Every day, every night, I am missing you.

"Thanks for sending me here! See you tomorrow!" I waved Kyungsoo goodbye as he drove off. I glanced at my watch. "11.03pm, I should get something to eat."
I walked to the nearest convenience store in the hospital to grab something to munch on. I set my eyes upon a small cupcake and I decided to buy it, along with some candles. I made my way to Sehun's ward.
I placed the cupcake on the table and stuck a candle onto it. The clock showed: 11.50pm. "Just 10 more minutes till my birthday, Sehunnie. I'm gonna use my birthday wish for you at midnight."
I sat beside Sehun and lighted the candles, counting down the minutes. "5...4...3...2..". I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I whispered my wish towards the flame on the candlestick.
I opened my eyes, and blew the flame away with hopes that my wish would take immediate effect. I laid my head against the bed and held Sehun's hand, "I love you.."
My mind drifted off into deep thought which eventually led me into the realm of my bittersweet memories.
He held my hand and dragged me out of my house. "Sehunnie, where are you taking me at this late hour?!" I groaned.
"Just follow me and no questions!" Sehun ordered. I zipped my lips and followed him. It felt like I have been walking for hours when it had only been a few minutes. I soon found myself in a dark alley with Sehun. "Sehunnie, it's so dark here. I can't see a thing..." I whimpered as I held his arm tighter than usual. I could feel his mouth widening into a smile. I seemed to have flipped a switch and soon enough, the dark alley was brightly lit. My eyes widened at the sight of the large graffiti in front of me which occupied the entire wall. "Sehun&Seohyun", it read in beautiful bright colours.
"Happy Birthday, sweetheart!" he exclaimed. My heart was extremely touched by his actions. I planted a kiss upon his soft lips and wrapped my arms around his neck. "How did you... When did you do this?" I asked. He pinched my nose and answered, "After walking you home from school, I came here immediately! I'm such a sweet boyfriend, I know. Where can you find such a dreamboat huh?" he boasted. I pretended to gag and punched his arm lightly. "This is the best present anyone has ever given me! Thank you, mr dreamboat."
I stared at the beautiful wall one last time before Sehun walked me home. As we walked away, his arm grabbed my waist soft yet strong. "I almost forgot. One last present." Sehun said as he leaned closer to me, pulling me into a deep, passionate kiss.
I pulled away and joked, "So that's my gift? I get those every other day!"
Sehun smirked and signalled me to look at my neck, "Really?"
I looked down and saw an extraordinary necklace. But it seemed like it was split into two. "When did you put this on me? And where's the other half?"
"Well, little miss-ask-too-much, I have my ways.. And the other half is right here." he smiled as he pulled out a similar necklace from under his shirt. A couple necklace. How sweet!
"I love you, Kim Seohyun." he confessed.
"I love you too,"
I woke up to the incessant ringing of the alarm clock from my phone. "Good morning, Sehunnie. I better go home and get ready for work. I'll see you tomorrow, ok?"
I pecked his cheek and left the hospital for home. As soon as I got home to change, I went out to work.
"Oh no! Don't climb on the table!" I pleaded the children. They shot me merciless looks and, of course, defied me. Kyungsoo placed his hand on my shoulders and comforted me. "I'll handle this.. ATTENTION!" he yelled. All the attention of the kids was to him. Silence filled the room.
"Who wants yogurt?!" Kyungsoo said enthusiastically. All the kids scampered towards him echoing, "Me me me!"
"Let's have a drawing competition! Those who can make the prettiest drawing on their own can get yogurt from me! Is that ok?!"
"Yeaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!" the kids shouted as they hurried grabbed the paper and colour pencils to get started. I looked at how obedient they all were and my jaw fell open. "How did you....?"
"Kids love prizes! And yogurt!" Kyungsoo smiled.
As the kids were drawing with all their heart, Kyungsoo and I sat by the kids table and watched.
"Pardon me for asking, but.... Why'd you go to hospital yesterday?" he asked.
"Well, somebody is nosy!" I teased. Kyungsoo looked down in embarrassment. "I'm kidding! Haha! I went to the hospital to visit someone special to celebrate my birthday with, that's all."
"It's your birthday?! Well, happy birthday, Seohyun!" he wished. Straight after, he clapped his hands which gained the attention from all the kids.
"Hey kids! It's Seohyun's birthday! And, you know what that means right?" he winked. Soon, the room was filled with a group of children singing along to 'Happy Birthday'. I smiled, obviously touched by their small gestures. Some of the children even formed a line to come up to give me a hug.
After a few minutes of kneeling on the floor to hug the children, the queue was slowly finishing.
Suddenly, a tall figure stood in front of me with open arms. "Happy birthday?" he smiled cheekily.
I gave him a weird look and eventually caved in and returned the friendly hug. "Awww! Look! Seohyun noona and Kyungsoo hyung are hugging!!" one of the children shouted. We quickly let go and looked away in embarrassment. 
Kyungsoo scratched the back of his head and said nervously, "I'll go get some yogurt for the kids.."
I nodded and watched him walk away.

I landed on the chair close by and thought, "Sehun....."

*A/N: How was it? ^^ Please subscribe and comment on my stories! I will love you forever. Wahahaha! Ok, you won't care about me. But, Sehun and Kyungsoo will love you alot! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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ItzJaeKay #1
Chapter 4: Why would his parents blame her, it wasnt her fault far
ItzJaeKay #2
Chapter 3: Awww seHun's gonna be transferred to Australia... Lol wonder if I'll see him then haha
Hahahah owlman haha
ItzJaeKay #4
Chapter 2: Aww Sehun wake up, no more sleeping
ItzJaeKay #6
Awww sounds sad