I Survived -

Is Love Suppose To Be This Difficult? [Hiatus]


Jihee's POV



During the drive home, I was still thinking about that hug in the parking lot. The scent of him & his breathe against my neck. It was ectasy just thinking about it. But my imagination apparently wouldn't cooperate with me. Especially since I knew his hugs & sweet talk are meaningless to him. & it hurts to know that I'm the one falling for it. I know it's not his intention, but my heart is in pain whenever I think about him, but realize he doesn't feel the same way. To make it worst, out of all those girls today, what chance can i have? Its impossible. But then again, I'm used to this feeling. I've been living it for years, watching the love of my life from a far distance. Seeing him flirt & fall in love with other girls. It's true that it hurts. & I know I shouldn't waste my time with him. But i keep living in my lies. I keep believing for a fact that one day, he will be mine. Maybe not soon, but one day.

I took a longer rode home today. Hoping for more time to clear my mind, I stopped by a nearby beach.  Since the sun was already setting, why not jus stay to enjoy the view. I sat down on the warm, soft sand. & digged my feet into it. Looking up at the horizon, I wished I had someone to spend it with. Chul . . . was the first thing that came to my mind. " Ahh, how great would it be if he was here . . . " I said under my breath. & I knew I was gonna get emotional soon once reality hits me. Trying to hold back my tears, I took out my ipod & plugged in my earphones. Laying down to watch the sunset. Drowing out everything outside. For now . . .

A few minutes later I woke up to find myself still on the beach. " AISH! What an idiot. " I said to myself. What kind of girl falls asleep in public. I kept telling myself I could have been kidnapped, as I started walking up to my car. When I was suddenly stopped by a gang of older men. In their early 20s proably? One of them looked like a freshman in college that was for sure. I tried to play innocent & walked faster trying not to make any eye contact, but instead concentrated on the ground. But I was stopped again. Someone had blocked my path, " Hey there miss, don't you think its getting a little late? " I lifted my head slightly but didnt answer. " Excuse me " I whispered, hoping that these guys will spare my life.  The guy was stubborn that was for sure. " Mworago?! I couldnt hear you. " I frowned to myself & began to get really nervous, " excuse me. " It was getting late, & the sun was already down,  no one was out here at this time to save me. " You know its dangerous to be alone out this time. Especially when no one is around, " the 2nd guy chuckled & the laughed went along. I was getting scared & my adrenaline was setting off. I swiftly dodged through the guy in front of me & tried to run faster. But he caught me by the arm, " Sneaky & quick. Where are you planning to go? " I looked up, almost in tears now,  " Leave me alone. " He only laughed at my remark. Apparently this guy thought it was fun to play with his victims. " Yah, you're a little stubborn aren't you. Do you have a boyfriend? " his grip hardened. He pulled me closer to him than before & I can feel his breath against my neck. It sent a shudder up my body. I tried to pull away, calling for help.  " No ones coming. How about you come with us? " is this guy joking? " Is this a joke to you? " I asked,  trying hard not to show any sign of fear. These guys are dangerous & they know it. It would only give them an advantage if I showed my weakness. I tried to pull away once more, but his gripped tightened on my wrists. His nails breaking through my skin. Earning a cry from me. He was strong, there was nothing I could do against him. Before I knew it, I made the wrong choice to bite him. He pulled back to inspect his wound, swearing under his breath. I tried to take this as an oppurtunity to run. I was sure a had gotten far enough, when a pair of hands smacked me to the ground. " Naughty little miss. How about you just quietly follow us to the car. " I had no choice but I could make a run for it if I lead them on. I walked half way to the car, when I decided to kick the guy holding me. He let out a yelp of pain, & I ran for it. I ran faster than I had before, straight towards the water. I made sure to hid immediately. The water was extremely cold, especially in the fall. But this was my only hope. If they catch me, they could me & who knows next. Theres small chance they would let me go for I could report them to the police. They'd probably kill me anyway. But staying under cold water too long could also kill me. However, it's better to die as a pure instead of being then killed by dirty mutts. From above I could see their blurry figures. I could here mumbles & shouts trying to find me. But I was quick enough to get out of their site & hide under water. Minutes seemed to have pasted & I began to lose conciousness. I'm getting weak, & I knew i needed to get out. Drowsiness starts to set in. I noticed the figures had disappeared. I tried to redeem my strength & push my way up but I couldn't move. I could see my body weakening & the floating back to top. This was an advanage since it was bringing me back to the surface. I gave one last kick with my feet & gasped as the sudden amount of oxygen entered me. I slowly walked back to shore & found that the guys were no longer in trace.  I decided to take a go for, a drove to Chul's house. I couldn't come home in this state. My mother would kill me. A few mintues later, I had arrived at his front porch. I rung the doorbell, & soon enough the person I have been looking for came out. I reached out to him, calling his name " Heechul-oppa . . . " Before I collapsed to the ground, & my eyes began to close.

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please continue soon. ;~;
congrats bruh
luhans-vaqina #3
hope you update soon...