Her Love

Mating Seasons: Blood Transformation II

Jiyeon looked up from her book as the front door opened.
She made sure to keep in the shadows as Gongchan closed the door, keeping the sunlight out from the house. He turned and she saw him perspiring profusely as if he had run around the house for a million times and panting heavily.
"Nice jog?" Jiyeon murmured.
Gongchan turned to look at her and gave her a small smile, handing the keys over to her. "I needed to think about some things." he shrugged.
Jiyeon blinked at him curiously but didn't ask. She wasn't the type to probe. "And I hope whatever you're thinking about, you've come to some sort of conclusion?" she strolled back to the room.
Gongchan followed after her, his eyes on her hazel nut colored head from the back that only ended up at his chin. She looked so tiny.
"Hm yeah." Gongchan nodded even though she couldn't see since she was in front. "There were some things I didn't think I could accept. But I realize it is happening, regardless of my acceptance. And I've decided to embrace the new knowledge of myself."
Jiyeon turned to look at him in confusion. "You...were talking about Hoya oppa and Miyoung?" she blinked.
"No." Gongchan shook his head. He cursed himself mentally because it was then he remembered how he hardly thought about the most imminent problem at hand. "It's about myself."
Jiyeon looked taken aback but she saw he sincerity in his eyes. And also a tinge of this emotion she saw in CAP's eyes as he gazed at Jihyun, Niel's smile as he cuddled with Jihyo.
A light tinge of pink glowed at her cheeks, and Jiyeon quickly looked away. "Hm." she cleared . "I thought you'd run away." she changed the topic.
She opened the door to their guest room and Gongchan stopped outside, not going in. "I...." he stared at her. "I couldn't go if I knew it'd end you up in trouble."
He gave a small smile and walked into the room as Kyungmi and Changjo bombarded him with questions about where Jiyeon had brought him.
Jiyeon stood there, her cold hands reaching to her cheeks and finding them scalding hot.
She shook her head and closed her eyes. "Babo Jiyeon. Stop."




The vampires met in the living room again for their dinner. Bloody dinner.
Jihyo was smiling as if she was the happiest girl in the world while Jihyun looked positively similar to her sister.
Hoya watched the two sisters in disgust and shook his head. "Oh man my sisters are falling in love, growing up." he groaned.
Jihyun shot Hoya a look. "Who said anything about falling in love?" she grumbled defiantly, "Well excuse me cause you'll just boost the ego of that muscle wolf up there."
Jihyo giggled at Jihyun's expression. "I don't think you're falling in love, unnie. You are in love."
Jihyun elbowed her second sister and Jihyo nearly coughed the blood into Hoya's face. "Talk about yourself, you git." she muttered, red in the face.
Hoya sighed and shook his head, feeling old all of a sudden. He glanced at Jiyeon and saw her looking up at the rooms thoughtfully and he groaned. "Jiyeon please don't tell me that you're falling for a guy too?"
Jiyeon blinked and she didn't say anything. She sighed and continued on with dinner. "Regardless, wolves and vampires. I don't think we match." she murmured, but none of her siblings caught it.
Jihyo leaned forward and grinned at Hoya in interest. "Enough about our love lives, Hoya oppa. How about yours?" she asked. "Is Miyoung unnie finally falling in love with you?"
Hoya's face immediately fell and he sighed to himself, shaking his head. "She's adamant in her view. She doesn't want to even speak to me or spare me a glance. It's like trying to preach a wall." he grumbled.
Jiyeon softened and the sisters nodded in understanding. "Well its easier to fall in love with someone when you're not in love with anyone else in the first place." Jihyun shrugged. "Everyone knows Miyoung loves Chunji. But the vampire venom will solve that."
Hoya nodded. "Just two more days. I can't wait for her to be mine." he muttered.
He glanced up at the rooms and sighed. "I'll go up and check on them again." he told the girls. "Finish your dinner and don't spend all your time making out with your new boyfriends. Especially you, Jihyun."
"Excuse me?" Jihyun shrieked as Hoya went off. Jihyun gaped at her sisters incredulously and Jihyo patted her sister's shoulder.
"Well you do you know." Jihyo commented.
"Oh you're back." Chunji scowled.
Miyoung didn't even bother turning to look at Chunji as she relaxed on Chunji's lap, her eyes closed as she tried to take a nap.
Hoya moved over to her and his eyes scanned her face. She wasn't sleeping.
"Miyoung, if you want to, I can get you some tonics. You look pale." Hoya offered.
Miyoung frowned, her eyes still closed. "Oh? What tonic? You mean blood?" she retorted sarcastically. "I don't want them."
Hoya tried not to look irritated but couldn't help but feel so. This was how things had been for the past days. It was infuriating, she just wouldn't listen to him.
"Miyoung, I don't get it." Hoya sighed. "Why are you so mean to me? You were so friendly and nice when I was a bat."
Miyoung opened her eyes to glare at him. "Pardon me for hating the guy who's trying to change my identity into someone who's not me." she spat. "I liked you when you were a bat, helpful and kind. Never forcing me to do anything."
She looked at him. "Right now, I can't even picture you to be the same person as that bat." she confessed.
Hoya bit his lip. "Okay I know I'm being a little demanding and maybe ruthless in your opinion-"
"A little, hah!" Chunji snorted.
"-but I'm only doing things for your sake, Miyoung." Hoya looked at her earnestly. "I love you, I really do. And no matter how I see it, you'll be happier if you're with me. Not him."
"Do you think I have the right to choose my choices for myself, Hoya?" Miyoung asked.
"You do, which is why I prefer for you to undergo the transformation willingly than forced. You can choose the attitude and emotions you feel when you go for the transformation!" Hoya protested.
Chunji couldn't help the snort. "You call that a choice?"
Hoya shot Chunji a look. "You're just puzzled and in denial, Miyoung." he convinced. "When your head is finally clear, you'll see that I'm the one for you."
"Maybe she wants to be puzzled and in denial, have you thought about that?" Chunji snapped.
"I didn't ask you." Hoya shot back.
Miyoung sighed and stood up, crossing her arms. "Hoya, Chanhee oppa's right." she muttered. "It's my life, it's my choice. My choice is him."
"But don't you see you're making a big mistake-"
"Even if it's a mistake, Hoya, it's my mistake. It's my choice to make the mistake." Miyoung cut in. "Even if it was a mistake, I choose it's mistake. But I for one, know that it's not a mistake. Because when I'm with Chanhee oppa, this can never be more right."
Hoya stared at her in desperation. "What does he have that I don't? It isn't fair." he whispered.
"There isn't anything fair or not about love." Chunji shrugged. "Love just is. You may be bigger and stronger and richer, you can give Miyoung more material happiness, but I just have something that you don't."
Hoya swallowed and gazed at Chunji. "What's that?"
"Her love."



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Chapter 19: there are ppl who actually supports hoya?? Girl, he js NOT 'romantic' he is crazy and obsessed! Irl he's considered a stalker istg
Iminthezone #2
Chapter 32: *pops open champagne bottle*
But kyungmi was just a rebound for gongchan right? Anyway im relieved they didnt get together
mistymountains 193 streak #3
Nice story!
Chapter 32: Awwww the ending is so amazing! I was so surprised at the with part knowing that I wasn't even expecting of such
Chapter 22: Omg I can't believe gongchan thought her as tiny XD
please come back author-nim! T-T
KissStar #7
Chapter 32: Just finished this and the prequel... it's a really great story that I can just read again and again and again... thank you once more for this wonderful story.
jae12340 #8
omg late af but congrats on your feature! i've been waiting for such a long time to see this featured :D miss you lots!