~Do whatever you want~



It's kind of hard to imagine how much a single text message can change your life. A few words, and your world can be destroyed in no time. 

Hi! I'm Leeya.

I'm just a happy high school student with lots of things going on in my life. Well not really. I wish it was that way though. I've always wanted a life full of adventures and friends, but I'm pretty sure that will never happen.

I am afraid to go to school. Every day i recieve punches, kicks, mean glances and I get called a lot of things, except for my name.

One day I got into an .. lets call it an accident. I thought I was going to die. Until someone came and saved me from bleeding to death. 

Another day in class I got a text message. I thought things couldn't get worse, but apperently they could.




Choi Leeya (you).

Age: 18

Personality: Insecure, shy, paranoid. 

- Lives with her mother and her brother SG. 

- She's afraid to open up to people. 

- Her passion in life is music, especially K-pop. 


Lee SeungGee (SG)

Age: 16

Personality: Kind, caring, social. 

- He loves his sister Leeya to death

- Some people think he's gay, even though he's not.

- He is obsessed with the korean band BigBang. 

Kim Himchan

Age: 22

Personality: Charming, cheerful, charismatic. 

- The king of jokes

- Lives with his friend, Bang YongGuk. 

- Loves to make the people he loves happy. 

Bang Yongguk 

Age: 22

Personality: Tough, social, outgoing.

- Gets scary when he's angry

- He's a tough guy but can get really sensitive sometimes

- Has a killersmile.



Yong JinHae 

Age: 17

Personality: Sweet,  considerate , sarcastic. 

- A real fashionista 

- A girl with strong opinions

- Loves to read books. 


That's all, hopefully you'll enjoy it! ^^






This is my first fanfic, like ever, so please be nice to me ^_^

Hopefully you'll like my story and please tell me what you think! 




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Chapter 4: Update soon!! ^o^