Chapter 8 : Damn, Panic Attacked!

30 Days with Arrogant CEO


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Jiyong's POV

" what If she fell for me? 'I muttered lazy. It just comes to a moment in mind, it's a good thing too. The letter of her is always like that. Always felt smile and feel sorry every time after reading it.

"What?" Idly Youngbae asked.

"Aniya, your turn" Youngbae preparing to enter the ball into the hole on the pool table.

"Damn, missed. We usually play cards , why suddenly ask me to play this. What's wrong with you today. ? "He continued commented.

"I was just bored, it's my turn. Okay "of course bored, not because of something. I hit the ball perfectly into the hole. Youngbae playfully clapped.

“she is really your girlfriend? or just play 'as usual'? "I smiled crookedly. Preparing for the next blow.

"The other thing, ah. It misses "Youngbae took a turn.


"Let me guess, if you play 'as usual'. you never take her anywhere, let alone to the company. it was really something else? "The ball is in at Youngbae successful entry. I smiled.

"Of course, it was really something else. That business "Youngbae looked at me astonished.

"Human trafficking?" Youngbae replied bluntly.

"You're crazy, it's not like that. Let's quickly ,your turn"hit the ball and he returned back into the hole. I gave a highfive.

"Hahaha, well that whatever business I hope it works. "Youngbae gave a pat in my shoulder.

"This is real friend, let's shoot again. maybe you're lucky today "Youngbae laughed and punched my arm.

Youngbae beat me last night, I guess he's been lucky this time.of Course Youngbae must not know about this. just me and Jiyeon. To be honest I think this is more cruel than human trafficking. You should read this own contract Youngbae.

I read it once again, pacing the room in my work and repeatedly looked toward the balcony. This is almost dawn, my eyes are tired but could not shut with a deep, my insomnia came back tough as I thought. I have signed it if I was a man. but it was very difficult. I sat back in the chair and just stared at the pen tip, what are you waiting for? I do not know. I took advil and sleeping pills.

I scrawled my signature on this paper, quickly insert it back into my desk drawer. I started thingking other plans. Drank back my another wine. but, if this is in need? on the other hand I need clarity. This is only a risk or whatever it is.

"Mr. Jang, I need a detective, "I called Jang.

"Good Mr.Kwon"

"Arrange meeting with him,"

"I understand"

"Okay" I pressed the end button. Jiyeon is for you. Sorry I have to know you. That's the best way.

I just took advil now and will not eatthat sleeping pills, I found it in the second pillbox, of course it is always available. I do not think I will seek to sleep. I had a morning meeting and has a surprise for my beloved Dara. It will be tiring though.

Dara's POV

I forgive bom, because bom apologize on bended knee I certainly dont have to look like that.Bom also brought me a box of sushi for lunch of course this could never bribe I decline. Bom telling me a lot about her dating. Bom is the opposite from me. I'm a person who hates dating and bom are people who really like dating. Bom is a mini skirt and I was Worn jeans. High heels is t bom and I was sneakers. One of her common-we both just our appetites were equally great as a monster.

"He's not my type" bom again spoke after biting a piece of sushi.

"Again he's not your type?" Oh come on this thousandth.

"He has absolutely no sense of humor, and he does not have a steady income" I nodded playfully.

"But, he has a very good scent. I like "I'm also a big fan of jiyong’s scent

"The smell of a man to determine his personality, you know that?" Bom pointed at me seriously. I just shook my head.

"And you know dara, when some women sometimes like men with him easily with just his scent . And you know, I'm not the one who like that "of course, I'm not. I shook my head a little right.

"I'm curious, what kind of scent which is owned kwon ji yong" Bom narrowed her eyes at me. I snapped.

"He smelled so good" I replied a little nervous. I devoured my sushi.

"But, my father’s scent smells better than" I went on my sentence and smiled at Bom. what? my father? I'm crazy.

"Well, I hope you're right" Bom back devouring last sushi.

"Bommie, I always pray that you meet your dream prince someday" all I mean is your ideal type Bom too high. Her expression is troubled that is made-up. Then hugged, laughed and we ate our lunch back.

Bom cease and desist hug me "what? prince? stop your crap, you're watching too much drama! "

"I just pray, that's a problem for you?" Bom his heavy breath. Her eyes irritated

"Prayer for your own life, Dara. You're more pathetic than me! "

"YA! I’m a CEO’s girlfriend. "I encourage Bom smooth.

"Ah, you’re arrogant . come on, we must got in, we have the class and will perform percentages" I chuckled a little. Jiyong has not contacted me this was 2 days. My smile faded. I do not want to miss it.

All eyes on me, Bom give yhe largest smile. I smiled back at her. Rays of infocus has appeared on screen. I can certainly do it. I've been practicing. I have bows on them. I started talking, telling who his sources, all is still quiet and fluent, what they do not know Kwon Ji Yong??  then, I began to explain the contents of the interview, I almost forgot to show you the photos that will be launched aircraft that. I explained again about this plane. all applauded back.
I showed jiyong’s photos.


"He is very handsome, who is he?" One of my friends from the back asked.

"He was my guest speaker, Mr. Kwon Ji Yong "I explain it with some hesitation.

 I heard a sigh of disappointment from them, what are they thinking? Sounds a little commotion in the back, they talk to whisper. I showed all the photos. They were very astonished gaze Photos kwon ji yong that I show. Oh no, my lecturer is like that, bom also!. but I have to explain this guy profile. They are not interested in the contents of his interview but on his speakers, well he does look so, um Young, handsome and successful. Ideal type of all women in the face of this earth, except me.

Percentage of completion, my last job as a student solved. I'm very grateful to Jiyong. I bent down, and the whole room clapped for me.

Lecturer had left the room, I was ready to go home. but, they surrounded me. What happened?
"You've got her phone number?" What? what they are really interested in Jiyong?

"Cell phone number? Who?” I'm acting stupid. Of course I will not give it. They become cynical gaze.

"Ah! Mr. kwon?? really, I do not have his cell phone number. "I had to run from here.

"You're lying! Come on, give it. I would not bother him. You're a lucky girl interviewed a handsome CEO. So, please give his cell phone number! "

I intend to take my cell phone in the bag, when all the eyes glance at my bag. Bom dragged me out of the room. "Run!" Bom shouting swelled right ear and I spontaneously ran along with Bom. They are behind both of us and ran after us.

"Why do we both have to run?" My breath panting down the stairs.

"I'm not going to let Mr. kwon in touch by anyone, unless you "Bom giggling and panting too.

"You're crazy" I join with her giggling, the two of us were outside our building. My breath still panting,

"Quickly, we must hide" Bom dragged into the bush, I obeyed for the safety of my life were innocent.

"I hope I lose a few Pounds after running" Bom still can joke at a time like this,

"But, why they ran toward the crowd?" Bom peered down at the crowd, Bom looked at me in bewilderment. I'm a little peek toward the crowd. it is a car Ferarri.what the hell!! Oh No! what about this?? what is he doing here? he should check his mental.

"YA! hiding !, you will be seen by them! "Bom yelled, I ignored her and ran towards the crowd. I broke into the crowd, I saw silent. People are crowding around me began to whisper. He noticed me, returned my look and approached me. Heart rate was not controlled. I quickly reversed my body, I had to run, but he's getting my hands. And my body automatically turning to face him again, people crowded around the two of us take a step back. Our eyes met, whether I be mad? happy?  I was confused, seemed like an eternity after I tries to release his hand. But, he pulled me into his arms.

Are thousands of butterflies flying in my stomach? whether I feel happy? why do I feel happy? because you hold me? I clenched my fists to hold that radiates pleasure, my body stiff and tense. why his arms are so warm and soothing, feels very sincere. Why I was silent?. is this? is it? I would die of pleasure and confusion. then, if I'm going to give up on this guy? it is not possible.

"Your breath is very broken, what's wrong?" Jiyong whispers those words. He has absolutely no sense of guilt. I returned to my consciousness after Jiyong gave a little distance between us. I was confused and took a deep breath possible.

"Ah, annyeonghaseo. My name is Kwon Ji Yong. I'm a CEO. the largest shareholder in the airline, nice to meet you all "Jiyong gave bows to everyone who looked at him. Noise of all the women that surround me and Jiyong makes me wince. what will he say next?

"I came here to pick up my girlfriend, so she's the person beside me today is my lover. Neither was it alone! "Hell, I hit his legs. He grimaced and then widened his eyes at me. what he said would create hundreds of women on this campus will be after me like I am a wild pig. Again and again they all make noise .oh ! and maybe I'll on this campus weekly magazine. I looked at Jiyong with my mouth open as if to say YOU JIYONG.before all people see who I am I covered my face with my bag section.

"I'll see you all!" Jiyong waved at them all and pulled me towards his car.

"Dara, fighting!" Sound of distant very enthusiastic.pabbo Bommie! why is she screaming my name??

I am in his Ferrari car again.

"Jiyong-ah can you get back to sanity, I beg you!" He chuckled, what he thought that was funny?

"Come on, not whether I was really cool. Geez look at your face was red like that! "You kill me mr.kwon. I remained silent.

"This thing I call 'show', Dara" he spoke softly. I turned to him.

"I think it's not necessary, we will run a month."

"What are you worried about what will people think?" Serious back his words. engine moving car.

"No, I just think to agree with them. They're not going to heaven and earth unite. And it is true, is not it? "

"what Do you mean?" Jiyong asked slowly.

"You definitely know what I mean" Jiyong just looked at me slowly. words it has been planted since the first time I know you Jiyong. I do not even think to have or anything. The heavens and the earth is obviously much different than you and me. Earth will never reach the sky and the sky will not reach the earth.
Long silence between us.

"Mr.kwon Where are we going?"

"I have to eat lunch, so we had to go to your house!" Jiyong gave her a smile.

"What? Why should in my house? My mother would ... "I yelled at him, Jiyong quickly closed my mouth.

"I already contacted your parents" why? Why is he doing this all . I’m biting his hand.

"Ouchhh ... why did you bite my hand" Jiyong yelled at and almost lost his balance and see former my bite.

" calm please ! you will not exposed to rabies" I restore of view on car windows. I remembered something that  Jiyong had said to me.

"You! really serious about "shows”? "I glared at him. He turned to me and nodded with pride.

"Stop lookingat me like that, you're going to make a hole in my forehead" I closed my eyes and leaned back. He was CEO craziest, weirdest, ever exist on earth . I cant do anything at all that he did.

"Omma ... I'm home" I stepped into my room. Jiyong stayed out in my house. Mother approached me hitting my back.

"YA! why don’t you let he come in," my mother is very exaggerated, my mother walked quickly followed Jiyong who waited in the out.

"He was a guest for you mother, not for me." I yelled at the mother.

I walked into the dining room. Jiyong acting very rude to my mother . my mother continuous backs Jiyong.
"Wahh ... you have a very nice body. Do you did special exercises? "OMG mom threw indecent questions at Jiyong .

"I did not do any exercise Ma'am, I'm just a little exercise often" Jiyong kept smiling sweetly to me .ah, really .

"Oh, really? Well then, let's have lunch." uh, why my mother think jiyong was same as a king.? I watched them in the corner of the room. They will be a mother-son pair matching.

"YES! Quick lunch together, Jiyong had a very busy meeting schedule .isn’t right jiyong?" my mother’s scream hurted my ears.jiyong smiled sweetly at my mother .to be honest Mom, who is your daughter!

I noticed she treats jiyong. not whether food is too much for three people .aigoo,my  mother is someone who is very frugal.but, can be very generous if there are people like Jiyong came to our home.

"Eat it, I’m cooked special for you" Jiyong gladly accept it into his mouth and feed.

"Omma, for me ? 'I s my bowl to my mother.

"You've got take this use your own hands" I lowered my bowl. why should I sit here eating with them.This .

"Excuse me, what is this??" Jiyong asked her in between meals.

"It was a shrimp ...." Before the mother could finish speaking, Jiyong drink as much water as he can.he looks very panic.

"This .. shrimp??" Jiyong asked my mom to get back at his frightened face. My mother nodded with wonder. OMG he has allergies! How this??? I’ve almost forgot about that.

"what happen jiyong, is this not delicious?" She looks very panic. I had to bring Jiyong to the doctor before allergy popping up in his body.

"Omma, ommaa ... Jiyong had a sudden meeting, we had to go" Jiyong stood up from the chair and give bow to my  mother.

"Thanks for the food." Jiyong looks very uncomfortable with his outfit.i’m never thought this would happen.

"Ommaa, annyeong!" I pulled jiyong toward his car.

Jiyong driving car was very chaotic. He scratched his body here and there. I'm very worried sweat profusely. what should I do??

"You need to calm down!" I told him. Jiyong suddenly stop the car. he started to his shirt. In an instant he was topless in front of me.

"YA! YA! what you trying to do? "I glared at him, I saw his body full of red spots.

"Very hot and itchy! Dara, please scratch right here! Ahh.ini very itchy! "Jiyong very grimace.

"Really, arraseo arraseo!" I tried to scratch his back, because Jiyong continues moaned because of itching but he gave me another effect. What the hell I must felt like this !

"Louder! Ahh .. why itch!" Jiyong reversing his body he stopped scrathing.I must still had on my awareness . his sweat dripping . so hot, I just realized that I was sitting straddling jiyong. I his face.

"You have to call my doctor, tell me where we now. You made me hotter with you sitting like this. .ahhh jinjaa its very itching!" he is Back scratching his body . I hit his back. I returned to my seat.

“okay, I will call your doctor.sorry its panic attacked” why I’m nervous.uh.

Jiyong's POV

"Hello ..." I raised the phone from detective choi.

"Mr.kwon I've got some information about Miss Jiyeon"

"Jiyeon is a student who attends the same high school with Sandara.she never pass up an assassination attempt to Dara for three times. In the assassination attempt on the third time To Sandara, Jiyeon finally issued from the school. "Detective Choi explained.

"What? attempted murder? on Dara? "

"Yes, mr.kwon ..."

"Well , send me the more data  to me."

"Okay , mr.kwon" I pressed the end button.

 What the this game? if Dara was in school at the same place with Jiyeon, why dara did not recognize Jiyeon? , while Jiyeon recognizing dara??



Finnaly, Hello Guys! I'm free from the hiatus .

anyone who miss me ??

enjoy My story guys^^

keep give the comment after y'll read :D Hengshow !!

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farahfitri #1
Chapter 13: Jiyonggg what are you doing laa, becareful u can get hated from dara :b
krungyxxi #2
Chapter 13: So Jiyong is just pretending to be still on Jiyeon's game?
Chapter 13: thanks for coming back authornim :D
tokki9 #4
Chapter 13: Dara will hate Jiyong once she knew his plans.
Chapter 13: Finally u cme back authornim ;A; I really miss this story. Thanks for the updte and updte soon. Fighting ^^b
farahfitri #6
Chapter 12: I'm going crazyㅠㅠ thorrr update please. This story is really good
Chapter 12: Update more and soon authornim ^^
Chapter 12: More please :)
daramaegon #9
Chapter 12: he really likes dara~~~,,why did he agree whatever jiyeon ordeed him for revenge?it will backfires to him for sure,,they will both hurt in the process..pls update soon:)
Chapter 11: Jaejoong is in the House!!!