
The Boy From Another Century
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Chapter seven


Yunho was stuck in a traffic jam and he kept his hand on the horn hitting it several times, showing off his anger.


“Move your ing asses!” somebody screamed from behind. Yunho wanted to get out of his car and teach that bastard a lesson but he chose not to.


After an hour and a half, Yunho was finally able to get out from the highway heading back to his home. He just wanted to rest after what happened earlier. He just left a boy, who doesn’t know about this world, all alone in a park.


“I have nothing to do with him so why am I thinking of him? he just ruined a big deal with Mr. Choi and humiliated me in public… aish!” he ran his fingers through his brown hair wisps.


‘What if someone took advantage of him?’


“No! he is perfectly fine and he will manage to survive. You have nothing to do with all of this Jung Yunho. You have nothing to do with anything!” he calmed himself down.


After what seemed like forever for the business man, he finally reached his apartment’s parking lot. He opened the car door and closed it firmly. This day wasn’t a good one at all. He thought getting out of the work atmosphere would help him a bit but it was never good.


Reaching the door of his apartment, he found the door unlocked.


‘What the heck?’


Yunho pushed the door open and heard his dog bark loudly. He suspected someone must’ve broke in his place. He took the umbrella from the stand and walked slowly towards the noise sounds direction.


He looked at his dog and placed his finger on his own nose to calm the noisy dog. He snuff several times and the house smelled like fried chicken.


He peeked inside the kitchen and found a standing man, giving him his back.


Yunho tiptoed till he reached the busy man who was cooking the chicken. Raising up his umbrella, he aimed on the man before he turn around.




The man turned to look back when he heard the dog’s barks and saw an angry Yunho with an umbrella in his hand. He quickly ducked down before the umbrella hit him.


“Yah! Are you trying to get me killed?!”


“Yoochun? What the are you doing here?!” Yunho lowered the umbrella and placed his hand on his throbbing heart.


Yoochun stood up and flicked Yunho’s forehead.


“You need to stop placing the key under the welcoming rug!”


“Yah! That hurts! What if I forgot my key at home, huh? I don’t want to make fuss out of it… besides no one will ever think about that!” Yunho retorted childishly.


Yoochun rolled his eyes in annoyance.


“Where is the boy by the way?” he asked.


“What boy?” Yunho asked dumbly.


“Jaejoong, where is he?” the elder crossed his hands.


“O—Oh, Jaejoong. Well, actually… he… left.”


Yoochun stared at Yunho suspiciously.






“Where did he go?”


“U—Um.. I don’t really know… I just woke up and he v-vanished.” Yunho rubbed his nape nervously.


“I see.” Yoochun nodded and left the kitchen, leaving a sighing Yunho.


‘Damn, that was close!’


Yunho walked in the living room, where Yoochun was and he found him checking out the messy living room. His eyes fell on cushions that were topping each other messily. 


“Why are the pillows thrown like that? As far as I’m concerned, you don’t like your place to be messy…”


“It was Jaejoong’s tent.”


When Yunho realized what he just blurted, he mentally slapped himself.


“What?” Yoochun eyed him.


“I—mean… it was my jogging mint…”


“Mints jog?”  


“Y-Yeah,” Yunho shifted his eyes right and left. Heck, how he wanted this to be over.


Yoochun gave a weird look to his friend before he move to the messy cushions.


“Hey isn’t this Jaejoong’s bag?” he fished out a bag from the mob of cushions.


“H-Huh? No!” Yunho shook his head.


“Are you hiding something from me, Yunho? You’re acting pretty strange.”


Cold sweats began to appear on the tanned man’s forehead. He cant just tell Yoochun that he dumped Jaejoong alone in the park where drunk and erted men usually hang now can he?


‘. Think of something, Jung, think!’


“I—” the sound of a melodic ringtone stopped the business man from completing his words.


“Hold on,” Yoochun motioned Yunho to be quiet. “Hello? … what do you want Changmin? … No, I didn’t eat your cheesecake… but I … don’t touch my Xia’s collection! You don’t ing dare! … What are you even doing in my house?! No.. no wait! Don’t hang up!! Just— UH! He just hung up on me!” Yoochun stared at his phone in disbelief.


“Let me guess, he is threatening you to buy him new cheesecake?” Yunho smiled nervously. Finally, their topic is changed.


“He ate his yesterday and I saw it! God damn it Yunho. I am leaving and we’re not done here okay?!” Yoochun grabbed his jacket off the rack and left.


Yunho sighed in relief and made himself fall on the couch.


Tik Tik Tik.


The voice of the watch echoed in the big and quiet living room.


8:31 P.M


Yunho tried to fall asleep but he thought that the couch was too solid to be sleeping at. So he thought the b

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Chapter 9: i want more.... please
melinasunshine #2
Chapter 9: Update soon
melinasunshine #3
Chapter 9: i like the way you writing this story. update soon.
akiramia #4
Chapter 9: Ow...I miss dis story.. jj so cute wanna bite him what happens. ....reall cclueless... fighting...
Chapter 9: I can't stop laughing. Jae is so cute... I like the way you're driving the story line.
But I hope you will not kill Jae. Ne?
Jaeboo19 #6
Chapter 9: it`s like rooftop prince ( Yoochuns drama) without the murder.
waaah i dont want Jae to disapear T . T
But the story is good ^^
Chapter 9: this is so amaizing!!! in love with this *w*!!!!
Jaejoong dissapearing o.ó?....I have a theory xD!!!! Is Jaejoong , by any casuality, a offspring of Yunho, and he is dissapearing because Yunho is falling for him, and that would affect him (Yunho) not falling in love with his future wife, who is, like, the great great great grandmother of Jaejoong owó?
MiszCJung #8
Chapter 9: Ahh i miss this. I love how jae 'introduced' charming..m oops changmin xD and how yunjae bonding going warmer and stronger.. just... please dont leave so fast jaejoongieee!
rotten_apple #9
Chapter 9: What happen? why Jaejoong began to disssapear?
It's have some kind relation with time paradox or what?
xzeyrax #10
Chapter 9: Uh oh... Is Jae going to fade and go back? :( not that I don't want him to go back to his family but I still need more YunJae ㅠㅠ