The hidden truth?

Dreams Do Come True! {HIATUS}

Your heart felt like wanting to get out, and you just hug him and let it all out. It wasn’t just cuz they did this but because they care. They have been the only ones to do this after the incident you pass with your parents loosing them in the act years ago. It was a rainy night and you had only 11/14 years (not sure which age would this be more tragic to you so you decided from this two). The rain was getting worst and your parents where trying to maintain calm cuz the car wasn’t functioning right but from nowhere a thing apear infront of the car making your dad who was driving make a rough turn to the left to not hit it which make the car loose total balance and control and went on circles, it felt like for ever, the car turn but keep on doing circles, you where  holding on to the belt and hope it wouldn’t brake. Screams, it was all you heard that night until you lost concience. 40 minuts later you open your eyes and found your self hung with your head down; the belt still hold you, you put one hand on the roof of the car, took off the belt and carefuly got out of the car limping, you lost concience of time and place. Your head hurt and you didn’t know where you actually where and when you got out of the car it was even worst, you fell back onto the side of the car when sudenly you heard your omma call your name slowly, she was still alive. You crawl to her side and saw she had the air bag on her chest which burn her a little and her leg was traped, you couldn’t see anything else and you didn’t notice she was bleeding a lot. You cried seen her like that, a picture you wont ever forget. “baby don’t cry! Omma saranghae, Arraso!” she couldn’t move “Y your father… where is he?” you didn’t know what should you do but you crawl following the trail and saw you father was still hung un the seat “APPA!” you scream but he didn’t answer the tears stream down even more, his face had blood driping down; when you got close you just notice a stick had pass through him in the chest, your heart felt shaterd. All the suden there where lights, rescue team,police,ambulance…

You sudenly felt xiumin let go slowly “do you want to talk about it?” he say low into your ear. You shook your head and stay silent. He hug you again. The others never leave your side and sudenly everything seem to be ok, the memories didn’t apear again and you became calm. Loosing your only family was hard on you since that day and worst when you saw them die. “You know you can tell us anything! We’ll hear you!” Suho say with worry in his eyes, Chanyeol nod smiling “Ne~  We can help you with anything you want!” you look down “you can’t bring my parents back!” they all gasp they though they didn’t died at the accident.


That day at night they brought you to their dorm. It wasn’t a wow thing but it was nice and cozy. Xiumin never left your side “are you thirsty?” D.O ask you with one of his famouse Owl exprecions and a cute smile “There is Juice, Wa…” you look at him “water is ok, thank you Kyungsoo-shii” he giggle “nuna you don’t need to be so formal with me!” he walk away to the kitchen while you sit with Xiumin and the others in the living room “So Yeodongsaeng would you like telling us what happened for real? We were told, your parents had an accident but you say we cant bring them back, that means they died!” you nod, you wherent so ready to speak of it but, its EXO who is there caring and it made you feel ok being with them today. “I was with them, after all it was my birthday and Dad wanted to go eat out! At our way back the rain was tough and the car started having some little problems, Dad was driving carefuly to not loose control but something apear from nowhere and… the car started spining around and fliped around! Its all I remember from before the accident since I lost conciousness and regain it after everything was done! I had lost trace of time and place but I manage getting out, my mother was still alive, I though she was ok cuz I didn’t seen anything and my dad, he… he died fast, a metal had gone through his chest! After it the rescue team and the ambulance apear also some police but it wasn’t enough to safe my mother who died on her way to the nearest hospital by a loss of blood that couldn’t be stoped in time! I still don’t know how im still alive or what happened to apear in the road! Thing is after that day no one celebrated my birthday and instead skiped it and went to the cementery to pay respects, everyone forgot of me and my feelings just cuz they where pitying me over my parents death until today! Im sorry I made you all worry much! Thank you for all you have done!” all of them where in shock and some holded the tears “we are so sorry ____! It most have been hard on you being the one to found and see them die that way!” Suho said rubing your back softly, you shook your head “it’s ok! I couldn’t do anything even if I wanted to! I already got use to it, even though it still hurts me! I most accept it”

After 15 minutes they left, leaving you and Xiumin alone. “____ (nickname given to you by him) Want to see the pictures? Or the videos?” he ask showing the video cam and the camara. “um which you think will be better for first?” you ask him so he though for a moment and then decided videos not remembering one thing. “This videos was the day we arrive after the other concert in Beijin. We actually took more pictures than videos and all were taken from Suho who manage to get a good side to the cam!” you both laugh. “um yeah I think its not so easy to use it after all!” you say while the video was on play; you could hear Suho asking stuff to the staff and exo. And when he went to Luhan who was still was getting ready, you heard him gasp since he didn’t had his shirt on yet and as well you too gasp and laugh “poor Luhan oppa! Suho is so evil!” Xiumin laugh “ne! but its worth it! Though he has pic where he shows a little!” you nod agreeing and keep on seen the video and heard Suho shout for Xiumin ““Yah Xiumin hyung come here! Greet the camara man Joonmyun!”” you saw Xiumin’s face confuse by it and the stylist fixing up his hair while he just wave and say to Suho: ““Man wae are you recording us now? You say you wouldn’t do that in Back stage!”” you heard Suho sight ““Hyung this isnt my camara and if we are going to have it at least we can record some of our backstage stuff! She wont mind at all so easy on that~ Besides its fun recording the rest been dressed up and all the things! Hahahaha”” you nod, couldn’t agree more with Suho. “nice! He is the coolest oppa in EXO…. Wait yeah his the only oppa I got in EXO – K hahahahahaha!” you both keep on seen the video and then after four he jump one and well you notice it “wait! What about that one?” Xiumin look at you and smile “ahh that one um well its to earase it don’t worry!” you shook your head “let me see it! I want to see it please~” you did aegyo to him putting a cute pleading face with sad puppy eyes but he shook his head “no! its not ,much… y yah! Wait!” you took the camara from him and search the video. “no! I want to see it! It cant be that bad!” you put it away from him while he try taking it from you. “its my video camara So I say ill see it~” you say in a sing song way. “A ANIO!” you took off to get away and he follow but sudenly he stumble and hold you by the ankle making you fall too, still you manage presing play so when the camara fell the video was starting to play; it fell little far so you try to reach for it but Xiumin keep on pulling you back so he could take it before that +part apear+. You notice it was the day they were in the pool. “ahhh! Andwae~ let me see it! Its already on play~” you demanded but he insited. Then when he was almost close to pull you completely far from the cam and crawl fast to take it, you heard Suho ask to Xiumin something else that made the guys whistle and clap while laughing but not in a making fun way. ““Hyung wae don’t you just tell us about that dream with ____? Don’t lie I heard you telling Luhan hyung!”” your eyes widen at the question but Xiumin had one mission. To turn the camara off as fast as posible so he didn’t even got a glimpse of your reaction. ““You were spying! Wae should I tell huh? So you can tell her?”” you were froze by it “M minseok-s shii whats that a about? What d dream?” he was just inches away to take the cam and the only thing you both heard of it was when he just sigh and only told the guys the last part of his dream ““I kissed her! There~ is that the part….”” The camara was shot off invane so he heard you gasp “y you…” he sit down and look at you looking like a D.O but in girl “please I can explain! Ill earase it! Just don’t get…” you stood up “I I should go~ Mianhae!” he stood up fast when you started walking out. “Wai! WAI~ _____-shii! Don’t go! JEBAL~” he manage to stop you before you reach the door. “Mianhae~ It was just a dream! Have you ever had a dream where…” he notice you where trembling “_____ you ok? It wasn’t my intention!” you turn around “Wae you wanted to earase it? Wae?” he look down “i felt you where going to get this way! We are friends right? Then I shouldn’t have…” you shook your head “I don’t mind! Im not mad neither going to hate you! Wae should I? But wanting to hide it hurts me more than you think!” he let you go and loss for words so you took advantage and took the camara from him and  took the other one then without a bye or anything you left.




It's been some time i havent update and im really sorry~ soon ill do another update~ Hope you are liking this Picture Fiction~ 

Thank you~

Saranghae My dear readers~ ^o^

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Chapter 6: SeHun you maknae!~ i could kill him...