The story gets told; All hail queen Yoona

Within dreams of darkness

Yoona slowly opened her eyes to find that she was laying on a couch. ''She's awakened your Highness!'' Hyunny's creepy but handsome butler exclaimed.

Hyunny raced over flustered ''Thank heavens! I have guest that want to meet you your highness. They are from Gherneighn they are high class wizards and they wish to work as your students.''

''Students? But I can't teach!'' Yonna exclaimed.

''Oh but you can! You are the greatest witch there ever was!'' Hyunny exclaimed. Her butler nodded in agreement. ''I know nothing oh magic! I just want to go home!'' Yonna screamed.

''One thousand years ago you stood in a beautiful silk gown, your hair down,and not a care in the world. For you had taken out all of the other wizards!'' Hyunny exclaimed smiling.

Yoona shook her head in disbelief. ''Tell me more about this.''

''Well I guess the guest can wait alittle while longer.'' Hyuuny said taking a seat next to her. ''Well you are very powerful, You know you weren't eve in line to be queen you knocked the to be queen down. You took her place and then you became engaged to Prince Heechul. Who was supposed to marry the other woman, she is now the witch of drama. She thinks that she can control all of the land, she nearly did but now that you're back now of that will happen now.''

''Where's his Prince Heechul? You- you mean Kim Heechul?'' Yoona clutched her head feeling dizzy.

''Yes Kim Heechul who else? He's the richest man in all the land-

''Your highness is she okay?'' A  young man exclaimed stepping in.

''Yes she is just fine Taemin-ah.'' Hyunnie said moving the boy closer to Yoona.

''Y-your highness! It's so nice to be in your presence the boy studdered.

A few other men walked in behind him and greeted her aswell she smiled the boys were very handsome and kind. They seemed like good students from their introduction.

She remebered their names from her country, She had met all five of them once. Jonghyun,Key,Minho,Onew,and Taemin. She wondered if they remembered her or if this was all some big unfunny joke.


They were just as cute as they were when she met them in Korea. Speaking of Korea...She needed to get back! ''Have any of you ever heard of South Korea?''she asked.

''What? what's that? A type of fish?'' Taemin asked.

''Or is it chicken?'' Onew asked interesed.

''No it's a country.''

''Oh dear you need rest. Not such country has ever exsisted.'' Hyunnie said shaking her head.

Yoona sighed feeling helpless. She then requested ''Let me go to my castle Heechul is probably worried sick.'' Yoona decided just to go with the flow and pretend that she really was this queen that they spoke of.

The room chanted ''All hail queen Yoona!''

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yoonajade #1
Chapter 2: gosh! seems like everytime i find a very good story and worth reading the author's take a long hiatus and/or abandon their work....hope ur not one of them but based on the date u last updated,seems like yes,u forgot this story of yours long time ago.... -_-!
Update soon!
Chapter 2: I'm the first one who comment. Yay~
Nice story and please update more^^