei like my brother?! Skye thought in her head. She never did like Mei and she had to share her old room with her! Maybe its because Skye never forgave Mei when Mei broke her China dolls head and their clothes. Mei did that because she was jealous of Skye for having everything she wanted. Cousin to cousin rivalry.


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Fighting author nim! XD
immaninja13 #2
Chapter 9: So sweet :)
congrats <3
congrats on the feature ouo♥
Congratulations on getting featured!
congrats on the daily feature :D omo hangeng <33
congrats on the random feature
Infinite_8 #8
congratsss~ :D
ilikepron #9
congrats ^^
congrats ^^