
Hopelessly Falling In Love
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Chapter 4: Why...?







Was it my fault that this had to happen? Did I dig myself in too deep? Am I naïve to think that maybe one day, we'll be together? That we'll be happily together and not care about what others think? No...? Maybe in my dreams. If we could only be together in my dreams, then I'll sleep forever.

There was nothing good about my life. Nothing at all. Parents were scheduling a divorce in a few days and my dad is staying that if I stay with him, we can stay here in Seoul. But my mom is threatening to steal me away and make me move to America with her. Away from Seoul. Away from Zelo. Away from my friends, my home, my culture....Away from Yongguk.

I don't think I can even handle the thought of being seperated with him. But what's done is done. There's nothing I can do now. Himchan is going to exploid what Yongguk and I was--Well...were. And even if I stayed, I knew I wouldn't be welcomed. I knew I wouldn't be wanted or needed in any way shape or form. I'd be a lone; with only Zelo by my side. But was it really that bad...? Was it bad to love a teacher...? Apparently so.

A few days ago, there was a court session where the judge would hear my parent's pleas and let him decide who should get custody. Well, after either one of them wins the battle. My dad recieved a phone call from the judge an hour ago. He lost the custody of me. I have to live with my mom until I'm old enough to be living on my own. He's really bummed about it and so am I. Which is why I plan on talking to the judge to see if I can stay in Seoul, even if I have to live with my mom. I want to stay. I need to stay. So I begged my dad to back me up on this, to give me the judge's number so I can try to convince her! Finally, after 20 minutes, he gave me the judge's number.

"Judge Yong...?" I said softly.

"Yes? May I ask who this is?"

 "This is Jung Daehyun..."

 "Ah, Daehyun! Wait, how'd you get my number? Did you dad give it to you?"

 "Yeah, he did.."

 "Is that so? Well, did you need to talk to me about something? Is it about the divorce?"

 "Yeah, it is. See...I don't want to leave Seoul. I have so much here, I have friends that I refuse to leave behind."

 "Aw...Dear, I'm sorry. But your mom won the custody battle."

 "Can you just make her stay in Seoul?! Please?! I'll run away or kill myself! I refuse to leave this place."

 "I know this isn't just about your friends, my dear. What's the real reason why you don't want to leave?"

 Daehyun gulped, tears flooding his eyes. "It's...because of him..."

 "Him...? Dear, there's a lot of 'him's here..."

 "His name is Bang Yongguk...He's the music teacher at my school."

 "...Do you love him?"

 Daehyun slowly sat down and looked down at his free hand. "M-More than anything. I have something to solve and I don't want to leave with it being unsolved."

 "If you tell me your case, I'll talk to your mom..."

 Daehyun nodded slowly. "I..." Daehyun sighed. "I've loved him for years. But I just couldn't tell him. I was too scared, I was scared of rejection and being hurt. But...my god, Judge Yong, he is perfect. I've never met anyone like him before! He just..takes my breathe away when I see him smile. He..When he speaks my name, my heart pounds so hard I think it'll explode out of my chest! But..Himchan, he..."

 "Himchan?!" Judge Yong exclaimed and Daehyun blinked. "You mean Kim Himchan?"

 "N-Nae....do you know him?"

 "Do I know him? Of course I do! He's my sister's son!"

 Daehyun's eyes grew wide and his jaw dropped. "He's your...nephew?!"

 "Yeah! He's quite a cruel young boy...Tell me, how did my nephew get involved with your love life?"

 "He loves Yongguk, too. It's like...he sees me as a threat because he forced my best friend's ex-boyfriend to stalk me and Yongguk on our date."

 "And who is your best friend's ex..?"

 "Moon Jongup. He came back to Himchan with photos he took and I guess Himchan got furious. Himchan said..if I don't leave Yongguk alone, he'll expoid the photos Jongup took the entire school!"

 "So people will judge you because you're in love with Yongguk? All because of my nephew and his jealousy?" She sighed deeply. "Listen...your story reminds me of my first love and

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bangdaebak #1

I like teacher!bang and student!dae

Thank you for writing xx
bdz357998 #2
Chapter 6: LOL yongguk and daehyun at the end
Chapter 6: How could you end it like this?!?!?!?! DX
Chapter 6: i didn't expecting this is would be the end..
but this is great! i love it.
thanks for writing this! :)
Looovely #5
This is really great :)
Thank you for sharing <3<3
KehKeh #6
Chapter 6: Great story xD
Chapter 6: LOL I love how straightforward Dae's dad is xDDDDD
Whoa there BangDae, already naughty i see ;D
This was a great story :D
heeyoung_kwon #8
Chapter 6: This is really great ~~~~~~
Chapter 6: Aww... :"D

BangDae. XD