No escape

Locked up

Hello dear readers!
I've been in Japan for two weeks and was dealing with a jetlag and a very busy schedule, so I didn't have much time to update. I finally found some time though. I'm sorry it's a kinda short and probably boring chapter. I promise you the next one will be more interesting. Just want to show I'm still here and working on it.
Thanks a lot for reading!^^ 

Daesung’s POV
I woke up early that morning, as usual. Yawning, I stretched out and got out of bed to get some breakfast. I stumbled towards the door, managed to close it behind me silently and walked into the kitchen area. I just wanted to bake some eggs but forgot to put baking butter in the pan. After some minutes I suddenly smelled something burnt and it took me pretty long to delete all the burnt pieces of egg sticking to the bottom of the pan. Frustrated, I gave up breakfast and fell down on the couch, exhausted.

It had been very hard to sleep that night. I had fallen asleep very fast but woke up from Seunghyun who went to bed later than me. He always tried to be silent when I was lying in bed, and he always failed. This time, he stumbled over some shoes laying on the floor. I usually found it really cute when he was being clumsy. But right now it made me sad somehow.
I acted like I had fallen asleep, because I wanted to avoid having a conversation with him. I felt really guilty because of the things I had said to him. I could still see his expression in my mind. Every detail of how shocked and hurt his eyes had looked. I never wanted to hurt him. But I was so hurt myself. I guess I just wanted him to feel the way I had felt lately. I regretted it now, I didn’t want to cause any pain to him.
After a long while of acting like I was sleeping, I still heard him move sometimes, and his breathing didn’t get heavy like when he was asleep. Slowly and very careful, I opened my eyes a tiny little bit and looked through my eyelashes.
My heart skipped a beat at what I saw. He was looking at me, with so much tenderness. So much care was in his eyes. Or so I thought. Maybe it was just my fantasy playing tricks with my mind. Maybe I was deceiving myself. I quickly closed my eyes again and tried to push the image out of my mind. I failed miserably. Knowing he was looking at me, I felt really uneasy. I was also really afraid he would find out I was actually awake.
After a while, I could finally hear Seunghyun’s breathing change to a steady, slow rhythm. Knowing he was asleep, I tried to calm down. But it took me more than an hour to fall asleep myself, and he was still in my mind when I did…

I must’ve dozed off again, because I suddenly woke up. When I opened my eyes, Jiyong was standing in front of me, wearing a big grin on his face.
“Oh sorry, were you asleep? Why are you sleeping on the couch? And what’s that smell?” He made a disgusted face. Without waiting for an answer, he continued. “I’ve booked a vacation for us! It’s a very nice villa close to the woods. There’s a swimming pool, too! Look at this!”
He showed me some pictures and I had to admit; it looked really nice. He almost caught me with his enthusiasm, but I wasn’t that excited at all. Being around Seunghyun there would be even more uncomfortable than here; knowing we would all be together almost the whole time. Not wanting to ruin GD’s happiness though, I smiled and said: “that looks great, Jiyong. Awesome. I’m sure we’ll have a great time there.”
Satisfied, he nodded at me. “Ofcourse we will! I knew you would like it!”
“So…” I cleared my throat. “When exactly are we leaving?” Agitated, I looked up at him.  
Please let me still have some days here, I begged in silence. It had been my plan to avoid Seunghyun as much as possible, which would be impossible when we went there. Please please please…
“Tomorrow!” G-Dragon cheered, and my heart sank.

I woke up by Jiyong screaming “tomorrow!”. Drowsy because I had just woken up, I tried to figure out what he was so excited about. After a few seconds I figured he was probably going to go shopping again. I turned around and wanted to continue sleeping when I suddenly heard Daesung’s voice.
“Do Youngbae and Ri like it as well?” I heard him ask, and remembered Jiyong’s plan of going away together. I groaned and immediately felt a headache coming up. How could I ever avoid Dae when we went on vacation together? And GD would try to get us on good terms again for sure. That was why he came up with this whole going away together idea after all. I placed my hands on my face and just listened to what more they had to say, hoping that Tae and Seungri wouldn’t like the idea at all and that there would still be a tiny little chance that we would all just stay here together.
“Yeah! They told me they were really excited to go there! They completely agreed with me that we needed some time off.” I hit my bed with my fists when I heard Jiyong answer.
I heard Daesung ask something but couldn’t hear exactly what. GD’s answer was clear though. “5 days!”
Great, five days of being forced to be around Dae. Five days of trying to keep my eyes off him. Five days of acting neutral to him, of ignoring him, of little sleep and a lot of exhaustion. I planted my face in my pillow and screamed.
After a while, I decided to get up. My thoughts were making me crazy and I needed some distraction. As soon as I opened the bedroom door, GD walked up to me, grinning widely and holding pictures of a villa. “Seunghyun! We’re going here tomorrow!”
“So I’ve heard.” I said, not able to even act like I was excited.
Jiyong’s smile dropped from his face and I instantly felt guilty. “Sorry man, didn’t sleep well.” I quickly added. “It looks really nice.” GD’s smile immediately re his face. I faked a painful smile and accepted the fact that there was no escaping the situation. We were going on vacation, whether I liked it or not. 

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Chocolate_VIP #1
Chapter 21: Wow, it's already over? This Fanfiction was really amazing and I ended it in such a short time. Really, I think this is one of my favorite so far
Chapter 12: Oh dude! T.O.P oh man, i had never been so embarrassed for someone else like now. *sigh* i guess this is an imporant chapter.
Chapter 6: Jesus, i....holy-mother-of-! This is intense, i mean, more intense then every other christian related story ever. Keep fighting man, you're not a monster, i hate it when people hate others just because they like the same gender, you shouldn't be hated for the person you love. People see this as my approval for any religion/love/race/whatsoever.
Pssst, I also sent you a friend request and would be really happy if you accepted.
Chapter 21: I know this is late and all, but I just found this story and really wanted to tell you how utterly beautiful this was.

Todae is my #1 otp, and I really think this fic did them justice. And the thing I loved the most about this story is that it wasn't overly dark (I get depressed and a shut down if I read too much angst *sigh), but it was poignant and sweet all at the same time ^.^. Everything felt so real, every emotion so tangible. I found myself getting attached and I honestly cared about the characters.

I also found myself wanting to just cry with every chapter I read, even after Todae reconciled. I was genuinely happy (more than I should have been seeing that this was all fictional), but I still felt like I just wanted to cry and actually teared up. I don't know why though. But It's all good because I really, really did enjoy this story and I'm off to check out your other fics (^_^)
cookiemonster1898 #6
Chapter 21: Great job!!!! :D
ohwells #7
Chapter 21: I know I'm a few days late but oh my god, this is honestly one of the most beautiful stories I have ever read. Really, you did an amazing job.
Zimmy02 #8
Chapter 21: thank you for the beautiful story and the beautiful ending too author-nim :')

can't wait for you another todae fic ^^
MizzPeel0007 #9
Chapter 21: A beautiful and happy ending,ah, so great,glad that Seunghyun and Daesung are together,does a happy dance. Thank you for all the hard work you did in writing this story.