The dark queen within me

Within dreams of darkness

Yoona woke up in a grassy meadow, the sky was gloomy so it brought darkness all over the land. She was extremely frightened. She let out a shrill scream and it echoed throughout the valley. She sighed and began walking. It was very chilly out and she was only in her pj's. She was so embarrased at being out on this foreign land in her night clothes.

She saw a big gold gate and smiled she knew she could find shelter there.

''Who goes there! the gatekeeper bellowed. There stood Taeyeon. Yoona sighed happily,''Hey! Where are we is this some kind of prank?''

''Pank? What is this you speak of?!'' Taeyeon yelled stomping her foot.

''Taeyeon?'' Yoona looked her over and noticed she looked alot different.She had an extremely weird mask on,Yoona didn't know why she didn't notice it before.

''Girl why do you adress me as such! And how do you know my name!'' Taeyeon exclaimed.

''Because you're my best friend. Remeber?'' Yoona said slowly,''Why are you dressed like that? What's up with the makeup?''

''You dare insult me.? Die you insulent !'' Taeyeon exclaimed pulling out her sword. ''Woah! Buddy! I was just trying to help you Tae! We're friends!'' ''We are not and as the gatekeeper I will have to report you to the witch of drama.''

''Witch of drama?'' Yoona asked looking confused,''Witches don't exsist.''

''Yes they do stupid foregner!'' Taeyeon sighed,''Since you are so helpless I will send you to someone who can help you.''


''The witch of love.'' They walked down a long path,to a mansion that was pink and beautiful. Yoona gasped at her surroundings. ''This place is wonderful!''

''Glad you think so.'' A sultry voice said from behind them. A thin woman in a gorgeous gown walked up to them, she had a glow around her that made her beauty shine more.

''May I ask who this isTaeyeon-shi?'' The beautiful woman asked.

''This is some crazy foreginer. She needs guidance please help her your highness.'' She bowed.

''I most certainly will.'' The woman said,''You may be dismissed now Taeyeon-shi.'' The woman said absently. Taeyeon nodded and then left.

''Now what is your name girl?'' The woman asked.

''Y-Yoona..'' The woman intimitaded her and made her feel extremely nervous in her presence.

''My name is Seohyun-shi you can call me seon saeng min.'' The lady said.

''Okay Seon saeng min!'' Yoona said bowing.

''Follow me.'' Seohyun said walking back into the house. Yoona nervously wobbled behind her.

''So it seems you need to be taught something about...'' the room was super bright much brighter than outside she saw Seohyun's jaw was dropped open. ''OH! Your highness! I am so sorry for how i've treated you!''

Yoona was confused first she was a lowly peasant but now she's a queen. This was all too much. ''Seon-

''Call me Hyunny'' The woman said grinning,''Where have you been why did you leave this world? we've missed you. It's been so gloomy without you!''

''Without me?''

''Yes your highness! You rule all of this land!'' She pointed to a old tattered picture that looked just like her, but she had sharp black teeth and tattos on her face and she had ALOT of eyeliner on. The picture was practally brown from being so old.

''That's not me! I don't have sharp black teeth see?'' Yoona exclaimed showing her pearly white teeth.

Hyunny laughed,''I know silly you were born again remember?''

''Your Highness dinner is ready.'' Her stoic creepy butler proclaimed.

He had beautiful black hair and a nice looking suit on Yoona found him very attractive but she was taking in too much. ''Are you alright your highness?'' He asked her. Yoona's sight was soon filled with darkness as she fell backwards..

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yoonajade #1
Chapter 2: gosh! seems like everytime i find a very good story and worth reading the author's take a long hiatus and/or abandon their work....hope ur not one of them but based on the date u last updated,seems like yes,u forgot this story of yours long time ago.... -_-!
Update soon!
Chapter 2: I'm the first one who comment. Yay~
Nice story and please update more^^