Our lips were this close to meeting -

Is Love Suppose To Be This Difficult? [Hiatus]

Yang Ara's POV


School had just ended for the day, & I was standing by the front gate, waiting for the crowd to clear up a bit so I could start walking back home. But first, I was going to stop off by the bookstore to get some new reading materials and a smoothie. I had friends and all, but I liked keeping to myself a lot of the times. Reading and being alone kept me sane. It gave me peace at mind. So, i waited and waited . . . until suddenly, someone came up from behind me, covered my eyes and pulled me back so that I was leaning on their chest. " BWOH?! Who is this? Jihee ?! Chul Oppa?! Yoona-Unni?! " " ah ah ah, wrong. guess again. " i could recognize that voice anywhere. " Fishie Oppa! " I took his hands off my eyes,  turned around and hugged him tight. " Aiiish, dongsaeng-ah, you act like you havent' seen me in years! hahaha, relax. I just saw you at lunch. " " iI know, but i barely see Oppa around anymore. Since we have different schedules and all . . . and, i mean, you're always with Yoona-Unni . . . and i'm starting to see Jessica around you alot more . . . always touching you . . ." Oh no, here i go again. ranting on & on. I sound like a jealous . He's not even mine to call, but yet, I'm getting upset? True, he & Yoona were a "thing" around school, but still, Hae was always MINE. tsk tsk tsk. I always liked Hae, but . . . I never really knew if he liked me back. Throughout our whole childhood, he gave me mixed signals. So, i could never really tell . . . Hae stared at me uncomfortably. " Well, i mean . . . I know she's your .  . . uhm. . . girlfriend . . . & i know how close you are with Jessica . . ." Ahh, i was mumbling and staring at the floor, i couldn't talk anymore. If i did, it would lead to a fight. Thats something I did not want to experience with Hae. So I ended it quickly by saying, " uhm, I'm going to go now. Annyeong Oppa. " I gave him a quick hug & he hugged me back. How badly I didnt' want to let go . . . I always had a feeling Hae liked me back. i could see it, but that day he got with Yoona . . . . he crushed me into a million pieces. Not to mention, how close Yoona and I were, she knew how much i loved Hae, but she went behind my back and asked him out anyways. I began walking & Hae grabbed my arm & pulled me back. " Yah, you think you're going to walk home? " " Oh, I'm not going home Oppa. I'm going to pick up some books." I knew Hae could hear the depression in my voice. So i tried to sound happier. " Hahaha well, Annyeong Oppa! " he smiled, but it wasn't a big one. So I did what always made him smile, i puffed up my cheeks & did a peace sign & said, " AIGOOO! " he laughed, & i smiled to show my satisfaction. " Dongsaeng-ah. you expect me to let you walk there all by yourself? I think not. Come, I'll drive you. " I usually drove with Hae home, but today i felt like being alone. Plus, I drove with him because I couldn't afford a car. Hae was indeed richer than me, but he hated showing it. " Oppa, it's okay. i'll walk today. I need the exercise. " " Yah! No. You're driving with me. " " But- " before i could finish, I  was interupted by Hae picking me up & carrying me over his shoulder to his car. " KYAAAAAH! OPPA, PEOPLE ARE STARING!" " Kekeke, let them stare! " To make it worse, Hae ran to his car! " OPPA! I'M WEARING A SKIRT! WHAAAT ARREE YOU DOIIIINNG?! " " Hahahaha, relax! Aish, so uptight! THATS NOT THE ARA I KNOW! " So we made it to Hae's car all out of breath, & he drove me to the bookstore. We sat down together, drank smoothies and talked about our past. Everytime Hae laughed or smiled, I couldn't help but stare at him. I observed everything. Every little detail. How he had " lake like eyes ", his beautiful smile. his dorkiness. His lame jokes. But i always ended up laughing at them. How badly I wanted Hae . . . it was around 4:30-5pm, and we needed to get home to finish up a couple of reports. So, Hae drove back home. When we got home, Hae walked me to my door. " Ahh, Oppa. Kamsamnida! " I said with a bow. " Yah! What's with the formalness? " " Alright! Lee Donghae! " " YAH! "  We both laughed, and i hugged him tight. Theres that feeling again. The feeling of jealousy. That greedy feeling. I wanted Hae to myself. I can't keep acting like this. He has a girlfriend for God's Sake! I turned around to leave, but he caught my wrist & pulled me into another hug.  " Oppa . . ." " Hold on Ara, I don't get hugs like these often . . . especially from you . . ." i hugged him tight & said, " Oppa . . . you have Yoona-unni . . ." " So what, she's not the same as you . . . ." The same as me? What does he mean? " Oppa . . . " I looked up at him, to find his face inching closer. No way . . . I shouldn't do this. No matter, how much I may like him. It isn't right. I pulled away, snapping Hae out of his daze. " I'll see you tomorrow oppa . . . "

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please continue soon. ;~;
congrats bruh
luhans-vaqina #3
hope you update soon...