Chapter 2:

Pulling at the Roots


Hoya wasn’t always like this. He never dreamed that he would become a self-absorbed, egotistical, player. He was once a beautiful child, filled with hope of the future. He dreamt of blue skies, lemon drops, and rainbows. But, just like a rain cloud on a sunny day, reality set in. Reality was a shock to him, almost like a bad dream, that sent away the hopes of lemon drops and rainbows. Hoya’s once beautiful childhood was shattered by the realism of life. Hoya’s childhood was great, normal even; but, when reality hits, it hits hard…


Time: 7:00AM

Location: NPH National Bank, Seoul

Date: 4/16/2012

“Mr. Lee, what do you think of this?”

Hoya snapped his eyes open. The meeting had lulled him to sleep, and he wasn't’t quite sure what was going on or even how he got here. He wasn't’t even sure why there was a meeting. All he remembered was settling into one of the many leather chairs surrounding the table, and closing his eyes to blink. With no hope, Hoya improvised.

He cleared his throat and sat up in his seat. “Are you talking about the company merging?” Hoya asked, trying to pull at the straws, “Cause if you are then it’s a wonderful plan.” Hoya looked at the speaker with hopeful eyes. Maybe, just maybe, he hadn't’t made a total fool out of himself.

The men around the table gave him odd looks. One after another, heads turned to face a confused Hoya. Apparently, they weren't’t talking about the company merging…

“No sir, we were speaking of this year’s retreat,” replied the speaker.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Well, carry on. I’ll pay attention from now on,” Hoya replied. The speaker nodded and then continued with his presentation. Slides of marshmallows and campfires appeared on the screen.

Woohyun slightly elbowed Hoya. “Are you okay? You are so out of it lately.”

“I’m fine,” Hoya replied, “But bro, do you mind filling me in later? I’m going to sneak some z’s. Thanks bro, I owe you one.” Without waiting for Woohyun’s reply, Hoya sneakily shut his eyes.

With a deep sigh, Woohyun let Hoya fall back asleep. If it were any other time, Woohyun would’ve forced Hoya awake, but Woohyun felt sorry enough to let Hoya sleep. You see, Woohyun knew why Hoya was so exhausted. He knew that Hoya was incredibly tired from all the one-night stands he’s been having the past two weeks, but he also knew what forced him into the repetitive ual escapades.  And as Hoya’s friend he had to help him put it to a stop.


Time: 7:00PM

Location: Puzzle’s Bar, Seoul

Date: 4/16/2012

Hoya had three close friends he was sure that he could rely on. Through thick and thin, they were there for him. And no matter how disgustingly annoying Hoya was, they supported him. These three people sat at their personal booth at their favorite bar: Puzzles. These three and Hoya were Puzzle's regulars. They spent many late nights here, especially after a hard day at work, drinking several bottles of beer and munching on Puzzle's signature nachos. Tonight, Hoya was nowhere in sight. Tonight, it was just Woohyun, his girlfriend Hyomin, and Dongwoo. 

"So, you know why I called you guys here," said Woohyun, "Hoya needs our help." 

Hyomin laughed, "Does he need me to help with the ladies again?" 

"I seriously doubt that. For the past two weeks, Hoya has gone home with a different girl every night. He'd wink at me every time he scored a girl," replied Dongwoo. With an amused smile, Dongwoo took a sip of his beer. 

Dongwoo worked as Puzzle's head bartender. For the past five years, Dongwoo has watched Hoya and Woohyun pick up girls at his bar. But, through one special event in Hoya's life, Dongwoo became the third to the womanizing duo. 

"That’s exactly what he needs help with! He has been taking home way too many women!” cried Woohyun, “We got to stop him!”

Dongwoo and Hyomin both froze. For a moment, they stared at Woohyun with blank expressions. After momentary silence, Hyomin and Dongwoo erupted with laughter. Woohyun watched his two friends laugh ridiculously. How could they not take him serious? “Hoya, needs our help!” insisted Woohyun.

Dongwoo’s uncontrollable laughter was unstoppable, but in between laughs he was able to say, “Hoya doesn’t need our help!”

Hyomin, who just calmed down from her laughter, wiped the corners of her eyes and took a deep breath, “Exactly! This is how Hoya wants to live his life. He works like crazy during the day and blows off steam by escorting some dumb girl home.”

“You guys don’t understand,” Woohyun, insisted, “Something is pushing him into all of these affairs.”

Dongwoo chuckled, “Come on, Woo. You and I both know that the only thing pushing him to sleep with all of these women is his peni—“

“IT’S NOT THAT,” yelled Woohyun, “Hoya bumped into Eunji!”


Time: 7:00PM

Location: Hoya’s Home, Gangnam, Korea

Date: 4/16/2012

On the seventeenth floor of a luxury apartment complex was Hoya’s home. His apartment had an incredible view of the Seoul skyline. At night, Hoya didn’t need night lights because the faint light of city’s skyline gave enough light to walk through the darkness. But, Hoya didn’t necessarily care for the view as much as he did for the apartment itself. Everything inside, from the furniture to each tile in the kitchen, was customized to his liking. From his own personal bar to his walk-in closet, Hoya partially designed every corner of his home. Not only did the style of the house satisfy Hoya’s modern need, it also attracted many women. What woman doesn’t like a creative man?

But tonight, Hoya sat alone in his living room. No woman in sight, and only the darkness as a companion, Hoya drank alone. The Seoul skyline and the moon’s light were the only two forces of brightness against the darkness of the room. In his hand, a glass of Scotch moved against his fingers.

He was alone for a reason. He was in deep thought.  

“How should I get her into my bed?” Hoya thought.

Yes, his deep thought weren’t as deep as many presumed they would be. But, there was a reason as to why he was plotting a plan to pull a single woman into his domain. It began two weeks ago.


Time: 3:20PM

Location Seoul, Korea

Date: 4/2/2012

Hoya pushed the glass doors of the NPH building and walked out into the Seoul streets. He had just finished his nine-to-three shift and was going rest before a night on the town. He headed towards the parking garage, where his car was parked in the corner of the lot; a spot that guaranteed that his car would be protected from other vehicles.

Hoya was several feet away when he saw the car pull up. A grey Mercedes Benz sped through the parking garage, zooming down the rows of idle cars. Its bright lights were on, even though the sun still gave natural light to the city of Seoul. It kept its speed till it found the only free stop in the garage, next to Hoya’s car.

Hoya held his breath as he watched the Benz make a sharp turn into the parking spot. Without much consideration of space, the car parked itself very closely to Hoya’s car. Too close. To Hoya’s relief, no major signs of damage could be seen.

A gasp escaped Hoya’s lips before he ran to his car. His car was like the wife he never wanted. He cared for it, fed it high-class fuel, and showered it with luxuries like leather seats and expensive rims. If one scratch was made on it, he’d kill the first person he saw. Surprisingly, there was no scratch on his precious vehicle. But still, Hoya was upset with the other driver’s carelessness! Who speeds in a parking garage?!

As Hoya observed the almost nonexistent space between the two cars, the driver’s door of the Mercedes Benz clicked open.

“Wow, I at parking,” laughed a feminine voice.

Hoya never learned how to censor his words. Curses, vulgarities, and rude phrases usually slipped out of his mouth. So when he accidently spat out, “Well, no !” to the other driver, there was no hope of it coming back. He had said it, and he didn’t regret it.

“Excuse me?!” asked the voice. The owner of the voice walked towards Hoya, who stood behind both cars. “You could have said it— whoa, Hoya?”

Hoya ripped his eyes away from his precious car. His eyes first landed on her feet. They were slender and snugly fit into a pair of three-inch, black stilettoes. Her legs were covered in sheer stockings that both highlighted the curves of her legs, but also protected her legs from inappropriate eyes. She dressed in a curvy-black dress. It looked like her favorite, because the ends of the dress were slight worn out. Her face was the same as ever: heavy makeup, but bright, big eyes.

“Eunji?!” asked Hoya, “W-What are you doing back in Seoul?”

Eunji tossed her hair over one shoulder and smiled at the shaken Hoya, “I came back a year ago. Oh gosh, Hoya, I am living the life of a queen with YoonJae. We went to Europe just last month and now we have a beautiful baby girl!”

“Congrats,” Hoya replied bitterly, “He must be showering you with riches.”

“He is!” laughed Eunji, “Well, I got to go. I have a lunch date to go to. Let’s catch up some time?” Without waiting for his reply, she turned around and walked away from both of their cars.

“Sure,” Hoya mumbled as he watched Eunji strut away.

Hoya pulled his car keys from his pocket. He was glad that he had survived that conversation without completely embarrassing himself; All he wanted to do now was go home and forget it had ever happened. Right as the lights of his car flashed on, Hoya spotted something he hadn’t seen a minute ago. On the right side of his rear, right where Eunji’s car graced before parking, a deep scratch scraped into the car. Hoya’s eyes widened as he flew into a fit of anger.

Just like EunJi had left a gashing hole in Hoya's car, she had done the same with his soul.

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-loveable- #1
Chapter 6: Can I just say that I love the DJ and her words about running away. I wonder who she is? And based from the previously chapter it seems like she knows Hoya, or maybe I'm just thinking in it to much. I seriously love your story and can't wait for an update.
Chapter 4: Busan?
gughgjhghyi sorry 10 charcter limit
cotko94 #3
Chapter 2: I can't even imagine Hoya as a player!
Poor Hoya and his car...but he kinda had it coming >.<
Can't wait to see more of Eunji though
This is getting good~
Waiting for more! ^^
Chapter 2: Hoya is such a player!
Wonder what Eunji did in the past?
Update soon!