Over The Years -

Is Love Suppose To Be This Difficult? [Hiatus]
JiHee's POV
Days passed, Weeks passed, Months passed, & soon many years have passed. My feelings for Kim Heechul now was undescribable. That instense warmth I get when I am near him. It was no where near normal. I felt connected to him. Growing up with him, seeing him change & develope, being part of everything he's been through. Seeing his hardships & his success. But the problem is, how does he feel about me? Am I an ordinary girl to him? Was i not the same to him? To him, was I jus a ' friend ' ? Yes, he was truly popular at school. Having many girls surround him daily, do i ever cross his mind? He has so many to choose from, what possibility will i have against all odds? Ara and Hae however, are doing mighty great. She seems closer to him than ever.  But i dont blame her, over the past few years, i could see their feelings grow stronger for each other. Eversince, her 6th birthday, i tend to be around Chul more frequently. & She did same with Hae. So it's a win win situation. Yes, we still hang out, but our relationship & connections with the boys were extremely strong. & what I know is, her feelings for Hae is the same as my feelings for Chul. She told me that numerous of times. We would go around following the loves of our lives. But back then we were teenagers, it was like a playground crush. Little did we know that we would go so much further with these gentlmen. We still keep in touch with each other. All of us. Ara, Me, Heechul, & Donghe. But school has made it an unbearable wait throughout the day. It seemed endless, & when I do talk to Chul, it was awkward. Because in a situation like this, what is there to talk about. Until one day .
I skipping around the parking lot towards my car in my usual behavior, when suddenly Chul pops up, " Annyeong! " he smiled & gave a happy two-handed wave. " Jihee-ah! long time no see ~ " he cooed & ran over to give me a hug. But of course his actions to him are meaningless. I wondered if he could feel my heartbeat against his chest. Cause' it was beating extremely fast. From behind i could hear girls whispering. Those crazy, obsessed girls that claimed he was theirs. Chul was always the center of attention, & I, an outcast.  " Who is she ? " " Why is Chul hugging ' something ' like that ? " I could hear their whispers clearly.  & this provoked me more than anything. Are they purposely whispering loudly so I can hear them?  Odds are I will never have Chul. Out of the many pretty girls who likes him, how can someone like me have a chance. I figured Chul was still hugging me all this time, & decided to push him away. I can't stand here & be treated like a fool. He's messing with my emotions again. But Chul wouldn't loosen up, " Ahh, jus a little longer. When did my little Jihee get to tall? " & he patted my head. I was only a year younger, yet, he always treat himself as the bigger preson & treats me like a little child. I looked like a fool. Like a toy to him. I could hear murmurs again, "Ah, so she's only his dongsaeng. " I guess they could assume that since, Chul treated me so much like a child, nothing more. This time, i pushed harder away & he finally lets go. He looked at me, with concern, " What's wrong? " He asked confused.  Ahh crap, i was getting teary again. I backed up & turned away. " Nothing . . . " I said in a low voice before walking away. I picked up my pace & hopped into my car. Before I could close my door & drive away, I heard Chul yelling from behind,  " AH! dongsaeng, youre sweater. " Ahh, ! i totally forgot.  Well, Iobviously can't turn back now. Not with that huge crowd around him. I'll get it back later. Until next time, Kim Heechul . . .
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please continue soon. ;~;
congrats bruh
luhans-vaqina #3
hope you update soon...