May I have this Dance?

The Puppet with a Heart.


Masks of every shape and colour moved like a sea in the Grand Ballroom. Apparently, JiYong’s mother had decided to make this Birthday ball a Masquerade ball. The Prince has yet to make his entrance but the King and Queen were already there, conversing and trying to greet every single guest that has grace this event.

SeungHyun was already in the crowd, dashing in his soldier uniform. The soldiers were, too, required to wear an eye mask but it was nothing too flashy. SeungHyun scanned the crowd, locating the King and the Queen. He had tried to study every single wealthy person that is attending before the ball to no avail. He found some face familiar but they just might well be strangers.

Pushing through the shifting mass of petticoats, he started towards the snacks and champagne glasses at the side of the ballroom. He picked up a chilled glass from the excessively decorated table and sipped silently at the champagne in a corner of the room as he waited patiently for JiYong to appear.

“All rise for the arrival of his Royal Highness Kwon JiYong, Prince of Kingdom Crayon!”

The announcer’s voice boomed across the room after the trumpet sounded. The few guests that were sitting at the corner of the room on the chairs provided stood immediately. Like a wave, every head in the room turn towards the door located above the royal stairs, waiting with bated breath for Prince JiYong’s arrival.

 The heavy double doors creaked open and out step a stunning prince dressed entirely in white, a white eye mask attached to his face. JiYong’s mask was lined with gold and made dazzling with diamonds.

Everyone single soul in the room was too caught up with JiYong’s beauty to say anything, let alone do something. The spell broke when Prince JiYong flashed a smile, his teeth the exact same pearly white as his outfit. Feeling as if a haze was clearing in their head, the guests started to clap, building from a single disoriented soul to a thundering applause. A few random cheers and hoots were emitted from more enthusiastic guests but a large part of it came from SeungHyun.

Was JiYong always this beautiful? SeungHyun heart stuttered in his chest, confusing him. He was not supposed to feel that way, so why is heart being so weird? He watched as JiYong made his way down the stairs, eyes unable to leave the exotic creature.

Soon enough, the orchestra started to play, an upbeat song that was matched with dozens of belated guest. SeungHyun’s eyes trailed JiYong as he danced with random rich man’s daughters, slightly irritated by it. He was waiting for a perfect time, a perfect song to ask JiYong to escape with him.

The song halted once more and this time the piano started with a slow tinkling melody, bringing the atmosphere in the room down by a notch. Craziness in a graceful way was replaced by romance. SeungHyun took in a breath and step towards JiYong, tapping his shoulder lightly.

“May I have this dance?” SeungHyun said as he bowed slightly, a hand extended in invitation, the other at the small of his back. JiYong’s eyebrow arched in surprise, but the pink blush that ash over was unmistakable.

“Why, of course.” JiYong replied as he slipped his hand into SeungHyuns’. JiYong could not help but think that it fitted perfectly. SeungHyun beamed as he pulled JiYong unbelievably close, overly happy that JiYong accepted. Even though JiYong could dance perfectly well, SeungHyun strong hands guided him, taking a single slow step at a time. As the tempo picked up, they waltzed faster as they travelled through the room, synchronised with each other and every other couple dancing.

“How did you get in here? Last I heard you’re not a soldier.”

“I have my ways. Besides, do you think I’ll miss the great Prince birthday?

“You’re being too kind.”

“Anything for you. Have I told you that you look absolutely gorgeous today?” JiYong blush looked even more prominent in contrast with his white mask.


“Well you look gorgeous.” JiYong almost tripped on his own feet.

“And you look dashing.” JiYong managed to splutter out. The song slowed once more, almost at the ending but not there yet.

“I was wondering; would you like to escape with me?” Seunghyun asked smoothly, catching JiYong by surprise for the second time that night. Pursing his lips, JiYong looked SeungHyun in the eye, his eyes sparkling. SeungHyun’s breath caught in his throat, suddenly extremely nervous. The song stopped, and a huge applause rippled through the crowd, apparently impressed by the dancing talent of the couples that danced.

JiYong’s lips were moving but SeungHyun could not hear a thing because of the applause. JiYong was about to repeat his sentence when a strong hand pulled him away, dragging him out of SeungHyun grasp.


I know. I'm sorry! It's just. Yeah....  We need a little drama in our life don't we? JiYong and SeungHyun too... Oh well... Don't you think SeungHyun was charming when he asked JiYong to dance? I felt that way heh heh *squeals* ANYways I'll try to get the next chapter up in the next 3 days:D Comment my silent readers! Love y'all ^.^

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shipbaekyeol #1
sweet , maybe ?!! hehe , love gtop ! update plijjjjj !
Hekkiq #2
Chapter 6: The queen was not a terrible as she could have been, it was passive aggressive, but it sounded like she might be open to the idea of Ji finding someone else.
Chapter 5: Yes! Seunghyun is falling for ji! >__<
guriasob #4
Chapter 5: TT_TT and like that it was over TT_TT
nightempress #5
Chapter 4: Awwww.. bubble gum! It makes me so happy inside!!
I really want to know what happens in Jiyong's birthday!!
I hope Seunghyun will be extra sweet~~~
Chapter 3: Soo cute! I've been waiting for this story's update! I hope seunghyun would fall in love with ji soon. ^^
Chapter 3: It's so cute and fluffy ahhhh I wish seunghyun wasn't bad
Chapter 2: Seunghyun is enemy's doll?! to trap jiyong? Omo...O_O
Chapter 2: I like shy jiyong , its cute
Chapter 1: Nice. I can't wait to see where you're going to take this. 8D