This Concert is The Best Right!? YEAH! *\(^o^)/*

Dreams Do Come True! {HIATUS}


At the end of the concert, you where directed to the backstage and into a dressing room but noone was there at the moment so you sit down when sudenly you heard talking and laughing of guys and girls, you stood up and walk to a door and hear closely. Yes it was exo guys and some girls talking and you in this dressing room waiting like a fool but what should you do? *heck no i wont enter the room! I stay here! Even if it gives me a bad time and then leave without them noticing!* you felt your heart stop and your eyes got all watery only of the though they brought you to the wrong room but you held them and took a deep breath. *what ever happends i wont cry! This was the best night of my life so i wont ruin it with tears! Not tonight!* you walk to a couch and sit down hearing their voices from the couch almost faintly since it wasnt close to the door but you took out your camara and start seen the pictures and finaly after lota of pics you saw some pics suho took before xiumin took the funy pic and then the groupal pic with you this time your heart filled up with a explosion of emotions you felt so happy and sad, it was madness inside you seen the pics all you ever wish for but still something was missing. You didnt realize the time of the vip had pass and you hear a door open and the voices you heard now were only of exo. *huh!? Oh no i forgot to leave befo....* tao smiled at you "nuna you here!" you took a deep breath not wanting them to ask if you are ok or anything else then turn off the camara and look at him " ahh ne i was leaving actually! Only wanted you to see the pictures but um seem like is late so here i leave the camara just...." suho chukle and chanyeol wave his hands " Yo wooow hold it there! " you look at chanyeol " mwo!? Just take care of it ill tell my friend to come get it." D.O rise and eyebrow " nuna you ok!?" you nod and put the camara on the table. " ne! Pai! Most really leave!" Lay worried " Nuna but we want to talk with you!" Chen nod " Ne ne! Luhan and Kris talk with our managers so we can stay longer and they say yes!" you look at them in a confuse way "mwo!?" Xiumin smiled at you and gently pull you back to the couch " ne! We wanted to talk to you apart from the others!" Suho nod " yes thats right! We got a proposal to make to you!" you were lost so lost you couldnt even talk, you even pinch you left arm no beliving what was happending. Who could have say a waitress of the best koren hotel would have this much... Um how may i say it? Ahh yes luck! Oportunity! Xiumin giggle " its real! No need to pinch your self!" Kris finaly spoke! That deep voice man all the girls love him! Clumsy! Mystirious! Cute! Lovable! Naive! Mostly his the epic fail kris guy but who doesnt like that on him. " hey we all are gonna have tours and stuf and sometime we need good photographer to take pic of us when we are out having fun and you can help us on that!" luhan smile " ne what you say!?" you look at all of them and tao jump and put his hand in prayer way " PLEASE NUNA PLEASE!!!!!" awwwww of all members you can say no to him. " arraso!" xiumin smiled and hug you " it will be fun we promise!" all agree with him, you try not to blush infront of them cuz of Xiumin. " um so i can go now right!?" they sight and Baekhyun look at you " wae!? Is there somethig wrong nuna!?" you shook head " i really most go! I work also and my boss doesnt like their workers to be late!" Xiumin an Suho nod and then xiumin let you go "ne! Thats right you most work for a photographer ofcurse! They..." you stop him by shooking your head " ani ani! I got nothing to do with arts!" then you mumble " i wish so!" they tiddled their heads " then!?" you sight little gloomy and say low " im a waitres! I work of a restaurant of a prestige korean hotel!" they sight and tao got all hyper " nice nice then we can go visit you!!!! And eat there also and stay!" kris look at Tao " hey calm down! Its her job not a party! And if we go thwn she will be in problems with her boss!" you nod " ne! Last time my friend went and ask for me to be her waitres and he got all mad at me! So please dont!" sudenly one of the managers enter " wait you are miss lee jing(waitres formal name you use in the restaurant) of the Chinese restauran on the most prestige hotel!" you widen your eyes. How he knew that name!? This was to much for you now. " n ne sir!" the manager smiled " You were my waitres yesterday! Ahh its nice to meet you again!" he look at the guys " see the world is little! " you were lost. Him in that restau... Omg yea he was on a date with a very nice women. Ofcurse you never like remembering your clients but this face was obiouse to remember. " ah yes i do remember you were with..." he cough " a friend! Yes she was bored so we wanted to try the chinese restaurant!" you nod sure he just lie for a wierd reson *liar liar your on fire sunbae!!!*  the guys laugh " ne ne if you say it hyung!"




After all that the guys decided to give you a lift to your house.


"wow! You live in a preaty house!" tao say with sparkling eyes. You giggle hes so cute still dont get how fans can say his sceary... Well he has that mystiriouse thing on him and hus eyes are kind of ㅍ_ㅍ yep very serious but his cute. " ne ne gomawo Huang Z...." tao shook his head " ani nuna! Call me tao! Or how ever you like i dont mind!" you nod and got out of the car. " arraso little brother! Hahahahaha" tao smile like a kid "xiexie! Yay!"  you giggle and when you where going to take your cam Xiumin took it. "can i lend it! I want to see the pictures!" you nod and smile. " yes ofcurse! Then bye guys!" you wave bye to all and enter the house.




Three weeks has pass and you where no no better say you are in your job. Your boss wasnt in a good mood that day cuz of his son and you just do your best to avoid him as much as posible. Not that he didnt like you, he though of you as family but when he is in a bad mood there is no one that can handle him at all. Your boss looks at you while you hold a cup of cofee and a one of tea. "LEE JING!!!" he shouts sudenly at you making you spill some tea on the costumer " wahhhh mianhae mianhae! >o< ill get a towel sir im really sorry!" your boss is mad but your reaction made him laugh a little " ahh mianhae lee jing dear! Dont worry sir ill pay anything damage and the tea and cofee also!" the costumer smile and nod " its ok it was all an accident" they pay and stood up " Miss Lee Jing its always nice to come here see you another day and relax a bit ok sweety!" you nod they are costumers of years and that made you think of the relaxing stuff so you breath in and look at your boss wanting to hit him on the arm but while in the restauran you most always be polite and filial to your elders no metter what. "sunbae! Dont do that again!" your bos sight and pet you on the back " im sorry its just my son gets me insane sometime!" you nod and smile " ahhh Xiqou Zin keep on with that stuff huh!" he nod " yes but come with me to the office i need to speak with you!" you walk with him to the office and sit dow " Sunbae you should take things easy! Sibling arent always easy! And try to understand him remember hes still young and us ypungster have dreams and we always love to full fill them!" your boss whos name you always call to him is Weng Zu BaBa(baba means father in mandarin) but this when you are out of work. He has three kids! The twins of 10 years one is the kind of talkative and the other very calm and the third hisnoldes son of 19 years, he like to be out and meet people and his last dream is to be a star just like me diference is he got lots of money and two parents that love him while im alone and dont have lots and lots of money but his family loves me and thats my streangth here. " ahh yes yes i know darling but his to stuborn! And i want you to...." the door opens and a head pops " Mister Weng! There are some guys looking for Lee Jing!" you rise and eyebrow and weng nod " let them come to my office!" the person nod and close the door " now who can be looking for you in job time huh!?" you shook head " i swear i didnt invite anyone!"


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Chapter 6: SeHun you maknae!~ i could kill him...