
Mating Seasons: Blood Transformation II

"Miyoung..." Chunji murmured into the pillow, his arms tightening around it. "Miyoung you feel soft." he yawned tiredly.

The sunlight filtered in through the window and Chunji squinted, burying his face into the pillow. "Babe you feel different." he furrowed his brows confusedly. "Babe?"

He opened his eyes to see that he had been cuddling Miyoung's pillow instead of her. Chunji huffed and pushed the pillow away, sitting up in the empty bed. "What in the world..." he groaned.

Chunji rubbed his eyes tiredly and scanned around the room. Miyoung was nowhere to be seen. He glanced at the time and noted that he had woken earlier than usual that day, which made it stranger. He had woken even before the time when Miyoung usually woke and her alarm clock hadn't even rang yet. So where was she?

"Miyoung?" he called. Chunji got up and shuffled to the bathroom and peered in. It was empty.

"Babe?" Chunji frowned, finding it weirder and weirder. He couldn't hear her anywhere in the house and it was getting to him. No shuffling about, no small murmurs to herself, no clanging of pots and pans.

Chunji strode to the living room in a few steps and his eyes scanned the area. "Miyoung!" he hollered. "Babe don't play such a trick on me. It's not funny. MIYOUNG!" he screamed, running wildly to the kitchen and to their spare room.

She was nowhere to be found.

"." Chunji cursed, running his fingers through his hair. He ran for the phone and dialed Miyoung's number, only to hear the familiar tune ringing somewhere in the bedroom. Chunji ran to the bedroom and found her phone on the table top with it's owner nowhere to be seen.

Chunji's eyes trailed to the open window and he shivered. He looked down at the lawn and saw vague tire marks on the grass, and a lump came into his throat. "!"




Miyoung shivered at that same instant.

She opened her eyes and gasped, sitting up in the hammock. To her utter horror, she was being lifted by four bats in this strange looking hammock, flying above the forest that was a good thirty metres below her.

"Oh my gosh!" she squealed in fright. If just one of the bats let go of the rope....Miyoung stared down at the forest below her. Oh gosh, it would hurt like hell. HELL.

She hugged her knees to herself as she tried to stay at the centre of the hammock, not daring to tilt towards any edges. The bat leading the other four looked down at her and Miyoung couldn't help but feel he looked familiar.

Her eyes widened. *Mr bat.* One year of wondering where this bat went and he came back to kidnap her?

"No no definitely not." Miyoung muttered to herself. He had been so good to her. That vampire had saved her the first time his friends attacked and the second time it happened, he tried to free her. He was good. He would never kidnap her!

Miyoung squeezed her eyes shut and whimpered to herself. She hoped she could get killed quickly and not made a pet for these powerful beings. Or at most...she hoped Chunji would come for her. Quickly.

"Chanhee oppa..." Miyoung whispered in fear. "Please come...please..." she murmured.

Hoya rolled his eyes and flew faster. *Darn that male wolf.*




Half an hour later, they reached a luxurious looking mansion in the middle of the woods. Miyoung vaguely wondered how a house like that could be built in a place like that but decided not to think about it since it most obviously wasn't the most important thing right then compared to her life.

The bats lowered Miyoung gently down onto the ground in the porch in front of the mansion, skipping the front gate and walls that surrounded the mansion entirely, and Miyoung quickly scrambled as far as she could from the bats. She gulped, feeling her legs like jelly.

The bats fluttered above her in the sunlight and pushed her towards the door. One of them threw her a key and Miyoung trembled as she picked it up. "Open the door?" she squeaked. The bats nodded and Miyoung fiddled with the lock a little longer than neccessary, wanting to prolong the moment till her death.

She tumbled into the luxurious house and the bats followed in behind her. Once the door was closed and sunlight filtered out, the bats changed back into their vampire form and stretched. "Wow what a long flight." A beautiful y looking woman moaned.

Miyoung's eyes darted between the three other girls. They looked identical yet different.

They had the same face, but one of them gave a y vibe, one looked blur, while the last one looked innocent and shy. Her eyes trailed to the Hoya vampire and found him staring at her. She quickly snapped her gaze away and looked at her fingers, praying he wouldn't be thinking of ways to kill her.

Two maids appeared out of nowhere and smiled at the masters of the house. "You are back, mister and missus." the maids bowed. Miyoung sniffed them, and to her utter astonishment, these maids were human! What were these humans doing with these vampires?

"Have you prepared the room?" Hoya asked the maids. They nodded and mumbled yes.

"Good." Hoya nodded. "Jihyun, Jihyo, Jiyeon, bring Miyoung to her room and make her feel comfortable. Make sure to dress her up for dinner, we'll be having it in the dining room." he commanded.

He looked over to Miyoung and his gaze softened. "You don't need to be afraid." he murmured.

Miyoung scrambled away, scared. Hoya sighed and raked his fingers through his hair and looked at his sisters. They nodded and picked Miyoung up gently. Female to female talk was more efficent right then.

"Come on, let's get you to your room." Jiyeon cooed, pulling Miyoung up. Miyoung stared at them in awe and didn't know what to think. Why were humans working for vampires? Why hadn't they killed her yet? Why was she even having a room to herself? What was going to happen?

Her questions vanished when the door opened and Miyoung blinked at her supposed room. Her jaw dropped opened.

It was so large, huge. It was around the size of a basketball court (no kidding) and it was so lavishly furnished that Miyoung didn't even dare to think how much it would cost. There was a huge huge huuuuuge bed at the far end of the room and a large television, together with a coffee table and mini fridge.

"Like it?" Jihyo smiled. "It's yours from now on."

"And don't forget the walk in wardrobe!" Jihyun reminded, pushing Miyoung towards a hidden door behind the mirror. The lights lit to reveal a large walk in wardrobe with so many articles of clothing it could dress the entire werewolf colony. There were so many designs, so many colors and styles. It was a shoppaholic's paradise.

"Oh my I can't wait to dress you." The y girl smiled at Miyoung. "How about we start choosing the dress you're going to wear for your dinner now?" she clapped her hands excitedely.

The shy girl shook her head. "Unnie, we haven't even introduced ourselves." she frowned. With a pleasant smile directed at Miyoung, she grinned. "Hi I'm Jiyeon, Hoya oppa's sister and youngest of the triplets."

"I'm Jihyun, the eldest." Jihyun smirked.

"I'm Jihyo." Jihyo nodded, blinking. "Uh...the second oldest..or is it second youngest?" she scratched her head.

Jihyun smiled at Miyoung. "So what dress do you want to wear to dinner today?" she asked excitedly. "I think we're going to have a feast. Hoya oppa prepared for this day for a long time!" she grinned.

Miyoung took a step back. "I..." she looked pale. Jiyeon frowned and shook her head at Jihyun. "I think we should let Miyoung have some time to get used to her room. We'll come back two hours before dinner to dress you okay? If you need anything, just hit the bell by your bedside and the maids will come. Make yourself home!"

The triplets disappeared through the door and Miyoung leaned against the wall. "What the hell is going on?" she let out a long breath. She eyed the windows that were tinted and locked, and a tear trickled down her cheek.

"Chanhee oppa....come now." she pleaded. "I'm scared. I don't understand why they're treating me so well, I thought they're supposed to kill me. But this makes me even more frightened because I don't know what they have in store for me. Where are you now, oppa. Please come..." she sobbed.




Miyoung appeared at the dining room with the triplet sisters later in the evening wearing a turqoise chiffon dress that was really comfortable but not her style.

She had cried more in the afternoon before some maids brought lunch in for her. She conversed with them and realized that these humans worked for the vampires willingly and they were being paid wages. It was like a job far away from home, just it was far away from humanity for them. They got the usual holidays and they were sworn to secrecy to who they were working for.

And apparently, Hoya had planned for her arrival for a long time.

The vampire triplets tried to get her to open up to them as they fussed over her and chose her dress, but Miyoung wouldn't talk. All she wanted was Chunji and to get home.

And they were right, there really was a feast. The long Hogwarts-like table was filled from end to end with marvelous dishes but Miyoung could find no appetite for food. She stared at the food for a long time without moving her cutlery.

Hoya frowned at her worriedly. "Is the food not to your liking, Miyoung?" he touched her hand lightly.

Miyoung drew her hand away at a lightning speed. His hands were so cold, so unlike Chunji's which were always warm as he touched and caressed her cheek.

She stared at the steak in front of her for a while more before turning to look at him. "Why...am I here?" she whispered. "Why have you brought me here?"

Hoya flinched, not expecting the question to come so soon. But then again this was Miyoung so... He sighed and bit his lip. "Why don't you eat first and we'll talk about it-"

"Why am I here?" Miyoung repeated, louder this time. "Are you going to kill me? Are you going to keep me as wolf pet? You know I'm the Park Pack leader, so are you trying to conquer us like the last time the other vampires tried to kidnap the leaders as well? So why didn't you take Chanhee oppa with you?"

"Why would I try to kill you when I saved you the other time?" Hoya frowned, reaching to touch her cheek. Miyoung tore away from his touch immediately.

Hoya sighed. "I know it's surprising, Miyoung. But I won't hurt you. Don't you remember me?" he looked at her earnestly, his eyes staring back at her sincerely.

Miyoung frowned. Those eyes had been familiar, she thought they belonged to Mr Bat. "But Mr Bat wouldn't kidnap me." she breathed.

Hoya stared at her for a few moments and shook his head. "Mr Bat won't kidnap you to harm you, but Mr Bat will do anything to make you happy." he reasoned. "I'm Mr Bat, Miyoung. And trust me, this isn't kidnap. I'm just bringing you to the life you deserve. The life of luxury and happinesss here with me."

"Why?" Miyoung gulped. "I want to go home, I want Chanhee oppa, I want-"

"Because I love you." Hoya cut in. Jihyo let out a swoon from the side, and the sisters watched in interest as their brother confessed to the girl of his dreams.

Miyoung looked at him, utterly shocked.

"Why did you think I returned day after day to your house?" Hoya asked. "Why did you think I tried to bring you away to safety when my friends attacked? Why did you think I tried to free you?"

"Hell, why do you think I'm living with my sisters in this isolated mansion right now instead with the rest of the clan?" Hoya asked. "We were banished, Miyoung. Because I betrayed them when I tried to save you."

Miyoung's eyes widened. "Banished.."

"Yes. But it's worth it." Hoya continued. "Don't you see? I love you. You and I are meant to be."

"And now that I finally have you here with me, we're going to lead a very happy life."



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Chapter 19: there are ppl who actually supports hoya?? Girl, he js NOT 'romantic' he is crazy and obsessed! Irl he's considered a stalker istg
Iminthezone #2
Chapter 32: *pops open champagne bottle*
But kyungmi was just a rebound for gongchan right? Anyway im relieved they didnt get together
mistymountains 193 streak #3
Nice story!
Chapter 32: Awwww the ending is so amazing! I was so surprised at the with part knowing that I wasn't even expecting of such
Chapter 22: Omg I can't believe gongchan thought her as tiny XD
please come back author-nim! T-T
KissStar #7
Chapter 32: Just finished this and the prequel... it's a really great story that I can just read again and again and again... thank you once more for this wonderful story.
jae12340 #8
omg late af but congrats on your feature! i've been waiting for such a long time to see this featured :D miss you lots!